每日英語跟讀 Ep.K616: 歐洲氣候變遷的事實和數據
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This article delves into essential facts and figures that shed light on various aspects of this challenge, encompassing its causes, consequences, and evolution. 氣候變遷是全球關注的議題,其對歐洲的影響非常重大。本文深入探討了這一挑戰的各個方面,包括其原因、後果和演變,並呈現了相關的重要事實和數據。 While carbon dioxide (CO2) remains the most well-known greenhouse gas, it constitutes approximately 80% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU as of 2021. However, other greenhouse gases, though present in smaller quantities, can have a more substantial warming effect. For example, methane accounted for 12% of the EU's greenhouse gas impact in the same year. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally, but human activities contribute to their accumulation. Additionally, man-made gases like fluorinated gases, commonly used in industries, possess a global warming potential several thousand times stronger than CO2. 儘管二氧化碳(CO2)仍然是最為人熟知的溫室氣體,在2021年歐盟的溫室氣體排放中,它占了約80%。然而,其他溫室氣體雖然數量較少,卻可能具有更大的升溫效應。例如,甲烷在同一年中佔了歐盟溫室氣體影響的12%。有些溫室氣體是大自然自然生成的,但人類活動也導致了它們的累積。此外,工業中常用的氟化氣體等人造氣體的全球暖化潛勢往往是CO2的數千倍強。 Among the largest greenhouse gas emitters worldwide in 2019, the EU ranked fourth, following China, the United States, and India. However, the EU's share of global greenhouse gas emissions decreased from 15.2% in 1990 to 7.3% in 2019. Within the EU, the top five emitters in 2019 were Germany, France, Italy, Poland, and Spain. The energy sector accounted for 77.01% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU in 2019, followed by agriculture (10.55%), industry (9.10%), and the waste sector (3.32%). 在2019年全球最大的溫室氣體排放國中,歐盟排名第四,僅次於中國、美國和印度。然而,已從1990年的佔比15.2%,進步到2019年僅佔全球溫室氣體排放的7.3%。在歐盟內,2019年排放量最高的五個國家是德國、法國、意大利、波蘭和西班牙。2019年,能源類別佔了歐盟溫室氣體排放的77.01%,其次是農業(10.55%)、工業(9.10%)和廢物處理部門(3.32%)。 Since setting a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, the EU has made significant progress. By 2015, emissions had already decreased by 22% compared to 1990 levels. Subsequently, in 2014, the EU established a new objective to reduce emissions by at least 40% by 2030, using 1990 as the baseline. According to the European Environmental Agency's projections based on EU measures in 2017, the anticipated reduction may fall short, reaching around 30% by 2030. As a result of climate change, Europe is experiencing various impacts, varying from region to region. These effects include biodiversity loss, forest fires, declining crop yields, and rising temperatures. Additionally, climate change is impacting people's health, leading to fatalities during heatwaves. 自從設定了到2020年將溫室氣體排放減少20%的目標,歐盟已取得了顯著進展。到2015年,排放量已經比1990年的水平減少了22%。隨後,在2014年,歐盟制定了新的目標,以1990年為基準,到2030年將溫室氣體排放量至少降低40%。根據歐洲環境署在2017年歐盟措施的預測,預計到2030年,減排量可能會難以達標,約為30%左右。由於氣候變遷,歐洲正面臨著不同區域的各種影響。這些影響包括生物多樣性損失、森林火災、農作物產量下降和氣溫上升。此外,氣候變遷也影響著人們的健康,導致熱浪期間的死亡人數增加。 Transportation is the only sector that continues to witness higher emissions compared to 1990 levels. It contributes nearly 30% of the EU's total CO2 emissions, with road transport being responsible for 72% of that figure. Cars and vans alone account for about 15% of the EU's CO2 emissions. However, alternative modes of transportation, such as buses, currently offer a cleaner option, especially when considering that cars can be shared among multiple individuals, making them a more environmentally friendly choice. 交通運輸是唯一一個排放量仍高於1990年水平的部門。它貢獻了歐盟總CO2排放量的近30%,其中72%來自道路交通。單單客車和貨車就占了歐盟CO2排放量的約15%。然而,現在其他交通方式,像是公共汽車,是一種更乾淨的選擇,或者特別考慮到汽車的共享使用,也能使其成為更環保的選擇。 Aviation and shipping, while comprising less than 3.5% of the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions, have been the fastest-growing sources. Emissions from planes are projected to increase up to 10 times higher in 2050 compared to 1990 levels, while emissions from ships could rise by up to 50%. 雖然國際航空和航運的溫室氣體排放量在歐盟總排放中僅佔不到3.5%,但它們是增長最快的源頭。預計到2050年,飛機排放量可能比1990年增加多達10倍,而船舶排放量則可能增加多達50%。 The EU plays a vital role in UN climate change negotiations and has signed the Paris Agreement, with all EU countries as signatories. They coordinate their positions and set common emission reduction goals at the EU level to collectively combat climate change. 歐盟在聯合國氣候變化談判中扮演著重要角色,並簽署了《巴黎協定》,所有歐盟國家都是簽署國。他們協調立場,在歐盟層面確定共同的減排目標,共同應對氣候變化。 Reference article: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20180703STO07123/climate-change-in-europe-facts-and-figures