英语视频丨今年的中秋 十五的月亮终于十五圆啦

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今年中秋十五的月亮终于十五圆啦The Mid-Autumn Festival is fast approaching! September’s fullMoon reaches its peak at 17:59 on September 10. Weather permitting,people can enjoy the glowing fullMoon from nightfall on and express their longing for their hometown and loved ones.这个9月,即将迎来中秋节。今年的中秋月是‘十五的月亮十五圆’,最圆时刻出现在9月10日17时59分。届时只要天气晴好,从傍晚开始,人们就可以欣赏这轮‘分外明’的中秋满月,尽情寄托思念故乡、思念亲人之情。Mid-Autumn Festival traditionally falls on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, which is in September or early October on the Gregorian calendar. This year, the festival falls on September 10, coinciding with Teachers’ Day. The four major traditional Chinese festivals include the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival. Since ancient times, there have been customs such as appreciating the moon, offering sacrifices to the moon, and eating moon cakes.农历八月十五是中秋节,这个节日一般出现在公历的9月7日到10月6日之间,今年中秋节在9月10日,恰逢教师节。中秋节与春节、清明节、端午节并称中国四大传统节日。中秋节自古便有赏月、祭月、吃月饼等民间习俗,流传至今。As the saying goes, “Moon of the fifteenth gets round on the sixteenth”, that is, most full moons occur on the 16th day of the lunar calendar. This year, however, the fullMoon will occur on the 15th day of the lunar calendar, at 17:59 on September 10.俗话说“十五的月亮十六圆”,就是说出现在农历十六的满月居多。不过,今年八月十五中秋节的月亮却是十五圆,具体满月的时间是9月10日17时59分。According to Wang Kechao,a staff memberofPurple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, theMoon is the closest celestial body toEarth. The different shapes of theMoon seen fromEarth are called “lunar phases”: it can be a thin crescent moon, or it can be a full moon hanging high in the sky…中科院紫金山天文台科普主管王科超介绍,月球是距离地球最近的天体,从地球上看月球在不同日期呈现的不同相貌即为“月相”:有时是细窄的月牙,有时是一轮满月当空高挂……“The traditional Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar based on the monthly cycles of the Moon’s phases,” Wang said.On the first day of the lunar month, theMoon passes betweenEarth and theSun,making it unable to be observed on Earth. TheMoon on this day is calledthe newMoonwhich marks the beginning of a lunar cycle. The interval from the new Moon to the next is a lunar month.“在我国传统历法中,月份即依据月相而制定。”王科超说,月球和太阳黄经相同的那一刻为“朔”,朔所在当日是朔日,也就是农历初一,这一天在地球上用肉眼看不到月亮,朔是月相变化周期的起点。从一个朔到下一个朔之间的间隔就是农历的一个月。When will thefull Moonappear? The fullMoon does not always occur on the 15th lunar month, but more often on the 16th, rarely on the 17th, and occasionally on the 14th, Wang said.From 2021, the fullMoon will emergeon the Mid-Autumn Festival for three consecutive years.月儿到底何时圆?王科超表示,满月并不一定刚好出现在农历十五,更多的是出现于农历十六,少数时候也会出现于农历十七,偶尔亦会出现于农历十四。从2021年开始,连续三年的中秋都会是“十五的月亮十五圆”。来源:新华社央视网