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You’re likely to see a basketball jersey. 在菲律賓隨便去到哪個街角,哪個村落,哪個海灘,甚至哪個教堂,你應該都會看到籃球衣。 “It’s often described as a religion,” Carlo Roy Singson, managing director of NBA Philippines, said in an interview. 美國國家籃球協會(NBA)菲律賓分會總監辛松受訪時說:「大家常說,籃球就是菲律賓人的宗教。」 Indeed, basketball is ingrained in Filipino culture and has been for more than a century. The sport’s permeation of a country of about 105 million began in the late 1800s, when Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States in 1898 after the Spanish-American War. 的確,籃球在菲律賓文化扎根已超過一個世紀。 籃球於19世紀末傳入這個目前有一億零五百萬人口的國家,終至遍布每個角落。1898年西班牙在美西戰爭中戰敗,把菲律賓割讓給美國。 A large facet of the introduction of the fledgling game was Christian missionaries, who were part of the YMCA, or Young Men’s Christian Association. The game’s inventor, Dr. James Naismith, conceived of the sport at what was then known as the International YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. 籃球這個新興運動傳入菲律賓,很大一部分是靠基督教傳教士,這些傳教士是基督教國際社會服務團體「基督教青年會」(YMCA)的成員。籃球發明人奈史密斯博士就是在美國麻州春田市當時名為「國際YMCA訓練學校」的地方,想出籃球這種運動。 To take a round object and throw it into a peach hoop, as Naismith pictured it, could be a character-building endeavor. Soon after he invented it, missionaries began spreading it around the world, particularly in the Far East and the Philippines, in U.S.-controlled areas — a kind of sports imperialism. 奈史密斯設想,拿起一個球形物並將它丟進一個桃木筐,這種努力過程可以培養品格。在他發明籃球後不久,傳教士開始把這種運動傳布到世界各地,尤其是美國控制的遠東地區和菲律賓,算是一種運動殖民。 The NBA and its players, recognizing the sport’s popularity in the Philippines, have invested time there in recent years. In 2013, the Houston Rockets and the Indiana Pacers played a preseason game there. According to a spokesman for the league, the NBA’s Facebook page has 7.3 million followers from the Philippines, the largest of any country outside of the United States. NBA及其運動員認識到籃球在菲律賓大受歡迎,近年在菲律賓投入許多時間。2013年,休士頓火箭隊和印第安納溜馬隊在菲律賓打了場季前賽。根據NBA發言人的說法,NBA臉書專頁有730萬名粉絲來自菲律賓,菲律賓是美國之外最大的粉絲來源國。 This all began in the early 1900s, when basketball was introduced into schools in the Philippines. In 1913, the first Far Eastern Championship Games — an early version of what is now known as the Asian Games — took place in Manila, featuring several East Asian countries taking part in Olympics-style competitions, including basketball. 這一切全始於20世紀初,當時籃球傳入菲律賓各級學校。1913年,亞洲運動會前身、第一屆遠東運動會在馬尼拉舉行,幾個東亞國家參與奧運式的競賽,包括籃球。 It was the first of 10 biennial events, before disagreements between the countries disbanded the games. The Philippines won gold in nine of them. 遠東運動會兩年一次,總共辦過十次,後來因為各國意見不合而停辦。菲律賓在其中九次贏得籃球金牌。 The country’s population took to the sport en masse. In 1936, its national team made the Olympics and finished fifth. At the 1954 FIBA World Championship, the Philippines won a bronze medal, the best finish for an Asian country. 菲律賓舉國上下都愛上籃球。1936年,菲律賓國家隊打進奧運並拿下第五名。在1954年世界杯男籃錦標賽中,菲律賓贏得銅牌,寫下亞洲國家最佳成績。 Two decades later, in 1975, the Philippine Basketball Association, Asia’s first basketball league, was created. These games kept the sport at the forefront of Filipino culture and helped grow interest throughout the 20th century. 20年後,1975年,菲律賓職業籃球聯賽開打,是亞洲第一個職業籃球聯賽。這些比賽讓籃球處在菲律賓文化的重要位置,並在整個20世紀激發菲律賓人對籃球的興趣。Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/341713/web/#2L-15029994L Next Article Topic: About Philippines - Sinking feeling: Philippine cities facing ’slow-motion disaster’ When Mary Ann San Jose moved to Sitio Pariahan more than two decades ago, she could walk to the local chapel. Today, reaching it requires a swim. 當瑪莉.安.聖荷西20多年前搬到西堤歐帕里翰時,她還能走路到當地的禮拜堂,如今卻得游泳才能到達。 The main culprit is catastrophic subsidence caused by groundwater being pumped out from below, often via unregulated wells for homes, factories, and farms catering to a booming population and growing economy. 主因是抽取地下水造成的災難性地層下陷,通常是經由未受管制的家庭、工廠和農田水井抽取,目的是應付人口暴增及經濟成長所需。 The steady sinking of coastal towns in the northern Philippines has caused Manila Bay’s water to pour inland and displace thousands, posing a greater threat than rising sea levels due to climate change. 菲國北部沿海城鎮持續下陷,讓馬尼拉灣的海水湧向內陸,造成數千人無家可歸,威脅更甚於氣候變遷所引發的海平面上升。 The provinces of Pampanga and Bulacan have sunk between four and six centimeters annually since 2003, according to satellite monitoring. By comparison, the UN estimates average sea level rise globally is about three millimeters per year. 衛星觀測顯示,從2003年起,班巴加省和布拉坎省每年地層下陷達4到6公分。相較之下,聯合國估測,全球海平面平均每年上升約3公釐。 Next Article: Topic: Philippines’ Duterte pestered again as gecko stalls speech 菲律賓杜特蒂又被糾纏 因壁虎打斷演說 Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte just keeps getting bugged during his public speeches. 菲律賓總統羅德里戈.杜特蒂公開演講時,一直被打擾。 A noisy gecko was the latest wildlife contributor to an address by Duterte, interrupting the leader on Thursday evening just as he launched another tirade at human rights groups critical of his bloody war on drugs. 一隻喋喋不休的壁虎,是供稿給杜特蒂演講的最新野生生物,週四晚間就在他發表另一段長篇大論斥責批評他嗜血反毒戰的人權團體時,打斷這名領袖。 The reptile’s persistence caused laughter in the crowd of mostly soldiers, causing Duterte stop mid-sentence, turn to his left and pause for a while to see what the off-camera commotion was. 這隻爬行動物的堅持不懈,引發以軍人為主的群眾大笑,導致杜特蒂話說一半停了下來,向左轉暫停片刻,看看是什麼造成鏡頭外騷動。 "You brought a gecko here?" he asked an official sitting behind him, drawing laughs. 他問一名坐在他後面的官員,「你把一隻壁虎帶來這邊?」引來笑聲。 While activists accuse Duterte of cowing his opponents into silence, reptiles and insects have no qualms about pestering him during his often hours-long, televised addresses. 雖然社會運動人士指控杜特蒂恐嚇反對者噤聲,但爬行動物和昆蟲對在他往往長達數小時的電視演說加以糾纏一事,毫無不安之意。 A big cockroach crawled up his shoulder and down his shirt during a speech in May when he was lambasting an opposition party ahead of a national election. He joked the cockroach was its supporter. 在5月一場全國大選前的演說上,當他正在痛批一個反對黨時,一隻大蟑螂爬上他的肩膀再爬下襯衫。他打趣說,這隻蟑螂是對方的支持者。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1321064 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1313926 Next Article Topic: Philippines store rolls out ingenious face masks for bubble tea lovers 珍珠奶茶在國際舞台上幾乎與台灣劃上等號,在台灣時常能看到人手一杯手搖飲。然而礙於疫情,戴著口罩要喝飲料變得麻煩許多,一間菲律賓飲料店為了解決這個問題,最近推出了一款讓人無需脫口罩就能吸到珍奶的超神口罩。 In recent years, bubble tea has become synonymous with Taiwan among members and friends of the foreign community, and many locals can often be seen drinking hand-shaken beverages wherever they go. With the COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent requirements of wearing face masks in crowded areas, however, drinking soft drinks has become a bit of a hassle. To solve this problem, a beverage store in the Philippines recently released a new line of face masks that you won’t need to take off to enjoy a sip from your favorite drink. 此店Gallontea將口罩命名為「吸吸罩」(Sippy Mask) ,表面看起來與一般布口罩差不多,但是口罩的嘴巴邊卻有一個小開口,上面附著一個蓋子讓喜愛喝珍奶的人可以邊喝邊防疫。 The “Sippy Mask” released by Gallontea looks like an ordinary cloth face mask, but if you look closely, you’ll find that there is a small opening near the mouth, with a small-cap for bubble-tea lovers to enjoy a safe drink. 店家也特別在官網上表示,只要消費有達1,000披索(約新台幣605.56元)就會贈送此口罩。而雖然口罩預購期已於昨日截止,目前也只在菲律賓販售,然而因為銷量不賴,期望未來有機會進軍台灣;不過大家需特別注意,喝完飲料要再將開口關上,才不會白帶口罩。 On their official Instagram page, Gallontea announced that customers can receive a free face mask with a minimum purchase of 1,000 pesos (US$20.59). Although the pre-order time was only till Aug. 18 and the masks are currently only being sold in the Philippines, with the way it’s selling out, many people have expressed hope that customers will see this ingenious invention on Taiwan racks very soon. However, users of the face masks should be mindful of closing the opening once they’ve taken a sip from the drinks or else the act of wearing face masks would be rendered useless. Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200819-1696789

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