國際時事跟讀 Ep.K719: 轉型策略:十億美元品牌如何適應不斷變化的市場 Transformation Strategies: How Billion-Dollar Brands Adapt to Evolving Markets
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In the ever-changing landscape of consumer preferences, iconic brands such as Coors and Jell-O are investing heavily in revamping their images to stay relevant and attract new audiences. Coors, a beloved beer brand with a rich history, is facing a new challenge as US consumers shift away from traditional beer consumption. Molson Coors, the multinational company behind Coors, has experienced a decline in volume, prompting the need for strategic changes. 在不斷變化的消費者偏好中,象徵性品牌如Coors和Jell-O等正在大舉投資以改頭換面,保持其相關性並吸引新受眾。Coors是一個歷史悠久深受喜愛的啤酒品牌,正面臨一個新挑戰,即美國消費者轉向非傳統的啤酒消費。作為Coors背後的跨國公司,Molson Coors的銷量出現下降,促使其需要進行戰略性調整。 Consumer behavior is evolving, with a growing preference for alternative beverages like hard seltzers and spirits, leading to a decline in beer sales. Molson Coors acknowledges these changing "lifestyle choices" and the overall softness in the beer industry. However, the company is strategically steering its product lineup towards burgeoning categories like whiskey and energy drinks to stay ahead in the market. 消費者行為正在演變,他們越來越偏好硬式汽水和烈酒等替代飲料,導致啤酒的銷售下降。Molson Coors公司承認這些關於“生活型態選擇”的變化以及啤酒行業的整體疲軟。然而,公司正在戰略性地將其產品陣容轉向威士忌和能量飲料這類不斷增長的類別,以保持市場領先地位。 In the broader context of a post-pandemic world, companies are eager to revitalize their brands to adapt to shifting consumer lifestyles and priorities. This wave of revitalization extends beyond the beverage industry, with companies like Bed, Bath & Beyond, JCPenney, Mattel, Zoom, and Pfizer undergoing expensive rebrands. Despite being a lengthy and costly process, successful rebrands can transform a declining business into a powerhouse or make an old brand resonate with a new generation. 在後疫情世界的廣泛前提下,企業急於振興其品牌,以適應不斷變化的消費者生活型態和優先次序。這股振興浪潮不僅僅局限於飲料行業,還包括Bed, Bath & Beyond、JCPenney、Mattel、Zoom和Pfizer等公司,都在進行昂貴的品牌重塑。儘管這是一個冗長且昂貴的過程,但一但成功的重塑品牌,就能將衰退中的銷售轉為強大的力量,或者使老品牌引起新一代的共鳴。 Rebranding, however, comes with risks. Companies must carefully balance the desire for change with preserving the essence of their brand. According to Rick Wise, CEO of Lippincott, a global creative consultancy, successful rebrands start with a strategic focus on areas where a brand is losing relevance. Visual changes, such as logos or campaigns, must align with real improvements in products or experiences to build, rather than erode, consumer trust. 然而,品牌重塑也伴隨著風險。企業必須仔細平衡對變革的渴望與保留品牌本質的需求。根據全球創意顧問公司Lippincott的執行長Rick Wise的說法,成功的品牌重塑始於戰略性地關注品牌失去相關性的領域。視覺上的變化,如標誌(Logo)或廣告活動,必須與產品或體驗的實際改進一致,以建立而不是消耗消費者的信任。 A case in point is Starbucks' controversial rebrand in 2011, where it dropped "Starbucks Coffee" from its logo. Despite initial criticism, the rebrand has been deemed a success, aligning with the company's international growth and expansion into new product categories. Similarly, Jell-O's recent redesign reflects a strategic effort to appeal to younger consumers with vibrant packaging and playful imagery. 一個例子是2011年星巴克爭議性的品牌重塑,其中將“星巴克咖啡”從其標誌中去掉。儘管最初受到批評,但其品牌重塑被認為是成功的,與公司的國際增長和擴展到新的產品類別相符。同樣,Jell-O最近的重新設計反映出一種戰略行動,以吸引年輕消費者,使用鮮豔的包裝和俏皮的圖像。 For Coors, tapping into new markets involves diversifying beyond beer, introducing whiskey and energy drink brands. The company also leverages its historical uniqueness, such as an anniversary campaign and partnerships, to stay connected with consumers. While rebrands are not guaranteed to win over consumers, strategic and thoughtful approaches can navigate companies through the challenges of changing consumer preferences and market dynamics, ensuring they remain resilient and adaptable for the next 150 years. 對於Coors來說,進入新市場不僅意味著在啤酒之外進行多元化,推出了威士忌和能量飲料品牌。該公司還利用其獨特的歷史性,例如週年慶活動和合作夥伴關係,以保持與消費者的聯繫。雖然品牌重塑不能保證贏得消費者的心,但戰略和深思熟慮的方法可以引導企業應對不斷變化的消費者偏好和市場動態的挑戰,確保它們在未來150年保持韌性和適應性。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Strategically (stra-te-gi-cal-ly): However, the company is strategically steering its product lineup towards burgeoning categories like whiskey and energy drinks to stay ahead in the market.Revitalization (re-vi-tal-i-za-tion): This wave of revitalization extends beyond the beverage industry, with companies undergoing expensive rebrands.Diversifying (di-ver-si-fy-ing): For Coors, tapping into new markets involves diversifying beyond beer, introducing whiskey and energy drink brands.Uniqueness (u-nique-ness): The company also leverages its historical uniqueness, such as an anniversary campaign and partnerships, to stay connected with consumers.Anniversary (an-ni-ver-sa-ry): The company also leverages its historical uniqueness, such as an anniversary campaign and partnerships, to stay connected with consumers. Reference article: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20231026-the-billion-dollar-brands-spending-big-to-go-from-stale-to-chic