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A number of the world’s top-ranked pro players, notably Phil Mickelson, made extremely lucrative deals to play in a new tour, the LIV Golf International Series, sponsored by Saudi Arabia. The PGA Tour, which has traditionally dominated the sport, responded by suspending 17 of these players. 即便不打或不追高球新聞—我也沒追—你也可能知道現在這項運動捲入爭議。一些世界頂級職業球員,尤其是米克森,達成極其有利可圖的交易參加沙烏地阿拉伯贊助的新巡迴賽,即LIV高球國際系列賽。傳統上主導這項運動的職業高球美巡賽(PGA Tour)對此做出回應,將其中17名球員禁賽。 The Saudis are obviously engaged in reputation-laundering — greenswashing? — in an attempt to make people forget about the atrocities their regime has perpetrated. It’s less clear what motivated the PGA. Did it consider the LIV series flawed, not a proper golf tour? Was it attempting to squash competition? Or was the problem with the LIV series’ sponsors? 沙國顯然在清洗名聲—是在「漂白」嗎?試圖讓人們忘記他們政權所犯下的暴行。目前還不太清楚什麼原因驅使PGA這樣做。它是否認為LIV系列賽有缺陷,不是個像樣的高球巡迴賽?它會不會是在試圖壓制競爭嗎?或是LIV系列賽贊助者的問題? PGA attendees surveyed by ProGolf weekly were in no doubt: An overwhelming majority attributed Mickelson’s exclusion to “media/cancel culture.” And I hope they’re right. I mean, if getting paid big bucks to provide favorable PR to a regime that deals with critical journalists by killing them and dismembering them with a bone saw doesn’t warrant cancellation, what does? And yet Mickelson and others were willing to provide that PR. 接受《ProGolf》周刊調查的PGA與會者均無疑問,絕大多數將米克森遭剔除歸因於「媒體/取消文化」。我希望他們是對的。我的意思是,拿大錢幫一個政權提供公關服務,而這個政權把批評他們的記者殺掉還肢解,如果這不是一個取消的正當理由,那什麼才是?而米克森和其他人卻願意提供這種公關服務。 So if you ask me, the real story here isn’t that the PGA may (or may not) have found a line it won’t cross. It is that so many members of the American elite evidently have no such lines. 所以,若你問我,情況並非PGA可能(或可能沒有)找到一條不會跨越的線,而是這個美國菁英組織許多成員明顯沒有這樣的界線。 What explains the rise of sellout culture? Tax cuts may have played a role: Selling your soul becomes more attractive when you get to keep more of the proceeds. Soaring income inequality may inspire envy, a desire to keep up with the super-elite. And there is surely a process of normalization: Everyone else is selling out, so why shouldn’t I join the party? 如何解釋出賣文化興起?減稅可能起到一定作用:當你能保留更多收益時,出賣你的靈魂就變得更有吸引力。日益嚴重的收入不平等可能會引發嫉妒,讓人渴望跟超級菁英攀比。當然,這是一個正常過程:其他人都在出賣,那我為何不入群呢? Kids used to look up to public figures, sports stars in particular, as role models. Do they still? Can they, given what public figures will do if the checks are big enough? 以前孩子們常把受人尊敬的公眾人物作為榜樣,尤其是體育明星。他們還會嗎?考慮到支票夠大時公眾人物竟然這樣做,他們還能嗎?Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/6413966 Next Article Topic: Why Are There More Successful Older Golfers Today? From the 18th fairway in the final group of the British Open in 2009, Tom Watson, the five-time Open champion, hit a shot that flew right at the pin. For a moment, it looked like Watson, then age 59, would win the tournament for a record sixth time and become the oldest player to win a major championship. 2009年英國公開賽最後一組第18洞的球道上,五屆冠軍華森一揮直飛旗桿。一時間,當時59歲的華森似乎將贏得創紀錄的第六座英國公開賽冠軍,並成為最年長的四大賽冠軍。 A firm bounce sent the ball off the back of the green, and Watson needed three more shots to get the ball into the hole. That dropped him into a tie for first. In the four-hole playoff, he ran out of gas and lost by six shots. 小白球強力彈跳後滾出果嶺後方,華森又花了三桿才把球送進洞裡。這使他落到並列領先。四洞延長賽,他精力耗盡,最後輸六桿。 A decade ago, the idea of an older golfer contending in, let alone winning, a major championship was something few considered. That was still the time when most golfers petered out in their mid-40s and kicked around the golf world before having a brief resurgence on the Champions Tour when they turned 50. 10年前,很少人料想得到年長的高球選手會參加四大賽,遑論拿冠軍。當時,大多數高球選手在45歲左右開始淡出,到滿50歲參加「冠軍」(譯註:長春)巡迴賽散發短暫餘暉前,其間在高球界四處晃晃。 Leading these middle-age mavericks is Phil Mickelson, 51, won the PGA Championship in May. He beat Brooks Koepka, a four-time major winner, and Louis Oosthuizen, the 2010 British Open champion, who are both in their 30s. 這些不服老的中年高球選手領導人物是剛滿51歲的米克森,他在今年5月贏得PGA錦標賽冠軍。擊敗了都是30多歲的四屆四大賽冠軍得主科普卡與2010年英國公開賽冠軍歐蘇森。 “All these guys have taken a new approach,” said Dave Phillips, co-founder of the Titleist Performance Institute, which focuses on golf and fitness. “There’s a lot of money out there. They realize they can still compete with the younger guys, but they need to spend more time on their body and what they fuel their body with.” 高球與健身專門機構「冠軍競技表現研究所」共同創辦人戴維.菲利普斯說:「這些人都採取一種新方法。比賽獎金很高。他們意識到自己仍可跟年輕人競爭,只是需要花更多時間在身體及強化身體的物質上面。」 Phillips said what Mickelson and the others were doing provided lessons for older golfers. “It’s not strength, but the recovery and the downtime that matter,” he said. “It’s letting your body recover. Everyone wants to get fitter, stronger, faster. They’re upset when they don’t see the results. But what they’re doing is fatiguing to the body more so than a round of golf.” 菲利普斯說,米克森和其他人的作為,幫年長高球選手上了一課。「重要的不是力量,而是恢復與休息,讓你的身體恢復。每個人都想變得更健康、更強壯、更快。他們沒看到成果時會沮喪,但他們所做的事會讓身體遠比打一輪高球還累。」 Crucial for older players? Maintain leg strength, Phillips said, and that means walk, don’t ride, when you play golf. 對年長球員重要的是什麼?菲利普斯說,保持腿部力量,這意味你打高球時,要走路,不要搭球車。 It is experience, for sure, but that is a double-edged sword: With age, players are more knowledgeable about the nuances of the game and have, in theory, a better psychological understanding of what to do. But they have also failed to do that in similar moments in the past. 當然,這需要經驗,且各有利弊:隨著年紀增長,球員更了解比賽的精妙之處,理論上,他們在心理上對該做什麼有更好的了解,過去遇到類似時刻,他們就做不到。 “The reason we’re going longer is we have the financial security to go longer,” he said “We also have the sports science to reinvent ourselves.” 他說:「我們走得更久是因為我們擁有能夠走得更久的經濟保障,我們還有運動科學來改造自己。」Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/5656437 Next Article Topic: Night Golf Is Taking Over South Korea City lights shimmer in the distance. 城市燈光在遠處閃爍。 Shadows splay in every direction on glowing green grass. 陰影在閃閃發光的綠色草地上向四面八方伸展。 It’s close to midnight, the moon hangs high in the dark night sky, and South Koreans are still outside, golfing. 現時已接近午夜,月亮高懸在漆黑夜空中,南韓民眾仍在戶外打高爾夫球。 This is “white night” golf, a nocturnal sports phenomenon in South Korea that reflects the still surging popularity of the sport there, the persistent challenges many encounter in nabbing a tee time in the country’s dense cities and the lengths to which some will nevertheless go to get one. 這就是「白夜」高球,南韓一種夜間運動現象,反映高球在南韓人氣持續攀升,許多人在人口密集城市內要預約打球遇到挑戰,不過有些人還是想辦法要打到球。 South Korea is the third-largest market for golf in the world, behind only the United States and Japan. 南韓是世界第三大高球市場,僅次於美國和日本。 For golf fans worldwide, the game’s grip on the country is most easily observed in its surplus of elite professional players, particularly in the women’s game. As of last week, 32 of the top 100 players in the women’s world rankings, including four of the top 10, were from South Korea. 對世界各地球迷來說,高球對南韓的吸引力,從菁英職業球員充斥南韓人最容易看出,尤其女子高球界。截至上周,世界排名前100的女子高球選手有32人來自南韓,前10名就有4位。 But on the ground, golf is very much a participatory pastime, even if the popularity of the sport and the undersupply of courses in metropolitan areas make opportunities to actually play scarce and expensive. Seoul, a city of nearly 10 million people, has only one course, and it is open only to military personnel. 但在當地,高球主要是一種大家親自下場的消遣,即便這種運動太受歡迎加上都會區球場供應不足,使得打球機會很少又昂貴。擁有近1000萬人口的首爾只有一個球場,且只對軍人開放。 Some make do with screen golf, a virtual simulation game played indoors, which has become its own booming pastime in South Korea, with some facilities offering 24-hour service. 有些人只好改玩螢幕高爾夫,這是一種在室內玩的虛擬模擬遊戲,在南韓已成為蓬勃發展的娛樂,一些場所提供24小時服務。 But golfers understandably desire the real thing. So what do you do when the demand for tee times outstrips the sunlight in a given day? 但可以理解的是,打高球的人渴望真實的東西,因此當某天打球時間的需求量超過日照時間,你該怎麼辦? According to Seo Chun-beom, president of the Korea Leisure Industry Institute, South Korea now boasts a whopping 117 golf courses of 18 holes or more that offer nighttime play for willing golfers, with tee times as late as 8 p.m. Seo said there are countless other 9-hole courses that also feature floodlights and do not close until midnight or later. 韓國休閒產業研究所所長徐千範說,南韓目前有117座18洞或以上的高球場,可讓想打球的人在夜間打球,打球時間到晚上8點。 徐俊範說,還有其他無數個9洞球場也設有探照燈,開到午夜或是更晚。 Many people from Seoul, for instance, make the trek to Sky 72 Golf & Resort in Incheon, close to the area’s main international airport, where 2,700 lights have been installed to illuminate 36 of the facility’s 72 holes. 例如,很多來自首爾的人,會長途跋涉到靠近當地主要國際機場的仁川Sky 72高球渡假村,該處設有2700盞探照燈,能照亮72個洞當中的36個。 The concept of golfing under lights exists outside South Korea, of course. 當然,在燈光下打高球的想法在南韓以外也存在。 A writer for the website GolfPass last year counted 65 courses in the United States that featured at least some amount of nighttime lighting — although all but one of them were short courses. And courses in the United States that offer late tee times still close far earlier than those in South Korea, which often remain open as late as 1 a.m. 去年,一位幫GolfPass寫文的作家統計,在美國,擁有一定數量夜間照明設備的球場至少65座,儘管除了一座以外都是球洞較少的球場。而且美國晚間打球的高球場,打烊時間仍比南韓球場早得多,後者通常營業到凌晨1點。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/5574918

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