Relax, Learn Native Japanese Before Sleep - JLPT N5 words | podcast (driving)

A Sleepy Japanese Podcast - Een podcast door Masanori Mori


In this video, you can learn IMPORTANT words for JLPT N5 with native and practical pronunciation. Those words/vocab are often LISTED UP in some textbooks for JLPT, and also very useful in daily life. And today I'm talking about "ドライブ (driving)", do you like driving a car ? When I had a car accident in Hokkaido, it was snowing. Hope you like it, thanks :) 【📝 Vocabulary list & Practical Tips】  topic ~Nature~ 0:22 - うみ (海): sea 🌊  0:28 - やま (山): mountain ⛰  0:35 - かわ (川): river 💧 → *There are another Kanji, かわ (河), but they are basically the same in Japan. For more details, 河 is used for much bigger rivers than 川.   0:42 - いけ (池): pond   0:50 - そら (空): sky   0:57 - くも (雲): cloud 🌥 → くもり (曇り) means cloudy.  1:04 - き (木): tree 🌲  1:11 - はな (花): flower 🌷 →⚠️Be careful, はな (鼻) means nose👃, and they are the same pronunciation.   1:18- さく (咲く): bloom →ex) 花が咲く。A flower blooms.  1:26 - さくら (桜): cherry blossoms 🌸   1:33 - どうぶつ (動物): animal  1:40 - いぬ (犬): dog 🐩 →こいぬ (子犬) means puppy.  1:47 - ねこ (猫): cat 🐈 →こねこ (子猫) means kitten.  1:55 - とり (鳥): bird 🕊 2:02 - なく (鳴く): chirp →ex) 鳥が鳴いている。A bird is chirping.  2:10 - とぶ (飛ぶ): fly  2:17 - さかな (魚): fish 🐟  2:24 - けしき (景色): landscape →ex) きれいな景色。Beautiful landscape 🌉  2:31 - みえる (見える): see →ex) 海が見える。I can see the sea.  2:40 - おと (音): sound 🎶  2:47 - きこえる (聞こえる): hear   2:55 - こえ (声): voice 🗣 →ex) あなたの声が聞こえる。I can hear your voice.   3:03 - たまご (卵): egg 🥚  3:11 - うまれる (生まれる): born  3:19 - しぬ (死ぬ): die ☠️ →slang) we would say 死ぬほど + (adjective), to express something strongly. ex) 死ぬほどおいしい!! It's really super tastyyyy !! 😋    Listen to the video again and again, then you will memorize easily 🧞‍♂️ 🔽video version for this time.

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