國際時事跟讀 Ep.K843: 韓國製造:英國男團挑戰 K-pop Made in Korea: British Boy Band Takes on K-pop Challenge

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In recent years, K-pop has become a global phenomenon, captivating millions of fans worldwide and generating billions in revenue. With South Korean acts dominating music charts, it's no surprise that the British entertainment industry wants to join the party. Enter Dear Alice, a newly formed British boy band created for the BBC One talent show "Made in Korea: The K-pop Experience." This six-part series follows five young men - Blaise, Dexter, James, Olly, and Reese - as they embark on an intense 100-day K-pop training program in Seoul, South Korea. 近年來,K-pop 已成為一股全球現象,吸引了全世界數百萬粉絲,並創造了數十億美元的收益。隨著南韓藝人主宰音樂排行榜,英國娛樂產業也想分一杯羹,這並不令人意外。就此,「Dear Alice」應運而生,這個新組建的英國男團為 BBC 第一頻道的選秀節目「韓國製造:K-pop 體驗」(Made in Korea: The K-pop Experience)而創立。這部六集系列節目隨著五名年輕男性——布萊斯(Blaise)、德克斯特(Dexter)、詹姆斯(James)、奧利(Olly)和里斯(Reese)——在南韓首爾展開為期 100 天的密集 K-pop 訓練計劃。 The show, a collaboration between the BBC, SM Entertainment, and Moon&Back Media, aims to transform these aspiring performers into a polished K-pop act. Under the watchful eye of K-pop expert Hee Jun Yoon, the boys face grueling vocal and dance training sessions, along with harsh criticism. Hee Jun's no-nonsense approach makes for compelling television, with her brutal honesty reportedly making Simon Cowell look tame in comparison. The series also showcases Korean culture, offering viewers a glimpse into the world that has produced some of today's biggest music stars. 這個節目是英國廣播公司、SM 娛樂(SM Entertainment)和 Moon&Back Media 的合作成果,旨在將這些懷抱夢想的表演者打造成一個成熟的 K-pop 團體。在 K-pop 專家 Hee Jun Yoon 的嚴格監督下,這些男孩們面臨艱苦的歌唱和舞蹈訓練,同時還要承受嚴厲的批評。 Hee Jun Yoon 的直言不諱讓節目更具吸引力,據說她毫不留情的誠實態度使賽門考威爾(Simon Cowell)相形之下顯得溫和許多。這個系列節目還展示了韓國文化,讓觀眾得以一窺孕育出當今一些最大牌明星的世界。 One key aspect of the show is its focus on participant welfare, reflecting recent changes in UK broadcasting regulations. Following concerns about the wellbeing of reality TV contestants, new rules were introduced in 2020 to protect those taking part in such programs. The producers of "Made in Korea" emphasize that the band members' welfare remains their top priority, with a strong support team in place throughout the process. This commitment to care is not only crucial for the participants but also helps to build audience trust in the show. 節目的一個重要特色是對參與者福利的重視,這反映了英國廣播法規的近期變化。鑑於對真人秀節目參賽者福祉的擔憂,2020 年引入了新規定以保護參與此類節目的人。「韓國製造」的製作人強調,團隊成員的健全始終是他們的首要任務,在整個過程中都有一個強大的支援團隊。這種對關懷的投入不僅對參與者至關重要,還有助於建立觀眾對節目的信任。 As Dear Alice continues to work hard and improve their skills, the question remains: can they successfully blend British charm with K-pop precision to create something unique? The band members, who come from diverse backgrounds in musical theatre, dance, and social media, are optimistic about their future. They appreciate the opportunity to learn from the Korean training system and hope to create a "hybrid fusion" that will set them apart in the competitive music industry. While it's too early to tell if Dear Alice will achieve the same level of success as established K-pop groups like BTS or Blackpink, their journey offers an intriguing look at the cultural exchange between British and Korean pop music traditions. 隨著「Dear Alice」繼續努力工作並提升技能,一個問題依然存在:他們能否成功地將英國魅力與 K-pop 精準結合,創造出獨特的東西?樂團成員來自音樂劇、舞蹈和社交媒體等不同背景,他們對未來充滿樂觀。他們珍惜從韓國訓練體系學習的機會,希望創造出一種「混合交融」,在競爭激烈的音樂產業中脫穎而出。雖然現在還為時尚早,無法判斷「Dear Alice」是否能達到像防彈少年團或 Blackpink 這樣成功的 K-pop 團體的水準,但他們的旅程為英國和韓國流行音樂傳統之間的文化交流提供了一個引人入勝的視角。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Dominating (Dom-i-na-ting): With South Korean acts dominating music charts, it's no surprise that the British entertainment industry wants to join the party.Collaboration (Col-lab-o-ra-tion): The show, a collaboration between the BBC, SM Entertainment, and Moon&Back Media, aims to transform these aspiring performers into a polished K-pop act.Contestants (Con-tes-tants): Following concerns about the wellbeing of reality TV contestants, new rules were introduced in 2020 to protect those taking part in such programs.Commitment (Com-mit-ment): This commitment to care is not only crucial for the participants but also helps to build audience trust in the show.Optimistic (Op-ti-mis-tic): The band members, who come from diverse backgrounds in musical theatre, dance, and social media, are optimistic about their future. Reference article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx72dzqgne8o

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