每日英語跟讀 Ep.K627: 台灣「年輕的心,有我傾聽」計畫關注青少年心理健康

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Developed in collaboration with major public, educational, and professional associations, including the Taiwan Society of Psychiatry and the National Association of Clinical Psychologists, the program aims to proactively tackle the growing concerns surrounding mental health among young people in the country. At the forefront of this crucial endeavor stands the spokesperson, renowned psychiatrist Dr. Deng Huiwen, whose expertise and advocacy amplify the program's mission. 台灣衛生福利部推出「年輕的心,有我傾聽」計畫,又稱為「年輕族群心理健康支持方案」,這個重要的計畫期望能積極應對青少年心理健康的緊迫問題。該計畫是與台灣精神醫學會、全國臨床心理師公會等多個主要公共、教育和專業協會共同合作推動的,目標積極應對國內青少年心理健康方面不斷增加的擔憂。計畫的代言人是知名精神科醫師鄧惠文,其專業知識和倡議進一步強化了該計畫的使命。 A mounting concern is the increasing prevalence of depression among young individuals, accompanied by the disconcerting trend of low rates of seeking medical help. Shockingly, more than 50% of young individuals experiencing depression choose not to seek assistance. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has brought attention to the barriers that deter young people from seeking help, such as financial constraints and lack of awareness regarding available support. According to National Health Insurance data spanning from 2016 to 2021, there has been a striking 47% rise in young people diagnosed with mental health conditions. Notably, a staggering 70% of calls made to the support helpline were related to depression tendencies, family issues, and interpersonal conflicts. 一個日益嚴重的問題是,青少年憂鬱症的發病率持續上升,同時就醫率卻不容樂觀。而令人震驚的,超過50%的青少年患有憂鬱症卻選擇不求助。一項發表在《美國醫學會期刊》的研究引起了人們對阻礙青少年求助的障礙的關注,例如經濟壓力和缺乏對可用支持的了解。根據從2016年至2021年的全民健康保險數據顯示,青少年診斷出心理健康問題的人數驚人增加了47%。值得注意的是,有70%的安心專線來電與憂鬱傾向、家庭問題和人際衝突有關。 In recent years, research has shown a disconcerting 20% increase in depression rates among young individuals over the past decade. The importance of early diagnosis and timely treatment cannot be overstated, as it plays a critical role in preventing the development of severe mental illnesses. Yet, alarmingly, nearly 40% of young individuals with symptoms of depression do not seek professional help. This highlights the pressing need to address the critical concerns of "early-onset depression" and "low treatment-seeking rates" among the youth population in Taiwan. 近年來的研究顯示,青少年憂鬱症發病率在過去十年中令人擔憂地增加了20%。早期診斷和及時治療的重要性不言而喻,這對於預防嚴重的精神疾病發展至關重要。然而,令人警覺的是,近40%的患有憂鬱症症狀的青少年不尋求專業幫助。這突顯了解決「早發性憂鬱症」和「低就醫率」等重要問題對台灣年輕族群心理健康的迫切需求。 To mitigate these challenges, the "Listening to Young Hearts" initiative commences on August 1, offering young individuals aged 15 to 30 three free counseling sessions to encourage proactive help-seeking behavior. One of the key objectives of the program is to raise awareness about available counseling services and improve accessibility to mental health resources. Additionally, the initiative aims to enhance the referral process for high-risk cases, ensuring those in dire need of support are efficiently connected to appropriate services. 為了應對這些挑戰,「年輕的心,有我傾聽」計畫將於8月1日開始,為15至30歲的年輕人提供三次免費心理諮商,鼓勵他們主動尋求幫助。該計畫的一個主要目標是提高大眾對心理諮商服務的認知,並改善心理健康資源的可及性。此外,計畫還期望加強高風險案例的轉介程序,確保急需幫助的人能夠迅速連接到適當的服務。 The Ministry of Health and Welfare envisions the "Listening to Young Hearts" initiative as a beacon of hope, empowering young people to seek help and promoting a comprehensive mental health support network. Collaboration with the Ministry of Education is part of the holistic approach to establish a "Campus Suicide Case Care and Referral Process." Furthermore, the introduction of the "Australian Mental Health First Aid Kit" aims to create a supportive environment that fosters better mental health understanding and empathy. 衛生福利部希望「年輕的心,有我傾聽」計畫成為一線希望,鼓勵年輕人尋求幫助,並促進全面的心理健康支持網絡的建立。與教育部的合作是推動全面健康支持的一部分,並建立「校園自殺個案關懷轉介流程」。此外,引進「澳洲心理急救包」旨在創建一個支持性的環境,培養更好的心理健康理解和同理心。 By taking these decisive steps, Taiwan strives to cultivate an environment that encourages young individuals to prioritize their mental well-being and embrace the available resources. The "Listening to Young Hearts" initiative serves as a stepping stone towards building a society that acknowledges the significance of mental health and provides unwavering support to its younger generation. 透過這些果斷的步驟,台灣致力於創造一個鼓勵年輕人優先考慮心理健康並善用資源的環境。「年輕的心,有我傾聽」計畫成為建設一個重視心理健康重要性並為年輕一代提供堅定支持的社會的基石。 Reference article: 1. https://www.mohw.gov.tw/cp-16-75401-1.html 2. https://www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/88545

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