國際時事跟讀 Ep.K711: 保護年長家人,應對詐騙對話 Safeguarding Older Family Members
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Scams targeting older adults are on the rise, with devastating consequences. As exemplified by Daniel Goldstein's mother, who fell victim to an email scam, it is crucial to address this issue. In 2022, scams led to a staggering $8.8 billion in losses, with older adults being the primary targets, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Navigating conversations about scams with older family members can be challenging, but it is essential to protect them. Experts recommend a multigenerational approach, emphasizing empathy, awareness of common scams, continuous conversations, and a supportive plan in case of encountering scammers. 針對年長者的詐騙案件日益增加,並造成了破壞性的後果。丹尼爾·戈德斯坦(Daniel Goldstein)的母親就是電子郵件詐騙的受害者,因此解決這個問題至關重要。據聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)表示,在2022年,詐騙案件導致高達88億美元的損失,並以家中長輩做為主要目標。與家中老年人談論詐騙可能具有挑戰性,但保護他們是至關重要的。專家建議以多代同堂的方式,強調同理、對常見詐騙的認識、持續對話,以及在遇到詐騙者時的支持計劃。 Understanding the prevalent scams that target older individuals is the first step in prevention. Scams like the "grandparent" scam, where impersonators request money over the phone, and romance scams, which exploit online connections, are particularly common. Recognizing these tactics enables families to be proactive in protecting their older members. Investment scams, tech support scams, and impersonation scams are also prevalent, and resources like the FTC's website provide additional information. 了解針對年長者的常見騙局是預防的第一步。像“祖父母”詐騙這樣的詐騙手法,詐騙者通過電話索取金錢,以及利用網路聯繫的浪漫騙局尤其普遍。認識這些手法使家庭能夠主動保護其年長家人。投資詐騙、技術支持詐騙和身份冒充詐騙也很普遍,聯邦貿易委員會的網站等資源提供了更多信息。 To raise awareness, families should engage in regular discussions about scams, making it a common topic in day-to-day conversations. Encouraging constant communication helps older family members stay vigilant. Genevieve Waterman from the National Council on Aging suggests incorporating younger family members into these discussions, emphasizing that scams can target individuals of any age. Highlighting the urgency that scammers create is crucial during these conversations, as it can make individuals more susceptible to falling for deceptive schemes. 為了提高警覺,家人應定期討論詐騙,使其成為日常對話的常見主題。鼓勵持續溝通有助於年長家人保持警惕。美國全國老齡化委員會的吉納維夫·沃特曼(Genevieve Waterman)建議讓年輕家庭成員參與這些討論,強調詐騙可能以任何年齡為目標。在這些對話中,強調詐騙者制造的緊急感至關重要,因為這會使人更容易上當受騙。 Approaching scam discussions with an informative rather than authoritative tone is vital. Instead of imposing ideas, present information and encourage open dialogue. By involving older family members in the conversation, recognizing their expertise in various life topics, and stressing the collective responsibility to stay vigilant, families can foster a more receptive environment. The National Council on Aging's website offers guides to help older adults avoid scams. 以提供資訊而不以權威的語氣來討論詐騙十分重要。與其把想法強加於人,不如提供信息並鼓勵公開對話。通過將年長家人納入對話,承認他們在各種生活話題上的專業知識,並強調保持警惕的共同責任,家庭可以培養一種更包容接納的環境。美國全國老齡化委員會的網站提供了幫助年長者避免詐騙的指南。 In the unfortunate event that a family member falls victim to a scam, empathy is paramount. Blaming the victim is counterproductive, and it is essential to view scams as crimes perpetrated by organized groups with considerable resources. This perspective encourages understanding and support for those who have experienced financial losses. 如果家庭成員不幸成為詐騙的受害者,同理十分重要。指責受害者只會適得其反,必須將詐騙視為由有大量資源的有組織團體實施的犯罪。這種觀點有助於理解和支持那些遭受經濟損失的人。 Additionally, families should devise a plan for potential scam encounters. Establishing communication protocols, like Goldstein had with his mother, ensures quick intervention. Recognizing that older adults may struggle with digital literacy, resources like the AARP's Fraud Watch Network Helpline can provide guidance and emotional support. 此外,家庭應為潛在的詐騙事件制定計劃。建立像戈德斯坦與其母親一樣的通訊協議,以確保能夠快速介入。認識到年長者可能在數位素養方面遇到困難,美國退休者協會的詐騙監察網路熱線這樣的資源可以提供指導和情感支持。 Lastly, knowing how to report a scam is crucial. The FTC's website offers a platform for reporting scams, allowing individuals and families to contribute to the collective effort in combating fraudulent activities. By combining awareness, communication, empathy, and proactive planning, families can effectively safeguard their older members from falling prey to scams. 最後,知道如何舉報詐騙也很重要。聯邦貿易委員會的網站提供了一個舉報詐騙的平台,讓個人和家庭能夠為打擊詐騙活動做出貢獻。透過結合警覺心、溝通、同理和積極規劃,家庭可以有效的保護其年長家人,防止他們成為騙局的犧牲品。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Devastating (de-vas-ta-ting): Scams targeting older adults are on the rise, with devastating consequences.Multigenerational (mul-ti-gen-er-a-tion-al): Experts recommend a multigenerational approach, emphasizing empathy, awareness of common scams, continuous conversations, and a supportive plan.Impersonators (im-per-son-a-tors): Scams like the "grandparent" scam, where impersonators request money over the phone, and romance scams, which exploit online connections, are particularly common.Susceptible (sus-cep-ti-ble): Highlighting the urgency that scammers create is crucial during these conversations, as it can make individuals more susceptible to falling for deceptive schemes.Authoritative (au-thor-i-ta-tive): Approaching scam discussions with an informative rather than authoritative tone is vital. Reference article: https://apnews.com/article/scams-banking-romance-grandparents-investment-b1db3fcc863f1352b9f559b86c7be376