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黑白大廚的美食清單別光想! 裝上米其林輪胎,嘗鮮未知的出行體驗🛞 即日起至1月28日,買四條15吋(含)以上米其林輪胎,即贈陶瓷不沾鍋組🎁 買Pilot Sport系列輪胎加碼抽✈️法國利曼雙人自由行1名 ➡️ https://fstry.pse.is/6wsxxr   —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 強化英語課程資訊 ------------------------------- 「社會人核心英語」有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today 加入Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 主題投稿/意見回覆 : [email protected] 商業合作/贊助來信:[email protected] ------------------------------- 以下有參考文字稿~ 各播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網搜尋 ------------------------------- Topic: Junk food habit affects sleep quality French fries and hamburgers are popular with teenagers. Everyone knows that these high-calorie foods can lead to chronic illnesses such as heart disease and high blood pressure, but, according to a report published by Medical Xpress, a study led by the University of Queensland in Australia has found that eating too much junk food can also have an impact on teenagers’ sleep quality. 薯條、漢堡等速食及飲料很受青少年喜愛。眾所皆知這些高熱量食物會導致慢性疾病,如心臟病和高血壓等。不過,「醫療快訊」報導,澳洲昆士蘭大學帶領的一項研究發現,吃過多的垃圾食品還會影響青少年的睡眠品質。 According to the research results, teenagers who drink more than three soft drinks per day were 55 percent more likely to report sleep disturbance than those who only drink one cup per day. Males who ate fast foods on more than four days per week were 55 percent more likely to report sleep disturbance than those who ate them only once a week, while females were 49 percent more likely to do so. 根據研究結果,每天喝三杯以上飲料的青少年自稱有睡眠障礙的機率,比每天只喝一杯軟飲料的青少年高百分之五十五。每週吃四天以上速食的男性自稱有睡眠障礙的機率,比那些每週只吃一次速食的男性高百分之五十五,而女性的機率高出百分之四十九。 This global study examined unhealthy diets and stress-related sleep disturbance in high school students from 64 countries. The study found that 7.5 percent of adolescents reported having stress-related sleep disturbance, which was more common among females than males and increased with more frequent consumption of carbonated soft drinks, as did the occurrence of sleep problems. Because carbonated drinks often contain caffeine and large amounts of sugar, while fast foods are high in energy but poor in nutrients, long-term consumption can cause nutritional imbalances. 這是一項針對全球不健康飲食和與壓力有關的睡眠障礙研究,涉及來自六十四個國家的高中生。研究表明,百分之七點五的青少年自稱有壓力相關的睡眠障礙,其中女性比男性更常見,且隨著碳酸飲料的頻繁飲用而增加,睡眠障礙的比率也愈高。因為碳酸飲料通常含有咖啡因和高糖分,而快餐食品高熱量但較缺乏營養,長期攝取會營養不均衡。 These data were collected from global health surveys conducted by the WHO between 2009 and 2016, which included about 170,000 students aged 12 to 15 years from 64 low, middle and high-income countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, South America and the eastern Mediterranean. 這些數據收集自二○○九年至二○一六年世界衛生組織的全球健康調查,其中包括來自東南亞、非洲、南美部分地區和地中東海東部地區的六十四個低、中、高收入國家的約十七萬名十二至十五歲的學生。 The research team said that frequent intake of soft drinks and eating of fast foods is closely associated with sleep problems in teenagers, and that this phenomenon is particularly clear in high-income countries. The research team said that these findings are worrying because poor-quality sleep has an adverse impact on adolescent health and cognitive development. They suggested that policies should be formulated that target these unhealthy behaviors. 研究團隊表示,青少年經常喝飲料、吃速食與睡眠障礙之間關聯密切,這現象尤其在高收入國家特別明顯。研究團隊指出,這些發現令人擔憂,因為睡眠品質差會對青少年的健康和認知發展產生不利影響。他們建議應針對這些不健康的行為制定相關政策,使青少年能健康成長。 Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/01/05/2003749938 Next Article Topic: Cognitive decline linked to ultraprocessed food, study finds Too many daily calories from highly processed foods like lunch meats, frozen dinners, and packaged cookies may speed up cognitive decline, a new study suggests. 一項新的研究表明,每天從午餐肉、冷凍晚餐和包裝餅乾等高度加工食品攝入過多卡路里,可能會加速認知能力下降。 In the study, researchers examined the diets and cognitive function test results of more than 8,000 adults in Brazil. At the start of the study, participants consumed an average of about 2,850 calories a day. About 28 percent of their daily calories came from highly processed foods. 在這項研究中,研究人員檢視巴西8000多名成年人的飲食和認知功能測試結果。在研究開始時,參與者平均每天消耗約2850卡路里的熱量。他們每天有約28%的卡路里來自高度加工食物。 After about nine years of follow-up, cognitive test scores for memory and executive function declined the most for participants who ate the most highly processed foods. 經過約9年追蹤,吃加工食品最多的參與者,其記憶力和執行功能的認知測試分數下降幅度最大。 Ultraprocessed foods are defined as “industrial formulations of food substances (oils, fats, sugars, starch, and protein isolates) that contain little or no whole foods and typically include flavorings, colorings, emulsifiers, and other cosmetic additives,” according to the study. 根據這項研究,超加工食品被定義為「食品物質(油、脂肪、糖、澱粉和蛋白質分離物)的工業配方,含極少或不含全天然食品,通常包括調味劑、色素、乳化劑和其他化妝品添加劑」。 Next Article Topic: Taiwan gourmets shocked at Pizza Hut’s newest cilantro, century egg-flavored delight 必勝客最近傳出將推出「香菜皮蛋豬血糕比薩」,交雜台式料理讓最勇猛的台灣人都震驚。 Pizza Hut is about to release a new “cilantro, century egg pig’s blood cake pizza” (香菜皮蛋豬血糕比薩) whose chaotic combination of flavors is poised to shock even the most daring Taiwanese gourmet. 據網友所述,此比薩將結合台灣各式道地美食,而這個消息也引來熱議。 According to social media users, the new pizza will combine many well-known traditional Taiwanese street foods, and the announcement sparked intense discussions online. 許多人表示當每道口味都那麼重的時候就不會那麼美味,也有人開玩笑的問必勝客「到底有多討厭義大利」。 Many thought that the flavors were too strong and would clash. Social media users even teased Pizza Hut, commenting “how much do you hate Italy?” 必勝客之前也已推出過眾多奇特的口味,其中包括臭豆腐、麻辣鍋、拉麵、榴槤和湯圓等。 Pizza Hut had launched many unusual pizza flavors in the past, including stinky tofu, spicy hot pot, ramen, durian, boba, and fried tangyuan. 最近也因為端午節特別推出了粽子口味的「北皇粽比薩」,如今依舊在菜單上。 Their recent Dragon Boat Festival series, which includes Zongzi flavored pizza, is still on the menu. 根據網友分享,新口味的DM上寫著此比薩內含「香菜、花生粉、豬血糕和Q彈皮蛋」。 According to the poster provided by social media users, the cilantro century egg pig’s blood cake pizza is made with four key ingredients: cilantro and peanut powder from Yunlin, braised pig’s blood cake and chewy century eggs. 網友表示這個口味對於不敢吃香菜、皮蛋、豬血糕或是對花生過敏的人都是極大的挑戰。 Some commented that this flavor is challenging people who dislike cilantro, century eggs, and pig’s blood cake, or are allergic to peanuts. 也有人點出這四種材料單看起來都好,但是被混搭在一起後胃口全沒了。 Others expressed their strong dislike over the idea of mixing those four ingredients together. 然而,還是有勇者表示自己想試試看,並稱「這個口味還是比鳳梨好」。 However, many were still willing to give the pizza a try, commenting “this new flavor is better than pineapple on pizza.” 更有人建議必勝客應該試做「辣味鴨血」或是「銀絲卷」口味。 Another suggested adding “spicy duck blood” or “silver thread buns” (銀絲卷). 網友也開玩笑的指出必勝客真的在向義大利宣戰了,留言中寫道「如果義大利攻打台灣,我一點也不會感到意外」。 Some also joked that Pizza Hut is challenging Italy with this outrageous flavor, with one questioning“Does Pizza Hut want Italy to declare war?” while another said, “If Italy attacks Taiwan, I wouldn’t be surprised.” 根據網友所述,此新口味將在六月底登場。 According to social media users, this flavor will be released at the end of June.

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