國際時事跟讀 Ep.K663: 何塞主廚揭開6道西班牙料理的秘密 José Andrés Unveils 6 Spanish Culinary Secrets

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Chef José Andrés takes us on a culinary voyage through Spain in his captivating series, "José Andrés and Family in Spain." As he introduces his daughters to various Spanish regions and their unique culinary traditions, he reveals the true essence of Spanish cuisine. This delightful series tantalizes your taste buds and inspires exploration of Spain's diverse culinary landscapes. 何塞·安德烈主廚在他引人入勝的系列節目《何塞·安德烈和西班牙之家》中帶領我們穿越西班牙的烹飪之旅。當他向他的女兒介紹不同的西班牙地區和他們獨特的烹飪傳統時,他透露了西班牙料理的真正精髓。這個令人愉悅的系列節目讓您的味蕾得到滋潤,並激發了對西班牙多樣化美食風光的探索。 The Real Paella: Chef Andrés dispels misconceptions about paella. True Valencian paella excludes seafood, chorizo, or peas. It features ten core ingredients: olive oil, rabbit, chicken, green beans, white beans, tomato, rice, salt, saffron, and water. This revelation invites you to savor authentic paella. 真正的西班牙燉飯:安德烈主廚打破了關於燉飯的誤解。真正的瓦倫西亞西班牙燉飯不包括海鮮、西班牙香腸或青豆。它包括十個核心成分:橄欖油、兔肉、雞肉、綠豆、白豆、番茄、米、鹽、番紅花和水。這個秘訣讓你品嚐正宗的燉飯。 Tapas, A Way of Life: Tapas are more than small plates; they represent a way of enjoying food, family, and friends. The term "tapas" derives from "tapar," meaning "to cover." People placed bread or small sandwiches on drinks to protect them from dust and insects. Today, tapas culture invites diners to savor a variety of flavors, as Chef Andrés demonstrates by ordering an array of tapas. 西班牙小菜,一種生活方式:西班牙小菜不僅是一小碟的菜;它們代表一種享受食物、家庭和朋友的方式。詞語“tapas”源自“遮蓋”的西班牙詞“tapar”。人們曾將麵包或小三明治放在飲料上,以防止灰塵和昆蟲。如今,西班牙小菜文化邀請食客們品味各種風味,正如安德烈主廚演示,他點了一整排的小吃。 Catalonia's Mar y Montaña: Catalonia, known for Barcelona, offers its twist on surf and turf, "mar y montaña." This traditional dish combines chicken and Mediterranean lobster with onions, garlic, tomatoes, and an unexpected spice. Chef Andrés, a Catalonia native, shares the story behind this culinary gem, encouraging viewers to try it. 加泰隆尼亞的海鮮飯:以巴塞隆納聞名的加泰隆尼亞為“海鮮飯”提供了獨特的風味。這道傳統菜餚將雞肉和地中海龍蝦與洋蔥、大蒜、番茄和出奇不意的香料結合在一起。加泰隆尼亞出生的安德烈主廚分享了這個美食背後的故事,鼓勵觀眾嘗試一下。 Moorish Influences: The Moors' 500-year presence in Andalusia left a lasting impact on the region's cuisine. They introduced artichokes, known as "alcachofas" in Spanish. Arabic influence is evident in many Spanish dishes and ingredients. Chef Andrés highlights "alcachofas confitadas con jamón ibérico," artichokes with ham and egg yolk. 摩爾人的影響:摩爾人在安達魯西亞地區停留了500年,對該地區的烹飪產生了深遠的影響。他們引入了被稱為“alcachofas”的洋薊。阿拉伯文化的影響在許多西班牙菜餚和食材中都很明顯。安德烈主廚介紹了“伊比利火腿燉菜”,這是一道包括洋薊、火腿和蛋黃的菜餚。 Madrid's Royal Pastries: Madrid, Spain's capital, has a unique culinary heritage as the home of the Spanish royal family. Chef Andrés introduces "council cookies," lemon cookies with royal origins. These treats were created to occupy a young King Alfonso XIII during lengthy meetings, showcasing Madrid's rich history and diverse cuisine. 馬德里的皇家糕點:西班牙首都馬德里作為西班牙皇室的家園,擁有獨特的烹飪遺產。安德烈主廚向觀眾介紹了“評議會餅乾”,這是一種發源自皇室的檸檬餅乾。這些點心是為了在長時間的會議期間讓年幼的阿方索十三世王子不會無聊而作的,展示了馬德里豐富的歷史和多樣化的美食。 Asturian Cider Tradition: Born in Asturias, Chef Andrés sheds light on the region's love for hard apple cider, which holds a special place in Asturian culture. Despite Spain's wine reputation, Asturias produces an impressive 10 million gallons of cider annually. The method of pouring cider from a height gives it a distinctive foam head, creating a unique drinking experience. 阿斯圖里亞斯的蘋果酒傳統:出生在阿斯圖里亞斯的安德烈主廚為我們展示了該地區對硬蘋果酒的熱愛。儘管西班牙以葡萄酒聞名,但阿斯圖里亞斯每年生產的硬蘋果酒高達1000萬加侖。將蘋果酒從高處倒入玻璃杯,這種方法使它具有與眾不同的泡沫層,創造了獨特的飲用體驗。 Chef José Andrés invites us to explore Spanish cuisine's nuances, tantalizing our senses, and encouraging us to appreciate the rich diversity of flavors and traditions that compose this vibrant culinary landscape. Whether craving authentic paella, savoring tapas with friends, or indulging in mar y montaña, Spanish cuisine offers a treasure trove of culinary delights waiting to be discovered. 何塞·安德烈主廚邀請我們探索西班牙料理的細微差別,挑逗我們的感受,並鼓勵我們欣賞構成這個充滿活力美食風光的豐富多樣風味和傳統。無論您是否渴望享受正宗的西班牙燉飯,與朋友一起品味西班牙小菜,還是沉浸在海鮮飯中,西班牙料理都提供了一個等待被發現的美食寶庫。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字迴圈:Culinary (Cul-i-nar-y): Chef José Andrés takes us on a culinary voyage through Spain.Tantalizes (Tan-ta-lizes): This delightful series tantalizes your taste buds and inspires exploration of Spain's diverse culinary landscapes.Authentic (Au-then-tic): This revelation invites you to savor authentic paella.Mediterranean (Med-i-ter-ra-ne-an): This traditional dish combines chicken and Mediterranean lobster with onions.Nuances (Nu-ances): Chef José Andrés invites us to explore Spanish cuisine's nuances, tantalizing our senses. Reference article: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/23/travel/jose-andres-spanish-food-paella-wellness-cec/index.html

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