國際時事跟讀Ep.K851: 綠洲合唱團重聚巡演的全球野心與售票風波 Oasis Reunion Tour: Global Ambitions and Ticket Turmoil

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The music world is buzzing with excitement as the long-awaited Oasis reunion tour takes shape, promising to be a global phenomenon. Initially slated for the UK and Ireland in 2025, rumors now suggest the Gallagher brothers are eyeing an expansion into the United States, Mexico, and Argentina. This ambitious move could see the band performing at massive venues like the 70,000-seat SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, potentially pushing the tour's profits beyond the £500 million mark. 樂壇因期待已久的綠洲合唱團重聚巡演正在成形一片沸騰,有望成為全球性的音樂盛事。原本計劃於 2025 年在英國和愛爾蘭展開,如今傳聞蓋勒格兄弟正考慮將演出擴展至美國、墨西哥和阿根廷。這個雄心壯志可能會讓樂團在洛杉磯的 SoFi 體育場等大型場地演出,該場地可容納 7 萬名觀眾,有望將巡演收益推升至 5 億英鎊以上。 However, the euphoria surrounding the reunion has been tempered by the chaos that ensued during the initial ticket sales. Fans faced numerous challenges, including lengthy virtual queues and unexpected price hikes due to Ticketmaster's controversial "dynamic pricing" system. Many supporters were shocked to find standing tickets priced at £355, more than double the expected £148.50. This situation sparked widespread frustration and disappointment, prompting an investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority into whether Ticketmaster violated consumer protection laws. 然而,重聚的欣喜之情卻因首輪售票的混亂而蒙上陰影。歌迷們面臨諸多挑戰,包括冗長的虛擬排隊等候,以及因 Ticketmaster 備受爭議的「動態定價」系統而導致的意外漲價。許多支持者震驚地發現,站票價格高達 355 英鎊,是預期 148.50 英鎊的兩倍多。這種情況引發了廣泛的不滿和失望,促使競爭與市場管理局(Competition and Markets Authority)展開調查,以確定 Ticketmaster 是否違反了消費者保護法。 In response to the backlash, Oasis has taken steps to address the situation. The band announced two additional shows at Wembley Stadium for September, implementing a lottery system for ticket sales. This new approach aims to streamline the process and reduce stress for fans. Oasis also released a statement clarifying that they were unaware of Ticketmaster's intention to use dynamic pricing, emphasizing that all ticketing and pricing decisions were left to their management and promotion teams. 為了回應這些批評,綠洲合唱團採取了一系列措施。樂團宣布在九月於溫布利體育場增加兩場演出,並採用抽籤制售票。這種新方法旨在簡化過程,減輕歌迷的壓力。綠洲合唱團還發表聲明,表示他們不知道 Ticketmaster 打算使用動態定價,強調所有票務和定價決策都由他們的管理和推廣團隊負責。 The Oasis reunion tour is set to kick off in Cardiff in July 2025, with subsequent stops in Manchester, London, and Edinburgh before concluding in Dublin. With the addition of the extra Wembley dates, the tour now comprises 20 shows in total. As fans eagerly await the brothers' return to the stage, there's hope that the new ticket sale strategy will provide a more equitable opportunity for supporters to secure their spots at these highly anticipated concerts. 綠洲合唱團重聚巡演定於 2025 年 7 月在卡地夫揭開序幕,隨後將在曼徹斯特、倫敦和愛丁堡演出,最後在都柏林結束。加上額外的溫布利場次,巡演共計 20 場演出。歌迷們熱切期待兄弟倆重返舞台,希望新的售票策略能為支持者提供更公平的機會,搶到這些備受期待的演唱會門票。 Excitement for potential international dates has been further fueled by electronic billboards appearing in New York's Times Square. These teasers, featuring the Amazon Music logo and a picture of the Gallaghers, displayed the message: "If we need to put up a billboard to get these guys to come to the States, here it is." This has intensified speculation about a US leg of the tour, suggesting that the Oasis reunion might truly become a global phenomenon, thrilling fans around the world. 對於可能的國際巡演日期,紐約時代廣場出現的電子廣告看板更是火上加油。這些預告片上有亞馬遜音樂的標誌和蓋勒格兄弟的照片,並顯示訊息:「如果我們需要豎立一個廣告牌才能讓這些傢伙來美國,這就是那面廣告。」這進一步加劇了對綠洲合唱團可能進行美國巡演的猜測,暗示這次重聚可能真的會成為一個全球性現象,讓全世界的歌迷為之瘋狂。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Reunion (Re-un-ion): The music world is buzzing with excitement as the long-awaited Oasis reunion tour takes shape, promising to be a global phenomenon.Frustration (Frus-tra-tion): This situation sparked widespread frustration and disappointment, prompting an investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority into whether Ticketmaster violated consumer protection laws.Backlash (Back-lash): In response to the backlash, Oasis has taken steps to address the situation.Unaware (Un-a-ware): Oasis also released a statement clarifying that they were unaware of Ticketmaster's intention to use dynamic pricing, emphasizing that all ticketing and pricing decisions were left to their management and promotion teams.Equitable (Eq-ui-ta-ble): As fans eagerly await the brothers' return to the stage, there's hope that the new ticket sale strategy will provide a more equitable opportunity for supporters to secure their spots at these highly anticipated concerts. Reference article: 1. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/oasis-reunion-set-go-around-29890650 2. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/oasis-respond-backlash-over-reunion-074232011.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIbHqxkU0jvigzo3viZGoWE7gF8AEaK3mZO4W6Sjoo9bx5rebGeZwfSWP3FX5YVkBpV8XJXwSiwF5nT35G175etQOQXCS_Rmue_kTsoVEqQvSE30wk2DejOXMBpwnQEmX5G2gL7qSK-3bnSmFd5p0zoqMkcc5juDyMAja1bj-6uz&guccounter=2

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