013 | Building An Extraordinary Small Business, With Brad Taylor
Bootstrapping Your Dreams Show - Een podcast door Manuj Aggarwal - Woensdagen

Manuj Aggarwal interviews Brad Taylor, a serial entrepreneur, and best selling author. They discuss how he successfully built an extraordinary small business by harnessing the power of entrepreneurship. They provide priceless information which you can use to achieve similar results too.
What are you waiting for? Tune In Now!
In this episode we will learn:
- How to face your fears and find out what happens when you risk it all to succeed
- How to lead people by example
- How to change your business based on your niche
- How to overcome the negativity around you and turn it into motivation
- How to differentiate your brand and create your own story
- How to expand your reach using recommended tools and videos
- How to manage your time effectively by prioritizing your time and using visual goal setting
- How to harness the power of entrepreneurship
- How to keep a pulse on the market that will help your business/brand thrive
- How to work together with your spouse or significant other
- About the power of persistence and how to harness it for sustainable business management
About Brad Taylor
Brad Taylor is a serial entrepreneur who has had the zeal for business since he was a kid, reading everything he could lay his hands on about business.
- Experience – Brad began his career in the retail drug store industry working his way up, being mentored by his assertion “the best in the industry.” In the late ’80s, he met Cathy, a registered pediatric nurse, and he not only found love but a lifelong partner.
- Accomplishments – Brad and Cathy, together, made the commitment to enter the publishing industry and grown their endeavor to become the largest network of market-specific magazines featuring luxury homes in North America. For over 25 years, Brad and Cathy’s continued success in publishing and media paved the way for the creation of the incomparable, Luxury Home Magazine (LHM) and its subsidiaries.
- Fun Fact – Brad is a hardworking man, he does what he says he will do. He is a great promoter of humility and human values, he is a mover and a calculated risk taker.
- Obstacles Overcame – Taking a leap of faith by traveling 3100 miles away from the people he knew to start a life in a part of the world that is 3100 miles away from his initial world. Getting to achieve more outside his comfort zone and built a zone for himself.
Links & Mentions from This Episode:
- Brad’s company: https://www.thebradtaylor.com
- Brad's Book: https://amzn.to/2HIxL7j
- ZIVAOnline meditation course: https://go.tetranoodle.com/z1
- TetraNoodle consulting services: https://www.tetranoodle.com
- TetraNoodle professional training: https://courses.tetranoodle.com
Thanks for Tuning In!
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