英语新闻︱美国迪士尼乐园票价飞涨 多数粉丝称乐园已“失去魔力”

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英语新闻︱美国迪士尼乐园票价飞涨 多数粉丝称乐园已“失去魔力”Amajority of "self-described Disney World enthusiasts" say the Floridatheme park has "lost its magic" due to skyrocketing costs, accordingto a recent study.最近的一项研究显示,由于佛罗里达迪士尼乐园门票价格暴涨,大多数自称是迪士尼乐园爱好者的人表示乐园已“失去魔力”。Astudy from gambling website Time2play surveyed 1,927 "Disney Worldenthusiasts," and of those, 68.3% reported that the price hikes makethem feel like the theme park has "lost its magic." A whopping 92.6%reported that they believe the high costs for the park has made a vacation forthe average family "out of reach."网站Time2play的一项研究调查了1927名“迪士尼乐园爱好者”,其中有68.3%的人报告称票价上涨让他们觉得乐园已经“失去了魔力”。多达92.6%的人报告称他们认为迪士尼乐园的高昂票价让普通家庭“负担不起”迪士尼度假之旅。Aticket for Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in 1971 was a total of $3.50, accordingto the study. When adjusting for inflation, that would mean tickets would beabout $25.60 today. Instead, tickets for one Disney World park range from $109to $159 per day, according to the study.研究显示,1971年迪士尼魔法王国的单张门票价格为3.5美元。根据通货膨胀进行调整后,票价相当于现在的25.6美元。然而,研究表明现在奥兰多迪士尼世界的一张单日门票的价格在109美元到159美元之间。Nearly50% of respondents reported postponing a trip due to the price hikes.近50%的受访者报告称自己由于门票价格上涨而推迟了迪士尼乐园之旅。Allin, Disney World veterans can expect to pay 35.7% more for their next tripcompared to their last one, Time2play found.Time2play网站发现,迪士尼乐园常客下一次乐园之旅将比上一次总计多支付35.7%的票钱。Achart posted to social media last year by a researcher at SJ DataVisualizations, a UK-based firm, shows that prices for Disney World have risenby at least 3,871% since 1971, with prices rising at a more drastic ratein the early 1980s compared to its first decade.去年英国公司SJData Visualizations的一名研究员上传到社交媒体的图表显示,奥兰多迪士尼世界的票价自1971年以来已经上涨了至少3871%,相比第一个十年,上世纪80年代初上涨幅度更猛。Familiesspoke out about the prices earlier this year as traveling picked back upfollowing coronavirus lockdowns, and they expressed shock at the price hikes.One dad of two estimated he would be on the hook for a $4,000 to $5,000 bill,even with one of his kids qualifying for free admission.今年早些时候,随着疫情封锁结束后出游人数回升,美国家庭表达了对于迪士尼乐园票价上涨的震惊。一位两个孩子的父亲估算,即使他有一个小孩可以免费入园,他们一家人还是要花费4000到5000美元才能去乐园玩一次。"Iunderstand inflation and all of those things. I understand costincreases," Kentucky father Matt Day told the Washington Post earlier thisyear on the high prices. "I always had the impression that Disney was afamily vacation destination, and that impression is why I was surprised to seehow expensive it truly was — and how out of reach it is for most Americanfamilies."这位来自肯塔基州的父亲马特·戴今年早些时候就迪士尼乐园的高票价对《华盛顿邮报》说:“我明白通货膨胀和所有这一切。我理解票价为什么要上涨。在我的印象中,迪士尼乐园一直是全家人去度假的好地方,正是这一印象让我对高票价感到震惊——多数美国家庭根本负担不起。”"It’sreally unprecedented," said Len Testa, president of theme-parktrip-planning site Touring Plans told the Washington Post earlier this year."We haven’t seen this sort of anger about price hikes in — we can’tremember the last time something like this caused this much anger from Disneyfans."主题乐园旅游规划网站TouringPlans的总裁伦恩·特斯塔今年早些时候告诉《华盛顿邮报》:“这是史无前例的。我们从未见过人们对票价上涨这么气愤,也不记得迪士尼粉丝过去曾因为这种事这么恼火。”英文来源:福克斯商业网翻译&编辑:丹妮hike英[haɪk];美[haɪk]vt.提高(价格等);拉起;使…高涨vi.徒步旅行;上升n.徒步旅行;远足;提高,涨价;<口>(数量、价格等)增加,上升whopping英[ˈwɒpɪŋ];美[ˈwɑpɪŋ]adj.巨大的,庞大的v.打(whop的现在分词); 抽出;打败;征服drastic英[ˈdræstɪk];美[ˈdræstɪk]adj. 极端的;严厉的;急剧的