#11604 Online Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Catholic Answers Live - Een podcast door Catholic Answers

Questions Covered: 03:11 – Why is there a personal judgment and a general judgment? Doesn’t that seem redundant?  13:29 – Have any credible remote viewers ever tried to remote view heaven?  23:15 – How does our doctrine of inspiration interact with 1 Cor 7:29-31? In that passage, Paul seems to assert to his original audience that the end of history was near upon them, and gives them advice which only makes sense in that context. Paul seems to change his mind later on (in other letters). But in that spot, it really seems like an assertion which is untrue. But I say this, brothers: the time is shortened, that from now on even those who have wives should be as if they do not have wives, 30 and those who weep as if they do not weep, and those who rejoice as if they do not rejoice, and those who buy as if they do not possess 31 and those who make use of the world as if they do not make full use of it. For the present form of this world is passing away.  36:57 – How can parishes do better at helping those who don’t drive attend Mass? Or help those would are considering joining the church and don’t drive.  40:38 – What is the reason behind why the Gospel of Mark has both a short ending and a long ending?  46:30 – Which Bible translation is the most faithful to the original languages?  51:40 – Loving and liking are different. We know that in heaven we will love everyone the same. Does this mean that we are still going to have people that are closer to us, people that have a special bond? Or will those relationships become the same in the sense that there are no persons that have a closer friendship?  …

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