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A highly anticipated video game based on ancient Chinese literature classic was released worldwide on Tuesday, thrilling gamers around the world.一款以中国古典文学名著为背景设计的电子游戏于8月20日在全球上线,这款游戏在之前就备受期待,上线后更是使全球玩家为之惊艳。The game, Black Myth: Wukong, an action role-playing game developed by Shenzhen-headquartered Game Science, was inspired by the rich tapestry of Chinese mythology and the 16th-century seminal novel Journey to the West, one of the four great classic novels of Chinese literature. It is infused with traditional Chinese cultural elements, offering gamers a novel experience of Chinese imagination and landscape.这款动作类角色扮演游戏名为《黑神话:悟空》,由深圳的游戏科技制作。该游戏以丰富多样的中国神话和16世纪的巨著——中国四大名著之一《西游记》为灵感,融合了中国传统文化元素,给玩家带来了畅游中国经典与美景这一新奇体验。CHINADAILYIn the game, players step into the shoes of the iconic Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, who is likewise the leading hero in the novel, as they navigate his epic adventures westward.在游戏中,玩家可以扮演小说中的引领者——经典人物孙悟空,也称美猴王,经历他史诗般的西行冒险之旅。Available on PS5, Steam, Epic Games Store and WeGame, Black Myth: Wukong is already a top seller on multiple platforms, including Steam and WeGame, marking a new milestone for Chinese Triple-A games — those with high budgets and profiles produced and distributed by large, well-known publishers.《黑神话:悟空》可以从PS5,Steam, Epic Games Store和WeGame等多个游戏平台上下载,并且已在Steam 和 WeGame等平台上位居销量榜首,创下了中国3A级游戏的又一个里程碑——3A级游戏是指由知名的大型游戏公司制作和发行的高质量、高声望的游戏。Development of the game, which is being hailed as China's first Triple-A masterpiece, started in 2018 and completed after six-and-a-half years of challenges.该游戏被誉为中国首个3A级游戏的大师之作,从2018年就开始研发,经历了六年半的磨炼,如今终于上线。By July, presales had surpassed 400 million yuan ($56 million), and the physical Collector's Editions are currently sold out. In addition, Game Science's final prelaunch trailer on YouTube quickly hit 1 million views, highlighting the wide anticipation of the game's release, especially amid a 24-hour countdown.截止七月,游戏的预售额已超4亿元人民币(约5.6千万美元),其实物收藏品也一售而空。此外,游戏科技发布在YouTube上的终极预告片迅速收获了一百万播放量,这体现了玩家们对该游戏的广泛期待,尤其是在发行前的24小时倒计时期间。As of 10 pm on Tuesday, Black Myth: Wukong had more than 1.5 million concurrent players on the platform Steam, surpassing Counter-Strike 2 to top the Steam trending games chart.截止8月20日上午10点,《黑神话:悟空》在Steam平台上拥有超150万的在线玩家,超越《反恐精英2》,位居Steam的热门游戏榜首。IGN China, a branch of IGN, one of the leading media companies covering video games, movies, TV shows, entertainment news, reviews and guides, rated the game with its highest score, 10 points.IGN中国是电子游戏、电影、电视节目、娱乐新闻、评论和指南等领域的头部媒体之一,是IGN旗下的分公司,该公司给这一游戏评了最高分10分。More than 50 gamers on Metacritic, an international review aggregation website, gave the game a Metascore of 82 points out of 100.超50名玩家在国际评论聚合网站“元批评”上给了游戏82分的评分,满分100分。One Metacritic commenter called GamesRD, who gave the game a score of 100 points, said, "With breathtaking concept art, stunning graphics and sceneries, wonderful score, and one of the most fulfilling playabilities we've seen in role-playing games, Black Myth: Wukong is unquestionably a Game of the Year candidate, promising a bright future for the genre's fans.一个网名为GamesRD的玩家在“元批评”上给游戏打了100分,他说:“惊艳的概念美学,令人惊叹的构图和景色,精彩的评分,我们见过的最能满足游戏体验的角色扮演类游戏之一,《黑神话:悟空》无疑能进入年度游戏的候选榜单之列,为该题材的粉丝带来了一个光明的未来。”"Zhinengluzhang, who has nearly 4.6 million followers on Chinese livestreaming platform Bilibili, said in a post that he gave the game 94 points out of 100 and expected its Metascore to rise soon.一位在中国直播平台哔哩哔哩上拥有460万粉丝的up主“智能路障”发帖表示,他给这个游戏打了94分,满分100分,并预计该游戏在“元评分”上的分数还会上升。What particularly impressed Chinese as well as foreign players is the design of the game scenes and characters.最令中外玩家印象深刻的,是游戏场景和人物的设计。Black Myth: Wukong crafts a stunning dreamscape with Chinese scenery, featuring desolate mountains, ancient roads, pavilions among mountains and water, deserts and ancient temples. This vision draws inspiration from the 1986 TV series Journey to the West as well as film director Stephen Chow's adaptation, A Chinese Odyssey.孤山、古道、山水之间的亭台楼阁、沙漠、古寺,《黑神话:悟空》展现了一幅惊艳而梦幻的中国风景图,这些画面的灵感来源于1986年的电视连续剧《西游记》和周星驰导演的改编电影《大话西游》。The game's production team traveled across China and meticulously scanned ancient buildings and relics. It incorporated the creations and historical relics into every scene of the game.游戏制作团队跨越中国大地,精细扫描了众多古建筑和文物,他们将这些创作和历史遗迹融入到了游戏的每一个场景中。For instance, in the trailer, the battle between Wukong and the dragon Kang Jinlong features a distant view of an ancient temple modeled after Dule Temple in Tianjin. The temple is one of the country's few remaining structures from the Liao Dynasty (916-1125).例如,在预告片里悟空与龙王金兀术的战斗场景中,远处可见的古寺就是以天津的独乐寺为原型设计的,这座寺庙是中国仅存的辽代(916-1125)建筑之一。The various minor demons, demon kings, gods and Buddhas that appear in the game all feature Chinese aesthetics, forming a contemporary illustrated compendium of creatures from The Classic of Mountains and Seas, a major source of Chinese mythology.游戏中出现的各种小妖、魔王、神祇和佛陀都具有中国美学特色,形成了一部当代的《山海经》生物图鉴,这部作品是中国神话的重要来源。Additionally, the game features traditional Chinese instruments such as the guzheng, bowls, wooden clappers and gongs. Much of the music is composed using Chinese-style chord structures.此外,游戏中的许多音乐使用了古筝、碗琴、木鱼和锣等中国传统乐器,并采用了中式和弦结构谱写而成。As the game combines ancient dialogue and a worldview that blends Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, players are immersed in an environment in which simply strolling leisurely or sitting alone by a cold river offers its own unique pleasure.该游戏结合了古体对话模式,融合了儒释道的世界观,玩家在悠闲漫步中,独坐冷冽河边时,也能拥有沉浸式体验,体会到独特乐趣。Feng Ji, Game Science founder and CEO, said in a recent interview with Xinhua News Agency that "the script and artistic concepts always take the lead, seamlessly incorporating Chinese stories and classical cultural elements into the game".游戏科学创始人兼首席执行官冯骥在接受新华社采访时表示:“故事和艺术始终是游戏的首要要素,同时,我们将中国故事与古典文化的元素完美融入其中”。He said that a game's true value isn't defined by its budget or visuals, but by the genuine enjoyment it offers players.他表示,游戏的真正价值不是由其预算或视觉效果定义,而是由它为玩家带来的真正乐趣来定义。Feng emphasized that the game was crafted entirely by a Chinese team, with the aim of bringing Chinese narratives to the global gaming stage.冯骥强调,这款游戏完全由中国团队打造,旨在将中国叙事带到全球游戏领域。When choosing to develop a game based on mythology, the developers do not consider whether a theme is "popular or outdated", Feng said, but reflect instead on whether the subject excites them.在选择开发以神话为背景的游戏时,开发团队没有考虑该主题是否“流行或过时”,而是思考这个主题是否能激发玩家们的兴趣。"Traditional Eastern myths, infused with magical elements, aren't sufficient," he said.冯骥说:“仅仅是充满魔幻元素的传统东方神话远远不够”。Feng added that his team aimed to go beyond the myths and also learned from other excellent games.他说,他的团队旨在超越神话,并从其他优秀游戏中学习经验。"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring video game involves a team completing a daunting task, similar to Journey to the West," Feng said. "Although the narrative structures and worldviews differ, the core essence is comparable."冯骥说:“电子游戏《指环王:护戒使者》中有让团队完成艰巨任务的玩法,这一点和《西游记》很像,尽管叙事结构和世界观不同,但其核心本质是相似的。”Citing the growth of other Chinese industries in the international market, including the film industry, Feng said, "Eight years ago, we were confident that the stand-alone game market in China would not only exist but would also become significant." Stand-alone games are those that are not dependent on being online in order to play.冯骥谈及中国其它产业,如电影行业在国际市场的成长,他说:“八年前,我们有信心中国的独立游戏市场不仅会出现,而且会取得重要地位。”独立游戏是指不需要网络也能玩的游戏。"Back in 2016, the stand-alone game market in the United States was about $10 billion; Japan's was $5 billion; and China's was less than $1 billion," he said. "We believe that within 10 to 15 years, China's stand-alone game market share will reach or even exceed that of Japan."他说:“2016年,美国的独立游戏市场大约有100亿美元;日本有50亿美元;而中国的还不到10亿美元,我们相信在未来10到15年内,中国的独立游戏市场份额将追平甚至赶超日本。”The highest-ranked AAA titles on Metacritic are still from Western and Japanese companies, such as FromSoftware's Elden Ring and Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, both of which have been given a score of 96, compared with the current 82 for Black Myth: Wukong.目前,西方和日本公司仍然掌控着在“元批评”上评分最高的3A级游戏,如FromSoftware的《艾尔登法环》和任天堂的《塞尔达传说:王国之泪》,这两个游戏都获得了96分的评分,而《黑神话:悟空》目前的评分为82分。The game won the Best Visuals Award at Gamescom 2023, the world's largest annual trade fair for video games, which was held in Germany.Gamescom是在德国举办的规模最大的世界级年度电子游戏展览会,《黑神话:悟空》在2023年的Gamescom上获得了最佳视觉效果奖。Tapestry  n.各式各样的(人或物)Pavilionsn.花园或公园里的亭、阁Relicn.遗物;遗迹;遗址