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黑白大廚的美食清單別光想! 裝上米其林輪胎,嘗鮮未知的出行體驗🛞 即日起至1月28日,買四條15吋(含)以上米其林輪胎,即贈陶瓷不沾鍋組🎁 買Pilot Sport系列輪胎加碼抽✈️法國利曼雙人自由行1名 ➡️ https://fstry.pse.is/6wsxxr —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments Topic: About Canada - Quebec unlocks world’s only maple syrup strategic reserve Quebec Maple Syrup Producers(QMSP)is releasing more than half of the world’s only strategic reserve of 45 million kg of maple syrup to keep up with soaring demand - avoiding a sticky situation for pancake lovers. 魁北克楓糖漿商會(QMSP)正釋出全球僅有的4500萬公斤楓糖漿戰略儲備的逾半儲量,以滿足高漲的需求,避免鬆餅迷無楓糖可吃。 Sales of maple syrup have climbed since the pandemic spread in 2019 and led to more people eating at home. Adding to the syrup squeeze, Quebec’s harvest in 2020 was the smallest in three years due to unusually warm weather. 自2019年疫情蔓延、導致人們更常在家吃飯以來,楓糖漿銷量一飛衝天。由於不尋常的溫暖氣候影響,魁北克省2020年的收成量創下3年新低,也使楓糖漿更加缺貨。 The Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve spans 24,805 square meters, the equivalent of five football fields, securing syrup in sterilized 170-liter barrels. 「全球策略性楓糖漿保留計畫」的儲備廠佔地2萬4805平方公尺,相當於5座足球場,楓糖漿則密封在170公升的滅菌桶中。 QMSP is also approving 7 million new taps during the next three years, a 14% increase, to bolster production. QMSP也同意在3年內增採700萬棵楓樹,約增加14%,以提升楓糖漿生產量。 Next Article Topic: To keep coronavirus out, Canada’s smallest province kept the rest of the country away 為了不讓新冠病毒進入 加拿大最小省分與全國其他地方保持距離 In the winter months, when icy conditions keep most people from traveling by sea, there are only two ways to enter Prince Edward Island: by plane or an eight-mile bridge. 在(因海面)冰凍以致大多數人無法搭船(上島)的冬季月份,只有兩種方式可以進入愛德華王子島:搭機或(開車走)8英里長的橋。 When the novel coronavirus started spreading around the world early this year, Canada’s smallest province, off the country’s eastern coast north of Nova Scotia, found itself at a geographical advantage. The island’s remoteness, paired with an aggressive isolation campaign that restricted nonessential travel and enforced two-week quarantines for those arriving in the province, paid dividends. 當今年稍早新冠病毒開始蔓延全球之際,這個位於加拿大東岸外海、新斯科舍省以北的加國最小省分,發現自己享有地理上的優勢。該島的偏僻性,再加上限制非必要旅遊以及蒞臨該省者強制檢疫2週的激進隔離活動,獲致良好效果。 By late April, as death counts were ticking upward in other parts of Canada and soaring in the United States, the province had confirmed just 27 cases of the virus — all of them linked to off-island travel. None of those patients was hospitalized, and no one died. 到了4月底,當加拿大其他地區的死亡人數向上攀升,美國的死亡人數也一飛沖天之際,該省只有27起新冠病毒確診病例─所有病例都與島外差旅有關。這些患者中無人住院,也無人死亡。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1506234 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1388474 Next Article Topic: Fly south or roost? Canadian ’snowbirds’ weigh Florida mid-pandemic Birds of a feather normally flock together, but the pandemic has divided Canada’s "snowbird" warm weather migrants into two camps:those staying home this winter and those heading to Florida no matter the cost. 通常來說,物以類聚,但是這場疫情已經使加拿大每年遷徙到氣候溫暖區的「雪鳥族」分成兩陣營:待在家鄉過冬,以及不計代價前往佛州者。 Nearly a million Canadians make the annual pilgrimage, fleeing to the southern United States to pass what would otherwise be gray and snowy months with their toes tucked in the sand and ocean breeze in their hair. 每年有將近100萬名加拿大人飛奔到美國南方,享受漫步沙灘、和煦海風吹過髮梢,度過在家鄉會是滿是灰白雪世界的幾個月。 The coronavirus has led a majority to forgo the trip this year - but for those flouting Canada’s repeated calls to stay put, the price tag on winter at the beach has skyrocketed. 新型冠狀病毒導致今年大多數人放棄這趟旅程,但是對那些不顧加拿大一再呼籲不要旅行的人來說,到南方沙灘過冬的代價飛漲。 + Sure? Each plane ticket costs Can$500 and hauling the vehicle 55 miles across the border sets customers back $1,000. 每張機票要500加幣,把車子運送55英里越過邊境,則要花上1000加幣。 Next Article Canadian officials warn drivers not to let moose lick their cars 加拿大官員警告駕駛 不要讓駝鹿舔他們的車 Officials in Jasper, an alpine town in Canada’s Alberta province, have put up signs asking motorists to avoid allowing moose to lick the salt off their cars. 加拿大亞伯達省高山小鎮賈斯柏的官員們,已經張貼標語要求駕駛人不得允許駝鹿舔他們車外的鹽。 "They’re obsessed with salt, it’s one of the things they need for the minerals in their body," Jasper National Park spokesman Steve Young told CNN. "They usually get it from salt lakes in the park, but now they realized they can also get road salt that splashes onto cars." 「他們癡迷於鹽,鹽是其中一種牠們身體必需的礦物質」,賈斯柏國家公園發言人史蒂夫.楊告訴美國有線電視新聞網,「他們通常會從公園的湖鹽獲取它(礦物質),但現在他們知道,他們也能從濺在車上的路鹽得到」。 At the Jasper National Park, where people often park on the side of the road in hopes of catching a glimpse of the moose, letting the animals near your car is actually a serious danger. 賈斯柏國家公園內時常有人停車在路邊,希望能得到駝鹿的注意,但讓動物接近你的車,其實是非常危險的。 By allowing moose to lick the salt off your car, they will become habituated with being around cars. That poses a risk to both the animals and the drivers who can accidentally crash into them. 允許駝鹿舔你的車外的鹽,將會讓牠們習慣徘徊於車子旁邊。對動物及可能意外與牠們相撞的駕駛人都構成風險。 Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1422097 Topic: In Canada, Unraveling Centuries of Indigenous Land Claims Whenever Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or his Cabinet ministers speak in certain parts of Ontario or Quebec, they begin by acknowledging they are on “unceded Algonquin territory.” 每當總理賈斯汀.杜魯多或他的內閣部長在安大略或魁北克省的特定地方發表演說時,都會以承認他們是站在「未讓渡的阿岡昆領土上」開場。 That recognition is just one of the ways Trudeau’s government has been trying to signal a top priority: righting the wrongs Canada has done to indigenous people, especially over land that aboriginals say was taken from them unjustly. 如此承認只是杜魯多政府試圖表明其第一優先要務的途徑之一,這要務則是導正加拿大對原住民所做的錯事,特別是針對原住民聲稱被以不公平方式奪走的土地。 But finding common ground on this issue has proved to be one of Trudeau’s most difficult policy initiatives, and critics say efforts to resolve the land disputes have bogged down. But both sides agree on the importance of sorting out the claims. 在這議題上尋求共識已證明是杜魯多最棘手的政策舉措之一,且批評者指出,解決土地紛爭的努力已陷入困境。不過,雙方都認同解決土地聲索問題的重要性。 “The process of negotiating land claims should be an absolute pillar of reconciliation,” said Ken Coates, a historian at the University of Saskatchewan who studies treaties and is a consultant to indigenous groups. “This is our chance to get it right and if we don’t — boy, when will we get the chance again?” 薩斯喀徹溫大學歷史學家肯恩.柯茨對條約有深入研究且是原住民團體的顧問,他說:「談判土地聲索的過程應該成為雙方和解的絕對支柱。這是我們導正錯誤的機會,若不這樣做,天哪,不知何時還有機會? 」 Of the many issues dividing Canada’s federal and provincial governments from its indigenous people, land claims are among the most symbolically important and economically consequential, often involving vast amounts of territory. 在造成加拿大聯邦政府、省級政府與原住民間隔閡的諸多問題中 ,土地聲索是最具象徵意義與經濟重要性者之一,經常事關極大量的領土。 Some claims involve hundreds of millions of dollars, and tribes are often interested in controlling the land at issue, by, for example, having a say over logging, oil exploration and mining. 有些土地聲索涉及數億美元,部落往往對擁有這些爭議土地的控制權感興趣,例如在伐木、探油和開礦上享有發言權。 One claim by various Algonquin groups involves the 8.9 million acres of the Ottawa watershed — which includes Canada’s Parliament buildings and Supreme Court. The government thought it had settled that claim in principle a year ago, but it has ended up in litigation anyway. 各阿岡昆族群共同提出的聲索之一,是渥太華流域的890萬英畝土地,其上有加拿大國會大廈和最高法院。 政府認為1年前原則上已解決了這項聲索,不過到頭來還是成了對簿公堂。 The claims are legally thorny, often requiring historians, archaeologists, geographers and geologists to give evidence sometimes stretching back before recorded history to support, or challenge, them. 這些聲索在法律上相當棘手,經常需要歷史學家、考古學家、地理學家和地質學家提供證據,有時還必須回溯到有文字可考歷史之前,以支撐或挑戰這些聲索。 In some regions, land may have been occupied by different indigenous groups at different times, even changing hands after battles that were unrecorded. These groups may all assert rights, and claims can overlap. 在部分地區,土地可能被不同的原住民族群在不同的時間占據過,甚至曾在戰爭後易手而沒有留下紀錄。這些族群可能都提出主權聲索,而且可能彼此重疊。 Then there is the problem of treaties. Some indigenous groups, like the Algonquins, never signed treaties giving up their land. The government says it is talking with about 140 indigenous groups in that situation. 接著還有條約問題。一些原住民族群如阿岡昆人,從未簽署過放棄他們土地的條約。 政府表示他們正與處於這種狀況下的約140個原住民族群進行談判。 Others did sign treaties, and a government tribunal that deals with treaty disputes has 72 cases and is so overwhelmed that it cannot estimate how long it will take to resolve them. 其他族群確實簽署了條約,處理條約爭端的1個政府法庭手上有72個案件,案件多到不堪負荷,難以估計要多久才能解決。 The result is that settlement negotiations occur at a frustratingly slow pace. 結果則是,和解談判是以令人沮喪的龜速進行。 Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/320990/web/