#93 - The Technical CTO + Readying for IPO feat. Allan Leinwand // CTO @ Webflow

Embrace the technical side 🔧 of the CTO role with Allan Leinwand, CTO of Webflow 🖱️ who has combined technical know-how with great products on every layer of the OSI Model: from setting up HP’s first ethernet, CISCO’s early networks, building the world’s first CDN at Digital Island, and continuing up the stack to enterprise cloud ☁️ (ServiceNow), social gaming​​ 🎮 (zynga), communications 💬 (Slack), eCommerce 🛒 (Shopify) and now webdesign 🎨(Webflow). Listen to find out; - Why deep technical knowledge 🧠 allows better products - How a monolith can combine individual code ownership and great deploy times 🤔 - How to attract 🧲 talent with a ‘boring’ stack (+ Innovation Lab 101) - How to embrace the role of a pre-IPO CTO 🧑‍🚀🚀 - How to stay technical as a CTO 🧑‍💻 - Why he ships small fixes from their #UX-Papercut channel Listen here: https://alphalist.com/podcast/93-allan-leinwand-cto-webflow BROUGHT TO YOU BY: WorkGenius (https://link.alphalist.com/work) and codecentric (https://link.alphalist.com/cc)

Om Podcasten

This podcast features interviews of CTOs and other technical leadership figures and topics range from technology (AI, blockchain, cyber, DevOps, Web Architecture, etc.) to management (e.g. scaling, structuring teams, mentoring, technical recruiting, product etc.). Guests from leading tech companies share their best practices and knowledge. The goal is to support other CTOs on their journey through tech and engineering, inspire and allow a sneak-peek into other successful companies to understand how they think and act. Get awesome insights into the world‘s top tech companies, personalities with this podcast brought to you by Tobias Schlottke.