英语新闻|人民至上 生命至上

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China has enhanced rescue and relief efforts in flood-stricken regions after heavy rainfall brought by Typhoon Doksuri hit Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province in North China, as well as parts of Northeast China.在台风“杜苏芮”带来的强降雨袭击了华北地区的北京、天津和河北省以及中国东北部分地区后,中国加强了对洪灾地区的抢险救灾工作。In recent days, flooding in those regions stranded residents, washed away bridges and highways, killed at least 30 people and forced tens of thousands of people out of their homes.近期,受洪水影响,桥梁和高速公路被冲毁,造成至少30人死亡,数万人被迫离开家园。With people's lives and property in mind, the Communist Party of China Central Committee, with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core, has put people first in fighting the disaster.人民至上,生命至上。人民群众生命财产安全在以习近平同志为核心的党中央心中重若千钧。In July, Xi made an instruction on flood prevention and disaster relief work, emphasizing the need to strengthen coordination, enhance consultation and assessment, improve monitoring and early warning capabilities, and prioritize the protection of people's lives and property while minimizing losses.7月份,习近平总书记对防汛救灾工作作出指示,强调加强统筹协调,强化会商研判,做好监测预警,在尽量减少损失的同时优先保护人民的生命财产安全。During his recent inspection tour in Sichuan province from July 25 to 27, Xi, who is also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, called for Party committees and governments at various levels to shoulder the responsibilities for flood prevention and disaster relief. He also emphasized the need to carry out relief work scientifically, prevent secondary disasters and minimize casualties and property loss.7月25日至27日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在四川考察。习近平呼吁,各级党委和政府全面落实防汛救灾主体责任,科学救灾,防止发生次生灾害,最大限度减少人员伤亡和财产损失。Unprecedented torrential rain struck Beijing from July 29 to Wednesday, causing severe flooding in Beijing's Mentougou and Fangshan districts. More than 2,800 passengers aboard three trains were stranded due to the rain and flooding.7月29日至8月2日,史无前例的暴雨袭击了北京,门头沟区和房山区发生严重洪灾。受降雨和洪水的影响,三趟列车上的2800多名乘客被困。The stranded passengers had a difficult time. With food shortages, limited drinking water, interrupted communication signals and a drop in temperature, compounded by roads being cut off due to heavy rainfall, supplies could only be delivered by foot through muddy terrain and difficult conditions.滞留旅客经历了一段艰难的时光。食品告急、饮用水有限、信号中断、气温降低,加之暴雨断路,外部物资只能通过人力步行一路泥泞艰难送达。Learning about the situation, Xi expressed his concern about the safety of the stranded passengers and made an important instruction immediately.在了解情况后,习近平总书记牵挂着被困旅客的安危冷暖,第一时间作出重要指示。"Local authorities and relevant departments must get communication with the trains and make every effort to organize rescue operations, provide food and medicine, and transfer those who need to be moved to ensure the safety of the stranded passengers," he said.“地方和有关部门与列车取得联系,千方百计组织营救,送上食物、药品,该转移的转移,确保滞留旅客安全。”On Tuesday, Xi made new instructions on flood prevention and disaster relief work, calling for full efforts in the search for and rescue of missing and stranded individuals, providing medical treatment for the injured, offering assistance to the families of the deceased, and minimizing casualties.8月1日,习近平总书记对防汛救灾工作作出新的重要指示,要求全力搜救失联、被困人员,做好受伤人员救治和遇难者家属安抚工作,尽最大限度减少人员伤亡。"As a modern metropolis, Beijing must withstand this test," he said.习近平总书记指示:“北京市作为现代化大都市,要经受得住这场考验。”Thanks to the concerted efforts, the last group of stranded passengers at the Anjiazhuang and Luopoling stations in Mentougou district were evacuated to safety on Thursday.8月3日,在各方的共同努力之下,门头沟区安家庄站和落坡岭站的滞留旅客安全疏散。至此,滞留三趟列车旅客全部平安疏散。Zhao Yang, an attendant on the stranded K396 train, said, "We were able to return safely because of the strength given to us by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the CPC Central Committee and the people."滞留的K396次列车乘务员赵阳表示:“我们能安全地撤回来,是习近平总书记和党中央、全国人民给我们的力量。”Communications and electricity in disaster-stricken areas have gradually been restored, roads are being reopened, and affected people have been properly resettled. Post-disaster reconstruction work is being carried out intensively.受灾地区的通信和电力已逐步恢复,道路恢复通行,受灾群众得到妥善安置。灾后重建工作正在紧锣密鼓地开展。Putting people first and prioritizing people's lives are principles that Xi has emphasized repeatedly and steadfastly in disaster prevention and relief work.“人民至上、生命至上”,是习近平总书记在防灾救灾中反复强调、坚定不移的原则。He urged Party committees and governments at all levels to maintain readiness and perform well in inspections and emergency response work.习近平总书记要求,各级党委和政府要时刻保持备战状态,做好巡视和应急工作。Particular attention should be paid to the flooding and rains in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the northeastern region of the country, he said.习近平总书记表示,当前要重点关注京津冀、东北地区雨情汛情。In Hebei, 883 townships in 98 counties had been hit by flooding, affecting more than 2.2 million people. The province had sent 3,385 working groups and mobilized materials worth 150 million yuan ($21 million) to assist with rescue and relief efforts as of Friday morning, according to the province's Department of Emergency Management.受强降雨影响,河北省98个县(区)883个乡(镇)遭受洪涝灾害,受灾人口超过220万。河北省应急管理厅表示,截至8月4日上午,全省累计派出3385个工作组,调动物资1.5亿元(2100万美元)用于协助救援和救灾工作。On Sunday, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management jointly allocated 350 million yuan of central natural disaster relief funds to support flood control and disaster relief efforts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as well as other provinces including Heilongjiang and Jilin.8月6日,财政部、应急管理部再次紧急预拨3.5亿元中央自然灾害救灾资金,支持京津冀等地及黑龙江、吉林等地做好防汛救灾工作。Together with a previous allocation of 170 million yuan, the central government has provided a total of 520 million yuan for disaster relief in these regions.加上此前已预拨上述地区的1.7亿元资金,中央财政共已预拨上述地区5.2亿元中央自然灾害救灾资金。Rescue英/ˈreskjuː/ 美/ˈreskjuː/vt.营救;援救n.援救;营救;解救Relief英 /rɪˈliːf/ 美 /rɪˈliːf/n.救济Allocation英 /ælə'keɪʃ(ə)n/ 美 /ˌælə'keʃən/n. 拨款