英语新闻丨马来熊安吉拉走红网络 吸引众多游客

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Hangzhou Zoo has rejected rumors that some of its bears are people wearing costumes after videos of a Malayan sun bear standing on its hind legs — and looking uncannily human — went viral on social media, triggering widespread speculation.此前,一只马来亚马来熊后腿站立的视频在社交媒体上疯传,引发了广泛的猜测,杭州动物园近日否认了这只熊是由人类假扮的传言。In a statement written from the perspective of the 4-year-old sun bear named Angela, the zoo in the capital of Zhejiang province said that people didn't quite understand the species, which is known to mimic human postures such as standing and walking on its hind legs.这家位于浙江杭州的动物园以这只名叫安吉拉的4岁太阳熊的视角撰写的声明中说,人们并不十分了解这一物种,众所周知,太阳熊会模仿人类的姿势,比如站立和用后腿行走。"I am a bear, a sun bear," said the statement posted on Sunday on the zoo's official WeChat account. "My name is Angela," it said.“我是马来熊!”动物园官方微信账号周日发布的声明中说,“我的名字叫安吉拉。”Videos of Angela, standing upright on a rock inside her enclosure and waving at visitors, went viral soon after it was uploaded on microblogging site Sina Weibo on July 27. In addition to the sun bear's curious antics, the loose folds of fur on its back fueled speculation that a human might be masquerading as a bear.7月27日,安吉拉直立在围栏内的一块石头上并向游客挥手的视频在新浪微博上上传后不久便引起了热议。除了这只太阳熊令人好奇的滑稽动作外,它背上松散的皮毛褶皱也让人猜测它可能是由人类假扮的。The zoo denied such suggestions and said on Saturday that it would be impossible for a person to survive in a heavy bear costume when the maximum temperature in Hangzhou was hovering around 40 C.动物园否认了这种说法,并在周六表示,杭州的最高气温徘徊在40摄氏度左右,人不可能穿着厚重的熊服装生存。The WeChat statement, written from the sun bear's point of view, said on Sunday: "I got a call after work yesterday from the director of the zoo asking me if I was being lazy and found a human to take my place. ... That was totally uncalled for. I take the business of interacting with my visitors quite seriously."7月30日,以安吉拉的视角撰写的微信声明如是说:“昨天我下班后,接到园长的电话,问我是不是偷懒没有上班,找了两脚兽来代替我。没想到我熊在山中坐,热搜从天降。”Angela's antics and her sudden fame on social media have increased the number of visitors to the zoo. "Once the videos went viral, we started receiving over 20,000 visitors a day," Jiang Zhi, deputy director of the zoo, told Tide News, a portal based in Zhejiang.安吉拉的滑稽行为和她在社交媒体上的突然成名增加了动物园的游客数量。动物园副园长江志告诉浙江潮新闻记者:“视频一经传播,我们每天接待的游客就超过了两万人。”The Malayan sun bear, also called the honey bear, is the world's smallest bear species. The average adult weighs 55 kilograms and when standing, is approximately 1.5 meters tall, Jiang said.马来亚熊又称蜜熊,是世界上最小的熊类。成年熊平均体重55公斤,站立时身高约1.5米。Unfortunately, the sun bear's population in the wild is dwindling fast, and it is classified as a first-class national protected animal in China. The average life span of the species is 24 years.遗憾的是,太阳熊的野外种群数量正在迅速减少,被列为中国国家一级保护动物。该物种的平均寿命为24岁。Angela, who arrived in Hangzhou from another zoo in Zhejiang three years ago, has just stepped into adulthood. She shares her living space and meals — mostly seasonal fruits, worms and milk — with her male companion, Dalu. The two are almost inseparable, according to their handlers.三年前从浙江另一家动物园来到杭州的安吉拉刚刚步入成年。它与雄性伙伴“大陆”共享生活空间和食物--主要是时令水果、虫子和牛奶。据它们的饲养员说,它们俩几乎形影不离。The zoo has already prepared a maternity room, hoping to welcome cubs later this year or in 2024.动物园已经准备好了一间产房,希望在今年晚些时候或2024年迎接幼崽的到来。As for Angela's humanlike posture, Jiang said that all bears can stand on their hind legs to view distant objects, or when they sense a potential enemy. Sun bears are excellent tree climbers and inquisitive by nature, and have a greater tendency to stand on their hind legs, he added.至于安吉拉像人一样的姿势,江志说,所有的熊都可以用后腿站立来观察远处的物体,或者当它们感觉到潜在的敌人时。他补充说,太阳熊善于爬树,天性好奇,更倾向于用后腿站立。Antic英/ˈæntɪk/ 美/ˈæntɪk/adj.古怪的;滑稽可笑的Viral英/ˈvaɪrəl/ 美/ˈvaɪrəl/adj.病毒性的,病毒引起的