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Next Article Topic: CNN也報台灣鮭魚之亂!美網友讚:願意改名甜甜圈 | Taiwan’s ‘salmon name-change’ inspires U.S. social media users 知名連鎖壽司店「壽司郎」於17、18日推出優惠活動,只要名字有「鮭魚」兩字的人,可以免費享用整桌的餐點,意外掀起全台鮭魚改名之亂。 Sushi restaurant chain “Sushiro” launched a promotion on March 17 and March 18 by announcing it would give away free sushi to anyone who had “salmon” (鮭魚) in their names, leading to a name-changing frenzy in Taiwan. 而此台灣人瘋鮭魚現象也吸引到外國媒體注意,其中CNN也在19日報導,台灣人為了享有優惠,已有近140位在正式改名,於身分證上大現「鮭魚」兩字。 The phenomenon gradually attracted the attention of international media, with CNN reporting on Thursday that owing to the promotion, around 140 Taiwanese have officially changed their names to include the word “salmon.” CNN 表示此風潮已引來內政部的不滿,提醒大眾台灣法律規定每人一生中有三次改名機會。 CNN added that the situation has led the Ministry of Interior to issue a statement cautioning Taiwanese that they only get three chances to change their names in a lifetime. 繼CNN和BBC等外媒陸續報導後,台人瘋鮭魚事件也引發外國網友的注意,其中有人表示沒想到台灣人也有失去理智的時候,但也有人寫道,身為一個月光族,如果改名可以讓他吃到免費壽司他也願意。 Following media outlets like CNN and BBC’s reports, Taiwaneses’ name-changing craze also reached the ears of U.S. social media users with some commenting they didn’t expect the day Taiwanese would lose their minds. However, others wrote that as a broke millennial, if changing their names would mean getting free sushi, then they were all for it. 更有外國網友開始呼籲美國其他連鎖店開始推類似的活動,並問道自己如果把名字改成「T-Bone」(丁骨牛排)或是「Donut」(甜甜圈),能不能在牛排館和Krispy Kreme獲得免費的餐點。 Some also called on American chain restaurants to try similar promotions, with one volunteering to change their name to “T-bone” while another wanted “Donut” so that they could get freebies from Krispy Kreme. Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210323-2277586 ; https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210319-2222391 Next Article Topic: Uber will ban passengers with low ratings Uber passengers who habitually leave their trash behind and disrespect their drivers may soon get the boot. 習慣性留下垃圾以及不尊重駕駛的Uber乘客,很快就會無法再使用Uber。 The ride-hailing company announced Tuesday that riders with ratings that are ’’significantly below average’’ may lose access to the app, part of a rollout of the company’s updated community guidelines, which riders must abide by to continue using the service. 這家叫車公司週二宣布,評分「大幅低於平均值」的乘客,可能會無法存取Uber的app,為該公司的更新版社區守則的一環,乘客若要持續使用該公司的服務,就必須遵守這些守則。 Uber, however, said that bans for bad behavior won’t come as a surprise to offending passengers. Riders will receive several notifications before they lose access to the app, the company said. 不過,Uber也說,不會突然以行為不佳為由禁止叫車以致冒犯到乘客。該公司說,乘客會先接獲數次通知,然後才會無法存取app。 And they also will have opportunities to improve their rating to remain in good standing. Tips to boost a user’s rating include:’’encouraging polite behavior, avoiding leaving trash in the vehicle and avoiding requests for drivers to exceed the speed limit,’’ Uber said. 而且乘客也有機會改善其評分以維持好名聲。提升使用者評分的秘訣包括:「鼓勵禮貌行為,避免在車內留下垃圾,與避免要求司機超速,」Uber說。 Next Article: Topic: Kakao suspends online comments for entertainment articles Kakao暫停網友對娛樂新聞發表網路留言 South Korea’s internet company Kakao said Friday that it would prevent users from posting malicious comments on its online entertainment news articles next month, pledging also to overhaul its search engine functionalities to address cyberbullying. 南韓的網路公司Kakao週五表示,下個月將禁止使用者對其網路的娛樂新聞報導,張貼惡意留言。該公司也承諾大幅修改其搜尋引擎的功能,以解決網路霸凌。 The measure came after mounting calls for the internet portal website to address cyberbullying targeting celebrities and people in general. The calls intensified after singer-turned-actress Sulli passed away last week in an apparent suicide. While the cause of death was not made public, it was widely believed Sulli had been suffering from depression. 該措施係在要求入口網站解決鎖定名人和一般人的網路霸凌的呼聲愈來愈高後提出。在歌手轉型為演員的雪莉上週過世、死因顯然是自殺後,這樣的呼聲變得更大。儘管尚未公開死因,但外界咸認為雪莉死前受憂鬱症所苦。 Kakao, however, said the decision had not been made because of a single case and that there had been heated debate over the issue for a long time. The company also decided to suspend its “related search words” service for celebrities immediately for its messenger app, Kakao Talk. 然而,Kakao指稱,長久以來就有關於該議題的熱烈論辯,並非因個案而做出實施新措施的決定。該公司亦決定立即暫停其通訊應用程式Kakao Talk針對名人的「相關搜尋字詞」服務。 Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1327534 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1322297 Next Article Topic: United We Stan: How the Internet Merged Pop Culture and Politics Whatever persona Elizabeth Warren hopes to project in her presidential campaign, it is probably not that of a child witch. But that is the persona that some of her biggest fans have chosen for her. 雖不知華倫希望在競選總統時以何種形象出現,但大概不會是巫童,然而這正是她的一些鐵粉為她選擇的人物形象。 Images of Hermione Granger, played in the “Harry Potter” films by a young Emma Watson, materialize at Warren’s every move. Warren steps onto the debate stage, and her fans craft tweets where Hermione stands in as her, rolling her eyes at the boys in wizarding class. Warren reads the whole Mueller report, and Hermione smugly wags her wand. In one extremely cursed tweet with zero likes, Warren’s face is transplanted onto Hermione’s frame, posed alongside Beto O’Rourke as Harry and Pete Buttigieg as Ron Weasley. 《哈利波特》電影中由年輕的艾瑪.華森所飾演的妙麗的人物形象,被落實在華倫的一舉一動中。華倫走上辯論會舞台時,她的粉絲們將妙麗對魔法課上男孩翻白眼的照片製作成一則推文,妙麗成了她的化身。華倫展讀穆勒的整份報告時,妙麗得意地搖著魔仗。在一則被罵到翻、沒人按讚的推文中,華倫的臉被安到妙麗的身體上,並跟歐洛克扮演的哈利,以及布塔朱吉扮演的榮恩一起擺姿勢。 What is this strange chimera of presidential campaigning: a candidate’s head on pop culture’s body? It is the product of a great convergence between politics and culture, citizenship and commerce, ideology and aesthetics. Civic participation has been converted seamlessly into consumer practice. It is democracy reimagined as fandom, and it is now a dominant mode of experiencing politics. 候選人的頭配上流行文化的身體,這是總統選戰中什麼樣的奇怪幻象?它是政治與文化、公民與商業、意識形態與美學的巨大融合的產物。公民參與已經無縫接軌轉化為消費行為。它是個被重新想像成粉絲圈的民主,且現在正是體驗政治的一種主流模式。 You can see it in the efforts to sort the candidates into “Harry Potter” houses, converting the election to a personality quiz in a children’s book, and in the mashup video that distills the 2020 candidates into quotes from Michael Scott, the buffoonish boss of “The Office.” 在試圖把候選人分類成《哈利波特》家族人物,將選舉轉化成童書中的人格測驗、以及把2020年候選人發言變成《我們的辦公室》影集滑稽老闆麥可.史考特名言的混搭影片等行動中,都能看出這一點。 A photograph of three congresswomen of color is published and instantly compared to a Whitney Houston GIF, as if women interrogating Michael Cohen are analogous to Houston confronting her cheating boyfriend. Politicos of all stripes are styled as saints and stamped onto novelty devotional prayer candles. 一張三名有色人種國會女議員的照片被公佈後,立即被跟惠妮·休斯頓的照片相提並論,彷彿審問柯恩的女性就如同質問不忠男友的休斯頓,各種政治人物都被描繪成聖徒,印在新奇的祈禱蠟燭上。 Here, political engagement slips easily into the habits of consumption. President Donald Trump’s fans follow him around the country like groupies, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s boosters fetishize her funnel-neck coat as a symbol of the #resistance. 在這一點上,政治參與很容易不知不覺變成消費習慣。川普總統的粉絲們像追星族一樣跟著他走遍全國,眾議院議長波洛西的支持者們則把她的漏斗領外套當作#抵抗運動的象徵。 Candidates’ supporters now identify as stans — a term derived from the 2000 Eminem song about a fan who becomes so obsessed, he kills. 候選人的支持者現在以stans自居,而這個詞源自阿姆2000年的歌曲,講述一位變得太痴狂、他所害死的粉絲。 Political stanning has a way of remapping the landscape of mainstream politics — maybe even overwriting physical reality itself. Frantic online cultural production swarms around Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg whenever she experiences a health scare, as if memes alone could sustain the octogenarian’s life. 政治上的瘋狂迷戀往往能重繪主流政治的樣貌,甚至可能掩蓋現實世界本身。每當大法官茹絲.貝德.金斯伯格經歷一場健康恐慌時,瘋狂的網路文化產物便群起圍繞著她,彷彿只有迷因才能維持這位八旬老人的生命。 Trump’s fans imbue him with improbable prowess when they edit him into pro-wrestling videos showing him smacking down CNN. But perhaps the most explicit riff on the trend was the infamous Beto O’Rourke sex tweet, which translated his political positions into sexual ones. 當川普粉絲將他編輯進職業摔角影片,顯示他擊倒CNN時,給他注入了不可思議的力量。而歐洛克臭名昭彰的性推文,則可能是對此一趨勢最明顯的嘲諷,因它將他的政治立場轉變成了性別立場。 Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/345410/web/

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