#11612 Questions from Society 315 - Joe Heschmeyer

Catholic Answers Live - Een podcast door Catholic Answers

Questions Covered: 18:37 – I’ve been a Christian all my life and was just brought into full communion with the Catholic Church last year. I’ve always loved the story of the Prodigal Son but I’ve always been curious of what his brother represents. Is it simply jealousy and pride? Or does he signify something deeper.  29:00 – My spouse is protestant. He doesn’t want the sacrament of confirmation since he thinks it is against scripture, since scripture tells us not to make vows / oaths. He’s hung up on submitting to a Church and all it teaches. Can you help address his concern?  37:17 – Thanks for offering this again! I’m always cooking dinner when the show is live and never have free hands to call in. I have a question about the myth that most Catholic Holidays are based on Pagan holidays. I know from listening to Shameless Popery that Christmas is not on December 25 because of other pagan holidays, but it’s hard to convince other Catholics this, because many reputable Catholic sources feed this myth. For example, the St. Joseph’s Sunday Missal has a blurb in the Liturgy section stating that the date was chosen in part because of pagan winter solstice festivals. If the early Christians were so adamant at separating themselves from the pagans, why is there so much disagreement among reputable Catholic sources?  46:45 – When praying the Luminous mysteries, I have difficulty on what to meditate on with the Kingdom of God decade.  50:44 – Will all our sins be revealed to the whole world at the general judgement, including those that have been forgiven ? We’re trying to reconcile Luke 8: (For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open) and Hebrews 8:12 (For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more)  52:06 – Can some early Christian writings that did not make the canon, such as the Shepherd of Hermas, be regarded as approved private revelations, similar to those of Fatima or St. Faustina?  53:12 – “I enjoy listening to Catholic Answers as often as I can and have learned a lot!  My Question:  In Galatians 2:11-21, Paul confronts/rebukes Peter for refusing to eat with gentiles:  “”11 But when Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong.”” If the successor of Peter says, thinks or does something  “”very wrong,”” who, when and how is the successor confronted/rebuked or corrected?”  …

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