英语新闻丨门票太贵交通设施老旧 巴黎奥运会“可达性”遭质疑

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整整一个世纪后,奥运会再回浪漫之都法国巴黎。然而,捆绑销售、高昂的门票费用和对残障人士不友好的交通系统,让越来越多的人不再相信,这就是奥组委和法国政府所宣称的“有史以来最具包容性的奥运会”。The date is set, venues have been chosen, tickets are on sale.日期定了,场地选好了,门票也开售了。One hundred years after the Olympics last graced the streets of Paris, the city is braced for the return of the world’s largest sporting event next summer.时隔百年,奥林匹克运动会再次在巴黎举行。明年夏天这座城市将迎接世界最大体育赛事的回归。While organizers and the French government claim that it’ll be the most inclusive games yet, a growing chorus of voices isn’t convinced.尽管巴黎奥组委和法国政府声称这将是有史以来最具包容性的奥运会,但是越来越多的人异口同声地发出了质疑Accessibility is a main concern, both financially due to the eye-watering cost of tickets, and for disabled people who worry about navigating Paris’ decades-old transport infrastructure.可达性是个大问题,一方面贵到离谱的门票价格让人难以承受,另一方面巴黎已经使用了数十年的老旧的交通基础设施也让残疾人望而却步。Flavien Lallemand had barely made it on the Paris 2024 ticketing site, before deciding it wasn’t worth it. 23岁的开发人员弗拉维安·拉勒芒差点登录不上巴黎的2024售票网站,后来总算登上去了又觉得票价很不值。"Crazy, it was just crazy,” the 23-year-old developer told CNN of the price of the available tickets.他和美国有线电视新闻网的记者谈到在售门票的价格时表示:“疯狂,这真是太疯狂了。”"It’s a shame, it’s being done in our city, it’s just next door, we’ll be bothered by all the visitors etc; we’ll be impacted but we won’t have the positive sides,” he said, adding that he’ll likely end up watching the games on TV at home.他说:“太可耻了,奥运会就在我们的城市举行,就在家门口,我们会被各种游客打扰,我们会受影响,然而我们在买票时却没有优惠。”他还表示,他最后应该只能在自家电视上看奥运会比赛。Many French people have taken to social media to protest the cost of tickets, complaining that those available are were well beyond average budgets.许多法国人都在社交媒体上抗议门票价格,并抱怨称能买到的门票远远超过了普通人的预算。It’s an embarrassing distraction for the games organizers, who have trumpeted the events accessibility credentials.这些声音让巴黎奥组委感到尴尬,因为他们鼓吹这届奥运会具有很好的可达性。"Paris 2024 will be the first Games to focus on solidarity and inclusivity,” boasts their official site.巴黎奥组委的官网上宣称:“2024奥运会将是首届聚焦团结和包容性的奥运会。”The cheapest tickets for the main games were put on sale from 24 euros ($26), with Paralympic tickets sold from 15 euros ($16). However, these tickets were limited in number and often were for tournaments like basketball or soccer taking place in other French cities. By the time many sports fans were able to purchase tickets, more affordable options were often scarce.主要赛事在售的最便宜的门票价格为24欧元,残奥会门票价格15欧元起。但是,这些门票是限量发售,而且通常都是在其他法国城市举行的篮球或足球等比赛。等到许多体育迷可以购票的时候,比较便宜的门票往往都所剩无几了。Unlike past Games, Paris 2024 set up a “games pack” purchase system. Members of the public were asked to sign up for a lottery draw for the chance to buy tickets. From mid-March, when sales started, lottery winners had a 48-hour window to buy tickets from a minimum of three events, reserving the same number of tickets for each session.和往届奥运会不同,2024年巴黎奥运会实行“打包购票制”。在官网上注册会员的民众要报名抽签来获得购票机会。3月中旬门票开售后,抽中购票机会的人有48小时的窗口期来购买最少三场比赛的门票,每场比赛所购的票数必须相同。For those hoping to see just one sport, it meant potentially tripling their budget, although organizers have promised to allow resale of unwanted tickets next spring. 对于那些只想看一场比赛的人而言,这意味着要花的钱是预算的三倍,不过组委会承诺不想要的门票可以在明年春季转卖。"The price makes me sick,” former Olympic gymnast Marine Debauve said of the 690 euros ($742) that tickets to a gymnastics final event would cost her. 前奥运会体操运动员马琳·德博夫在提到体操决赛高达690欧元的门票时表示:“这个价格让我很不舒服。”"It may be easier to participate in the Olympics than see it as a spectator in my own country,” she said on Facebook, echoing the anger of current athletes at not being able to secure tickets for their families. 她在脸书发言称:“参加奥运会可能都比在我自己的国家看奥运会容易些。”和她一样感到恼火的还有无法为家人购买门票的现役运动员。One French 5,000-meter runner, Jimmy Gressier, said on social media that inviting 10 relatives to see him compete would cost between 6,000 to 7,000 euros ($6,400 to $7,500), according to CNN affiliate BFMTV. 美国有线电视新闻网旗下的BFM电视台报道称,法国的5000米长跑运动员吉米·格雷西耶在社交媒体上说,邀请10位亲戚来看他比赛将花费6000至7000欧元。He said the ticketing was “really exorbitant,” especially for what “is fundamentally an affordable sport for all and accessible, and there aren’t great stars.”他表示定价“真的太离谱了”,尤其是对于一场“没有任何大明星、本应该是面向大众的平价赛事”来说。"I understand, I’m sorry they’re disappointed,” Paris 2024 Chief Tony Estanguet told CNN affiliate BFMTV-RMC Sport in March, adding that the second phase of ticketing, in May, allowed the public to purchase individual tickets.2024巴黎奥组委主席托尼·埃斯坦盖3月份告诉BFM电视台RMC体育频道:“我理解,我很抱歉让他们失望了。”但是他表示,在5月份开展的第二阶段的售票将允许公众购买单张门票。"We know there’s much more demand than supply,” regarding tickets, Estanguet added. 关于门票,埃斯坦盖表示:“我们知道供给远远赶不上需求。”Some 10% of the approximately 10 million tickets on sale for the games are priced at 24 euros, with half on sale for under 50 euros ($54). Organizers say the Games’ pricing isn’t more expensive than the London 2012 Olympics.巴黎奥运会在售的近1000万张门票中约有10%价格为24欧元,半数价格在50欧元以下。组委会称,巴黎奥运会门票定价并不比2012伦敦奥运会更贵。In contrast to past Games, the Paris 2024 opening ceremony will be held along a stretch of the River Seine, which crosses the city, offering unprecedented (and mostly free) access to the competition’s overture.和往届奥运会不同,2024巴黎奥运会的开幕式将会沿着贯穿巴黎的塞纳河举办,这将史无前例地让大多数人免费看到开幕式。Even so, the best views of the floating parade from the river banks will be ticketed, with some spots on sale for as much as 2,700 euros ($2,900).即便如此,观看船上游行的河畔最佳位置也将出售门票,部分位置票价高达2700欧元。Paris 2024 organizers have boasted that inclusion is at the heart of the project and that the Paralympic Games next September will be the “most accessible ever,” styling itself as a leader in accessibility.2024巴黎奥组委曾鼓吹包容是这届奥运会的核心,明年9月的残奥会将是“有史以来可达性最好的”,并自称为可达性的引领者。But that’s little relief for disabled visitors, who will have few accessible ways to get around the city.然而这却并不能让残疾游客放心,因为能方便他们在巴黎出行的无障碍设施并不多。Paris’ more-than-century-old metro network, riddled with staircases and lacking in elevators, is notoriously inaccessible for disabled passengers.巴黎的地铁系统是100多年前修建的,到处都是楼梯,缺少电梯,众所周知这对残疾乘客非常不方便。Currently, only one metro line is entirely step-free, the M14 line that traverses the city. Only an estimated 10% of the network’s 332 stations will be accessible for wheelchair users by the Games.目前,巴黎只有一条地铁线完全没有楼梯,也就是横贯巴黎的M14号线。据估计,到奥运会举办时,巴黎的332座地铁站只有10%能让轮椅使用者自由出入。Olympics英 /əu'limpiks/美 /əu'limpiks/n.奥林匹克运动会Paralympic英[ˌpærəˈlɪmpɪk]美[ˌpɛrəˈlɪmpɪk]n.残疾人奥运会Accessibility英 /ək,sesə'biləti/美 /ək,sesə'biləti/n.可达性Ticket英 /'tɪkɪt/美 /'tɪkɪt/n.门票;入场券