Taipei Banter 台北嘿掰講Ep.2 Cool gadget picks 挑選你的3C機絲吧

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黑白大廚的美食清單別光想! 裝上米其林輪胎,嘗鮮未知的出行體驗🛞 即日起至1月28日,買四條15吋(含)以上米其林輪胎,即贈陶瓷不沾鍋組🎁 買Pilot Sport系列輪胎加碼抽✈️法國利曼雙人自由行1名 ➡️   —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: VIP訂閱FAQ: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站 Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信:[email protected] 意見回覆 : [email protected] ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 背景故事: 很久很久以前,John老師覺得好玩,就找了同樣在台教英語的台灣女婿(南非人)開啟錄Podcast的里程, 當時的器材與網路平台都不熟悉,也不上手,面對麥克風還是會抖~ 這個單元也啟發了現在大家常聽的Vocab與15Mins Cafe單元。 不過近期有老朋友們敲碗,說找不到了,希望想要聽,要John老師重制上架。 那每週四就一起來聽聽當時Podcast菜雞們在網路上做英語教學所踏出的第一步! ---------------------------------- Autodesk's Elbo Chair​ Autodesk’s Elbo Chair is the result of an uncommon partnership. Designers in the company’s generative design lab harnessed the power of algorithms to make the organic wooden seat. To start, the designers fed a 3-D model of a chair inspired by Hans Wegner’s iconic Round Chair and Berkeley Mills’ Lambda Chair into Dreamcatcher, Autodesk’s generative design software. Then they let the algorithm do its thing. Every so often, the humans would pick one of the algorithm’s designs, and the software would propagate a new lineage based on their selection. The result was the chair you see here—a skeletal creation that points toward a future in which designers collaborate with algorithms on new ideas. Microsoft Surface Studio The $3,000 desktop computer is aimed squarely at the creative set. With its massive 28-inch monitor and a hinge system that allows the display to become a tabletop touch-screen, it’s easy to see why: The Surface Studio is more interactive drafting table than it is computer, and proof that Microsoft is thinking seriously about what the future of desktop computing should look like.

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