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The Procter & Gamble brand is partnering with NASA to keep astronauts’ spacesuits fresh, even on Mars. 汰漬正在前往外太空。這個寶鹼公司的品牌正與美國航太總署合作,維持太空人太空服的乾淨,即便是在火星。 Company and NASA scientists have created a fully degradable detergent that will clean clothes without wasting water. 該公司與NASA科學家已經創造一款完全可自然分解的洗滌劑,不用浪費水就能潔淨衣物。 Over the next decade, they’ll be testing fabric care products, including Tide pens and wipes, at the International Space Station and on missions to the moon and Mars. 在未來10年中,他們將在國際太空站與登月、登火星的任務中,測試織物照護產品,包括汰漬的筆與濕紙巾。 The months or even years that astronauts spend away from Earth means that their spacesuits and clothes can become smelly and stained. Clothes have to be reworn several times before they are ejected with other waste into the atmosphere or sent back to Earth as trash. A crew member will receive 160 pounds of clothes per year through resupply shipments. 太空人離開地球數月,甚至數年的時間,意味著他們的太空服與衣物會變臭且染色。這些衣物與其他廢物被拋入大氣層或當成垃圾送回地球前,必須重複穿著許多次。1名組員每年將透過補給,拿到160磅重的衣物。 Next Article Topic: Russia wants to return to Venus, build reusable rocket 俄羅斯希望重返金星,打造可重複使用的火箭 The head of Russia’s space agency said Friday that Roscosmos wants to return to Venus and bring back soil samples and build spacecraft that will surpass Elon Musk’s rockets. 俄羅斯太空機構負責人週五說,俄羅斯航太太空活動國有公司(Roscosmos)想重返金星 ,帶回土壤樣本,並打造超越(太空探索科技公司)創辦人穆斯克的火箭的太空船。 "We are making a methane rocket to replace the Soyuz-2," Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with state news agency RIA Novosti. 「我們正在打造一種甲烷火箭取代聯合2號火箭(Soyuz-2)」,俄羅斯航太總裁羅戈辛在接受國營「俄羅斯新聞社」訪問時說。 He said it will be a reusable space complex, noting that it will be possible to use its first stage at least 100 times. 他說,新火箭將是可以重複使用的太空綜合體,並強調第一節將有望重複使用至少100次。 "Of course we are looking at what our American colleagues are doing," said Rogozin. "But our engineers are trying to take a shortcut - not to repeat what our SpaceX colleagues are doing but surpass them." 「我們當然有在關注美國同業的進展」,羅戈辛說。「但我們的工程師正試圖抄近路—不是重複SpaceX在做的事,而是超越他們。」Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1457274; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1395146 Next Article Topic: Why Tom Hanks turned down Jeff Bezos’ offer to go to space Jeff Bezos offered Tom Hanks a ride to space on his Blue Origin rocket, but it came at a price. (亞馬遜創辦人)傑夫‧貝佐斯曾邀請(好萊塢男星)湯姆‧漢克搭乘他的「藍源」火箭上太空,但要付出代價。 The actor confirmed that Bezos had asked him during an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" on Tuesday, saying if he accepted the offer he was expected to pay. 這名男星週二現身(電視節目)「吉米金默現場秀」時證實,貝佐斯曾邀約他(上太空),並說若他接受(邀約),應該要付錢。 "Well yeah, provided I pay," Hanks said. "It costs like $28 million or something like that. And I’m doing good, Jimmy — I’m doing good — but I ain’t paying $28 million. You know what, we could simulate the experience of going to space right now." 「是啊,若我付錢(就能上太空),」漢克說。「大概要2800萬美元左右。我算是事業有成,吉米—我混得還不錯—但我才不要付2800萬。你知道嗎,我們現在就可以模擬上太空的經驗。」 Hanks, who appeared to promote his new movie "Finch," mimicked shaking in a rocket while in his chair, saying, "I don’t need to spend 28 million bucks to do that." 上節目宣傳新片「芬奇的旅程」的漢克(語畢)便在椅子上模仿搭火箭(上太空時)身體抖動的模樣,並說「我才不要花2800萬來做這種事。」 Next Article William Shatner says Prince William is ’missing the point’ of space tourism 威廉沙特納說 威廉王子沒搞懂太空旅行的真諦 William Shatner is firing a rhetorical rocket back at Prince William after the future king criticized space tourism. 在(英國)威廉王子出言批評太空觀光後,(男星)威廉‧沙特納反唇相譏,還擊這位未來國王。 Shatner, who blasted into space on one of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ rockets, said the British royal has "got the wrong idea" by saying that solving problems on Earth should be prioritized over tourist trips to space. 搭乘亞馬遜創辦人傑夫‧貝佐斯的一艘火箭上太空的沙特納說,宣稱解決地球上的問題應優先於太空旅行的這位英國王室成員,「搞錯了」。 The 90-year-old "Star Trek" actor said that a power generating base could be constructed 250 miles above the Earth and used to supply homes and businesses below. "The prince is missing the point," he added. 這位90歲「星際爭霸戰」男演員說,距離地表250英里的上空可以蓋一座發電基地,用來供應地面住家與建築(所需)。「王子沒搞懂(太空旅行的真諦),」他補充道。 Without mentioning names, William criticized billionaires focused on space tourism in an interview Thursday with the BBC, saying they should invest more time and money in saving Earth. 威廉週四接受英國廣播公司訪問時,在未指名道姓的情況下批評億萬富豪聚焦太空觀光的現象,指稱富豪們應將更多時間與金錢投資於拯救地球。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1498987 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1499857 Next Article Topic: Ex-official: Space station ‘largely isolated’ from tensions Tensions in eastern Ukraine and heightened Western fears of a Russian invasion should not have a significant impact on the International Space Station or US-Russia cooperation in space, the former head of the National Space Council told The Associated Press. 烏克蘭東部的緊張局勢以及西方對俄羅斯入侵的擔憂加劇,不應該對國際空間站或美俄太空合作產生重大影響,國家太空委員會前負責人告訴美聯社。 That was before Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine on Thursday last week, however. 然而,那是在俄羅斯上週四入侵烏克蘭之前。 Four NASA astronauts, two Russian cosmonauts and one European astronaut are currently on the space station. 四名NASA宇航員,兩名俄羅斯宇航員和一名歐洲宇航員目前正在空間站上。 Scott Pace, who served as executive secretary of the space council under US President Donald Trump and is now the director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, said the space station “has been largely isolated” from political events. 斯科特·佩斯(Scott Pace)曾擔任美國總統唐納德·特朗普太空委員會執行秘書,現在是喬治華盛頓大學空間政策研究所所長,他說,空間站"在很大程度上與政治事件隔離"。 “It’s possible to imagine a break with Russia that would endanger the space station, but that would be at the level of a dropping diplomatic relations,” said Pace. “That would be something that would be an utterly last resort so I don’t really see that happening unless there is a wider military confrontation.” The space station, an international partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries, including Canada, several countries in Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States, launched in 1998 and morphed into a complex that’s almost as long as a football field, with 13km of electrical wiring, an acre of solar panels and three high-tech labs. "可以想象與俄羅斯的決裂會危及空間站,但那將是外交關係下降的水準,"佩斯說。"這將是完全最後的手段,所以除非有更廣泛的軍事對抗,否則我真的不會看到這種情況發生。該空間站由來自15個國家的五個航太機構組成,包括加拿大,歐洲的幾個國家,日本,俄羅斯和美國,於1998年發射,並演變成一個幾乎與足球場一樣長的綜合體,擁有13公里的電線,一英畝的太陽能電池板和三個高科技實驗室。 It marked two decades of people continuously living and working in orbit in 2020. 它標誌著2020年人們在軌道上持續生活和工作的二十年。 The first crew — American Bill Shepherd and Russians Sergei Krikalev and Yuri Gidzenko — blasted off from Kazakhstan on Oct. 31, 2000. 第一批船員——美國人比爾·謝潑德(Bill Shepherd)和俄羅斯人謝爾蓋·克里卡列夫(Sergei Krikalev)和尤里·吉岑科(Yuri Gidzenko)——於2000年10月31日從哈薩克起飛。 The three astronauts got along fine but tension sometimes bubbled up with the two mission controls, in Houston and outside Moscow. 三名宇航員相處得很好,但有時在休士頓和莫斯科郊外的兩個任務控制中心會引發緊張局勢。 Russia kept station crews coming and going after NASA’s Columbia disaster in 2003 and after the space shuttles retired in 2011. 俄羅斯在2003年美國宇航局的哥倫比亞號災難和2011年航太飛機退役后,讓空間站的工作人員來來去去。 There have been concerns raised in US Congress about the impact that conflict over Ukraine could have on the International Space Station. 美國國會一直擔心烏克蘭衝突可能對國際空間站產生的影響。 Lawmakers have specifically exempted space cooperation from previous sanctions and can be expected to make similar arguments against targeting it as the administration considers its next steps over Ukraine. 立法者已經明確將太空合作從以前的制裁中豁免,並且可以預期,隨著政府考慮其對烏克蘭的下一步行動,將提出類似的論點反對針對太空合作。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2022/03/01/2003773937回顧星期天LBS - 太空相關時事趣聞 2023 All About Space

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