國際時事跟讀 Ep.K751: 台灣對食品中的蘇丹紅實施永久禁令 Taiwan Implements Permanent Ban on Sudan Reds in Food Products

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In a significant announcement, Taiwan's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken a decisive step in combating the presence of Sudan red, a known carcinogenic dye banned in food products. The FDA's recent declaration underscores the gravity of the situation, with manufacturers and importers facing severe consequences if traces of Sudan red are detected in their food items. This includes the imposition of a permanent importer ban, signaling a zero-tolerance policy towards the substance. Notably, the FDA's strategy also involves the destruction of imports containing Sudan red, rather than opting to return them to manufacturers, as emphasized by FDA Director-General Wu Shou-mei during the announcement. 在一項重大宣告中,衛福部食藥署(FDA)採取了決定性的步驟來打擊蘇丹紅的存在,這是一種已知的食品禁用的致癌染料。食藥署最近的聲明凸顯了情況的嚴重性,製造商和進口商如果在其食品中檢測到蘇丹紅的痕跡,將面臨嚴重後果。這包括對進口商實施永久禁令,表明對該物質的零容忍政策。值得注意的是,在公告中,食藥署署長吳秀梅強調,食藥署的策略還涉及銷毀含有蘇丹紅的進口品,而不是選擇將其退回給製造商。 Since December of the previous year, the FDA has rigorously tested every shipment of chili powder from China. This meticulous approach has led to the removal of over 205 tonnes of products found to contain Sudan red. Plans are underway to destroy these tainted food products, pending authorization from a panel of experts. The introduction of these new guidelines serves a dual purpose: to prevent Chinese manufacturers from attempting to relabel contaminated products and to deter any further attempts to export them to Taiwan. 自去年12月以來,食藥署已經對每一批來自中國的辣椒粉進行了嚴格的測試。這種細致入微的方法已導致超過205噸含有蘇丹紅的產品被移除。正在制定計劃銷毀這些受污染的食品產品,等待專家小組的授權。這些新指導方針的推出具有雙重目的:防止中國製造商試圖重新標記受污染的產品,並阻止進一步試圖將其出口到台灣。 The FDA's proactive measures form part of a broader initiative aimed at safeguarding public health and upholding stringent food safety standards. Notably, the measures do not target exporters from countries with different food safety regulations but focus on penalizing entities that deliberately include harmful substances in their products. This careful delineation is essential for maintaining harmonious international trade relations while ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers within Taiwan. 食藥署的主動措施是更廣泛的保護公共健康和堅持嚴格的食品安全標準的倡議的一部分。值得注意的是,這些措施並不針對具有不同食品安全法規的國家的出口商,而是主要針對那些故意在其產品中包含有害物質的單位實施懲罰。這種細緻的界定對於維護和諧的國際貿易關係以及確保台灣消費者的安全和福祉至關重要。 Sudan red, classified as a Group II carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO), presents significant health risks, necessitating swift regulatory action. Recent incidents involving tainted food products highlight the pressing need for proactive measures to combat food adulteration effectively. The FDA's decisive action not only sets a precedent for the strict enforcement of food safety regulations but also underscores the government's unwavering commitment to protecting public health and consumer interests across Taiwan. 蘇丹紅被世界衛生組織(WHO)列為二級致癌物,存在著顯著的健康風險,需要迅速的監管行動。最近涉及受污染食品的事件凸顯了採取積極措施有效打擊食品掺偽的迫切需要。食藥署的果斷行動不僅為嚴格執行食品安全法規設立了榜樣,還凸顯了政府對保護台灣公眾健康和消費者利益的堅定承諾。 In conclusion, Taiwan's FDA has adopted a resolute stance against Sudan red contamination in food products, implementing a permanent ban on importers and manufacturers found with traces of this carcinogenic dye. These measures signify a proactive approach aimed at ensuring food safety and safeguarding consumer health. They serve as a testament to the government's dedication to maintaining robust regulatory oversight within the food industry, thereby reinforcing public trust and confidence in the safety of food products available in Taiwan. 總之,衛福部食藥署已經採取了堅定的立場,反對食品中的蘇丹紅污染,對被發現有這種致癌染料痕跡的進口商和製造商實施了永久禁令。這些措施表明了一種積極主動的方法,目標是確保食品安全並保護消費者健康。它們也證明了政府對在食品行業嚴格執行食品安全法規設立了榜樣,從而加強了公眾對台灣食品安全的信賴與信心。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Carcinogenic (Car-cin-o-gen-ic): Taiwan's FDA enforces a permanent ban on Sudan red in food products, emphasizing zero tolerance for this carcinogenic dye.Rigorously (Rig-or-ous-ly): Since December of the previous year, the FDA has rigorously tested every shipment of chili powder from China.Safeguard (Safe-guard): The FDA's actions stem from a broader initiative to safeguard public health and ensure stringent food safety standards.Adulteration (A-dul-ter-a-tion): Recent incidents involving tainted food products underscore the importance of proactive measures to combat food adulteration.Deliberately (De-li-ber-ate-ly): Notably, the measures do not target exporters from countries with different food safety regulations but focus on penalizing entities that deliberately include harmful substances in their products. Reference article: 1. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/5107782 2. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/5110071 3. https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2024/03/14/2003814906

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