GC-014: Have a Clear Research Plan for Each Day
Ancestral Findings - Een podcast door Ancestral Findings

It’s easy to get led down different paths during a day of research. You start out intending to look up only one branch of your family, or even just one person, and you end up finding so much more. It’s interesting, so you follow the clues to see where they lead you. Before you know it, you are researching a different branch or person entirely.
Start out each research day with a clear plan of what you will be working on and stick to it. Keep notes of any additional interesting information you find along the way, including where you found it (so you can find it again), and use it for research on other days. But stick with what you set out to look up that day and don’t deviate from it. It takes discipline, but it will also keep your research time to a more reasonable amount for you and your loved ones.
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