15Mins Live Podcast - 跟讀挑戰 – 夏日荷包大作戰,重工龍頭推家用節能空調 The No.1 Summer energy and cost-saving air conditioning

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【寶島眼鏡舊鏡回收計畫】即日起至2025/3/31,帶舊鏡框來寶島眼鏡回收,配任一付FORECO系列即可享配1付送1付!配到好只要2480元起!下載APP升級鏡片還可現折$500,更多資訊>> https://fstry.pse.is/6yuxsd —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 跟讀練習文章: Up Young Cornerstone Corp: Exclusive Agent for Mitsubishi's Air Conditioning, Promoting Energy-Saving Chillers for Commercial and Residential Use In a bold move marking a significant partnership in the air conditioning industry, Taiwan's Up Young Cornerstone Corp (stock code 6728) has announced exclusive agency rights to residential and commercial products of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning, a top-tier Japanese manufacturer. This strategic partnership signals a step-change in the delivery of cutting-edge, energy-efficient cooling solutions, particularly amidst rising global energy costs and a heightened focus on carbon neutrality. 上洋產業獨家代理日本三菱重工空調 再推節能65%冰水機 從商辦到家用 領先業界服務標準 全方位迎接淨零商機 台灣空調及商用洗衣代理領導廠商上洋產業(以下簡稱「上洋」,股票代碼6728)宣布取得日本頂尖品牌三菱重工空調家用、商用產品獨家代理權,除一般家庭、商辦較常使用的氣冷式空調設備外,能為大型廠辦與集合式建築提供製冷需求的水冷離心式冰水機組也在代言人林志玲的介紹下首次以AR科技的方式亮相,宣示上洋產業與三菱重工空調在台灣電價持續上漲、全球吹起減碳淨零的號角時,將持續以最新的科技技術提供企業客戶與消費者生活,滿足企業商辦與家庭生活轉型的一切需求。 Mitsubishi's Rich Legacy and Superior Product Line Founded in 1884, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has etched its name in the annals of global industry, renowned for its advanced technology and superior manufacturing techniques. Its range of high-end refrigeration and air conditioning products, all adhering to stringent energy-saving and environmental standards, are employed in world-famous landmarks such as Tokyo's Skytree, Malaysia's Petronas Twin Towers, and Singapore's Marina Bay. As part of the agency agreement, Up Young will expand its product line to include Mitsubishi's PAC, RAC, and VRF air-cooled AC systems, the new generation GART series chillers, and integrated heat source control systems. 東京晴空塔、馬來西亞雙子星塔指定採用 日本市佔第一 上洋產業獨家代理強勢登台 日本三菱重工創立於1884年,以生產火箭、航空器等國防工業的專業技術聞名於世,事業體涵蓋能源、建設、航太、交通運輸等領域。身為全球重工業製研的龍頭企業,三菱重工也結合各領域產品所蘊含的尖端技術及製造工藝,打造符合客戶與一般消費者需求甚至引領市場趨勢不同類型的高端製冷、空調產品,更以嚴格的世界級規格作為節能環保的標準,知名地標如東京晴空塔、馬來西亞雙子星塔、新加坡濱海灣等皆採用三菱重工能夠同時實現製冷與蓄冰多工運作的高效離心式冰水機設備;而取得三菱重工空調台灣獨家代理的上洋產業,除一般家庭商辦較常見的PAC、RAC、VRF等氣冷式空調設備外,亦引進新一代GART系列高效節能水冷離心式冰水機組與熱源綜合控制系統,以更完整的產品線提供客戶與消費者多樣化的製冷解決方案。 Up Youngs Unique Business Approach: Quality and Customer Satisfaction Boasting decades of in-depth experience in the commercial and home appliance sectors, Up Young sets itself apart by managing its services in-house, a rarity in the Taiwanese air conditioning industry. The company prides itself on its commitment to customer satisfaction, which is reflected in its broad product offerings, well-established service network, and incorporation of AR technology to enrich customer experience. 台灣在地專業服務x日本重工業等級技術 領先業界標準為舒適生活提供創新、環保節能的解決方案 上洋於商用電器設備與家電產業中已深耕數十年,具有完整的且深厚的服務經驗與專業技術,也是台灣少數服務不委外的空調設備代理銷售商,對於代理產品也是經過嚴謹的使用性能評估後引進,除了大型高效離心式冰水機、一級能效家用商用的空調商品,今(2023)年第4季也將再擴充台灣消費者期待的除濕機產品;在銷售、保固、維修的服務網絡建置上也不斷推陳出新,除專業的服務人員外,也陸續加入如AR等新科技的互動體驗,力求提供所有客戶及消費者最佳的服務與生活體驗; Collaboration for the Future: Up Young’s Vision for Energy Efficiency and Consumer Comfort The partnership with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning equips Up Young with an impressive suite of products, empowering the company to continue to lead in service delivery. Through this partnership, Up Young is well-positioned to deliver on its mission: to ensure the comfort of consumers while offering energy-saving solutions that do not break the bank. As energy costs and environmental concerns continue to shape consumer choices, Up Young's innovative approach sets a new standard for the air conditioning industry. 三菱重工空調應用日本重工業等級技術的強悍產品力,讓上洋有信心在氣冷式空調設備維護設下3天內客服聯繫安排技師上門領先業界服務速度與品質的目標,除了讓消費者節能省電省荷包,在面對炎夏或寒冬也能夠安心的享受由三菱重工空調產品帶來舒適的生活空間,上洋將持續以在地的專業服務為所有客戶及消費者提供舒適生活的創新節能環保解決方案。

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