BONUS EPISODE: June Income Report - What I earned in June 2024
A Podcast, By Kayleigh. - Een podcast door Kayleigh - Woensdagen
In today's super special sneaky jazzy episode, I wanted to introduce you guys to a snippet of what's inside my Level Up Club episodes. If you guys have always wondered what's on the other podcast, today I'm giving you a peek behind the curtain! I feel like I'm in competition with myself with how much gatekeeping I can really smash with a hammer. Introducing the new LUC podcast series, a detailed look into my earnings and expenses. I think financial transparency is so so important, and something that is not actively being done in our industry, especially in makeup AND coaching. So let's smash some ceilings and break some walls. Want access to the LUC podcast - join our Monthly Membership here. It's £30 a month, its great value for money and you get tonnes of monthly trainings as well as the weekly episode. Not interested in another subscription, I get you. You can buy access for life HERE for just £30. If you want JUST the poddy! You get a whole episode every single week (and yes, guests are coming!)