How To Use Your Brain To Feel Good Anesthetizing Effects On The Body
Get Your Life Back With Cheryl Podcast - Een podcast door Cheryl Y. Howard

So, God gave us the ability and inner tools such as OUR BRAINS THAT CAN BE USED TO HELP US FEEL GOOD via neurotransmitters-sending messages from brain to body. After a brief TWO MINUTE & THIRTY-SEVEN SECOND intro about myself and purpose, we are going to focus on releasing stress relieving hormones that create an anesthetizing effect on our nervous system and body with a Biblical factor. This information will also give you insight on why people who pursue a life doing what they love to do and are passionate about, makes them happiest than those working at a job that they hate or can't fully grow in. or that individual who is not engaging in activities they love, like and passionate for. I wanted to share one of the course topics in my LEARNING TO LOVE YOU MASTERCLASS AND SELF-CARE AUDIT WORKSHOP AT GET YOUR LIFE BACK ACADEMY WHICH YOU CAN CHECK OUT NOW AND ENROLL IN any of my workshops. CHERYL Y. HOWARD'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK PODCAST: iTunes Apple Podcast: ... Soundcloud: Google Podcast: YouTube: IN THE GET YOUR LIFE BACK ACADEMY WORKSHOPS: 1. Purpose Passion Finder Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 2. How to Write An eBook/Book In 30 Days: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 4. Learning to Love You Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 5. From the Page to The Stage Virtual Summit: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 6. Self-Care Audit Virtual Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... EBOOKS: 1. Purpose Passion Finder Workshop Journal: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 2. Loving On You: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 3. Self-Care Management Workbook: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 4. How to Manifest Inner-Joy, Gratefulness & The God-factor: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 5. How to Write An eBook | Self-Publishing: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... MINISTRY/PASTORAL COUNSELING: Healing For Your Soul Ministries: https://healingforyoursoulministries .... #brainandbody #selflove #howtofeelgood #peaceofmind #mentalhealth #stressreliefhormones #challengecorebeliefs #renewingthemind #dopamine #serotonin #cognitive #socraticthinking #blackmentalhealth #oxytocin #corevalues #corebeliefs #REBT #CBT #rationalemotivebehavioral #mentalhealthcoaching #blacksocialworker #blackcounselor #blacklifecoach #lifeppurposecoach #empathycoach