英语新闻丨暑期档爆了,票房破百亿 !你看了哪几部?

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The scorching summer heat seems to be driving moviegoers by the thousands into the theaters. As of the weekend ending Saturday, the country's summer box-office haul had exceeded 10 billion yuan ($1.4 billion), the milestone being achieved in the shortest time span in the history of the Chinese film industry.酷暑似乎驱使成千上万的影迷涌入影院。截至7月22日,2023年暑期档总票房(含预售)突破100亿元(14亿美元),创下中国影史上暑期档最短时间内破100亿记录。The box-office revenue was grossed between June 1 and July 22, an increase of 158 percent over the same period last year, with single-day collections surpassing 100 million yuan for 32 consecutive days, according to Beacon, a live film information tracker.根据实时电影信息追踪网站灯塔专业版的数据,6月1日至7月22日,票房收入与去年同期相比增长了158%,连续32天单日票房收入超过1亿元。A total of 89 new movies have hit the theaters during the period, translating into 20 million screenings and 249 million tickets sold, combined figures from China Film Distribution and Screening Association and Beacon showed.据中国电影发行放映协会和灯塔专业版的数据显示,在此期间,共有89部新电影上映,放映场次达到2000万场,售出门票2.49亿张。In recent years, China has witnessed a growing interest in domestic movie productions. The trend has continued this summer, with the top three highest-grossing films all being Chinese releases.近年来,国产电影在国内备受关注,这一趋势在今年的暑假档得以延续,目前票房收入排名前三的均为国产电影。Having raked in 3.5 billion yuan till now, Lost in the Stars— a crime thriller that follows the story of a man searching for his missing wife during an overseas trip — has been on top of the summer season charts with its storyline provoking deep contemplation about marriage and female friendship.悬疑犯罪片《消失的她》凭借35亿元的票房收入,位居暑期档票房榜首。该电影讲述了一个男人在海外旅行中寻找失踪妻子的故事,该电影的故事情节引发了人们对婚姻和女性友谊的深刻思考。Following the champion isNever Say Never, the second directorial venture of action actor-turned filmmaker Wang Baoqiang. Adapted from a true story, the movie — which has raked in over 1.8 billion yuan — portrays how a group of underprivileged rural youngsters struggle for survival and success through martial art competitions.紧随其后的是《八角笼中》,票房收入超过18亿元。该电影是由动作演员转型为电影制作人的王宝强的第二部导演作品,电影改编自真实故事,讲述了一群贫困的农村年轻人通过武术比赛为生存和成功而奋斗的故事。 Chang'an,China's longest animated movie at 168 minutes, which tells the story of beloved Tang Dynasty (618-907) poets Li Bai and his confidant Gao Shi, has secured the third spot by grossing 1.1 billion yuan.中国史上最长的动画电影《长安三万里》以11亿票房排名第三,该片时长168分钟,讲述了深受人们喜爱的唐代诗人李白和知己高适的故事。Chang'anbrings to life on the screen a total of 48 poems composed by some of the dynasty's most famous poets, prompting many parents to take their children to theaters so that they could learn about these literary masterpieces.这部电影将唐朝著名的诗人创作的48首诗搬上了银幕,这使得许多家长带着孩子去电影院观影,以此让孩子学习这些文学名著。For most industry insiders, the momentum created by these Chinese blockbusters signals a promising future for the domestic film industry, which has already grossed over 32.7 billion yuan in the first seven months of the year.今年前七个月,中国电影的总收入已经超过327亿元人民币。大多数业内人士认为,这预示着国产电影业的前景光明。Hu Jianli, secretary-general of the China Film Critics Association, said that this summer movie season is the first after pandemic prevention measures were lifted, and the speed and scale of recovery of the film industry has exceeded expectations.中国电影评论学会秘书长胡建礼表示,今年暑期档是疫情防控措施解除后的第一个电影档,电影产业复苏的速度和规模都超出了预期。He added that big-budget Hollywood movies, once highly popular among the local audience, have now been overshadowed by Chinese movies. The underwhelming market performance ofTransformers: Rise of the BeastsandMission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part Oneare prime examples.他补充,曾经在观众中非常受欢迎的好莱坞大片,现在已经被国产电影超越。例如,《变形金刚:超能勇士崛起》和《碟中谍7:致命清算(上)》的市场表现平平。Yuan Yun'er, a Beijing-based film critic, said the changing preferences of Chinese audiences can be attributed to the staleness of the common Hollywood formula of stunning action sequences and a plotline where the hero saves the day.北京影评人袁云儿(音译)表示,中国观众观影偏好发生变化,这可能是由于好莱坞那种令人惊叹的动作场面和英雄救场的情节已经过时。 While the charm of Hollywood is diminishing, the Chinese film industry has made remarkable progress in terms of budget and special effects, leading to visually captivating cinema that resonate better with local audiences due to the familiar cultural elements, Yuan explained.袁云儿解释,好莱坞的魅力在减弱的同时,中国电影业在预算和特效方面取得了显著进步。国产电影融入了熟悉的文化元素,在视觉上更加吸引人,让中国观众产生共鸣。Chen Jin, an analyst with Beacon, estimated that the summer season will continue to rake in more revenue with the release of more Chinese films in the coming weeks.灯塔专业版分析师陈晋(音译)估计,未来几周,随着更多国产电影的上映,暑期档的票房收入将逐步攀升。On Thursday and Friday, two new Chinese releases quickly turned blockbusters.Creation of the Gods 1: Kingdom of Storms,a mythological epic adapted from a Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) classic collected 345 million yuan in four days, surpassing Mission: Impossible 7, which has earned 289 million yuan since it opened on July 14. Wonder Family, a fantasy produced by the country's most popular comedy brand Mahua FunAge, has grossed 211 million yuan in three days.20日和21日,两部国产电影上映,迅速斩获大量票房。改编自明代(1368-1644年)经典神话史诗的《封神第一部:朝歌风云》仅用四天时间,票房收入就高达3.45亿元人民币,超过了《碟中谍7》自7月14日上映以来的2.89亿元票房。由国内最受欢迎的喜剧品牌开心麻花影业有限公司出品的奇幻喜剧《超能一家人》三天内票房达2.11亿元人民币。 The highly anticipated upcoming releases includeOne and Only, which follows the story of a young dancer pursuing his hip-hop dream, and,Meg 2: The Trench, the sequel to a successful Sino-US sci-fi coproduction. The two movies are scheduled to be released on July 28 and Aug 4, respectively.在即将上映的电影中,讲述年轻舞者逐梦嘻哈的《热烈》和中美合拍科幻片《巨齿鲨2:海沟》备受瞩目,这两部电影将于7月28日和8月4日上映。"This summer season, which will conclude by the end of August, may see earnings surpass 16 billion yuan at the box office," said Chen, adding that the market has the potential to fully recover to pre-pandemic levels. In 2019, the summer season box office collection was 17.8 billion yuan.陈晋表示,将于8月底结束的暑期档的票房收入可能超过160亿元,市场可能能够完全恢复到疫情前的水平。据了解,2019年暑期档的票房收入为178亿元。Film英 /fɪlm/美 /fɪlm/n. 电影Box-office英/ˈbɒks ɒfɪs/ 美/ˈbɑːks ɑːfɪs/n.票房Revenue英 /ˈrevənjuː/ 美 /ˈrevənuː/n. 收入 Reporter: Xu Fan Intern     :Zang Tianyi