Miles Jupp

This week on the pod Rob is joined by a guest who has done it all - from pink castles and hair-brained inventions, to fibbing in the heat and that’s just getting into The Thick of It… Yup that’s right- it’s Miles Jupp! Rob and Miles chat about his latest tour, revealing that it's inspired by the life-changing discovery of a brain tumour. Miles shares his story candidly and with humour, telling Rob what the experience taught him. They also discuss Miles’ upcoming role in Napoleon and why working with Hugh Laurie put him in the right place at the right time.   See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Om Podcasten

Well done. You’ve sorted through the embarrassment of riches that is the modern podcast landscape and found me, Rob Brydon, on my podcast. In this season of Brydon &, I talk to, among others: Harry Hill, Ben Elton, Julia Davis, Steve Coogan and Dame Harriet Walter. It’s terrific conversation, full of anecdotes and reminiscence where appropriate. You can listen to episodes early and ad-free on Amazon Music or by subscribing to Wondery+ on Apple Podcasts or the Wondery app.