英语新闻|放宽限制 春运将迎来强劲复苏

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Travel agencies have forecast that the tourism market will embrace a robust recovery during the approaching Spring Festival holiday in late January in the wake of the government's continued optimization of COVID-19 control measures.众多旅行社预测,随着政府继续优化新冠控制措施,旅游市场将在1月下旬即将到来的春节假期期间迎来强劲复苏。From Tuesday, the government scrapped the digital travel code to further loosen travel restrictions across regions and provinces. The code was used by authorities to track cellphone data to see if travelers had potentially been to areas classified as "high risk" for COVID-19.从周二开始,政府取消了行程码,以进一步放宽跨地区和省份的旅行限制。当局使用该码来跟踪手机数据,以查看旅行者是否可能去过被归类为“高风险”的区域。The changes have given the tourism market a shot in the arm. The latest figures from FlightAI, a third-party database for travel portal Trip.com Group, show that searches for cross-provincial products for the coming Spring Festival holiday surged by a factor of 12 from midnight to 1 pm on Monday, after the suspension of the code was announced.这些变化给旅游市场打了一针强心剂。旅游门户网站Trip.com Group的第三方数据库FlightAI的最新数据显示,在宣布暂停行程码服务后,从周一午夜到下午1点,即将到来的春节假期中跨省产品的搜索量激增了12倍。Searches for flights for the holiday have recovered to roughly the same level as in 2019, according to Trip.com Group.根据Trip.com Group的数据,假期航班的搜索量已恢复到与2019年大致相同的水平。Qunar, another travel portal, said that flight bookings for the Spring Festival holiday surged by a factor of nearly 8.5 from Dec 7 after the relaxed COVID-19 control measures were announced. It forecast that flight bookings will peak during the holiday to roughly 80 percent of the level before the pandemic.另一个旅游门户网站去哪儿表示,在宣布放宽COVID-19控制措施后,从12月7日起,春节假期的航班预订量激增了近8.5倍。它预测航班预订将在假期期间达到顶峰,大约达到疫情前水平的80%。"The increase of flight bookings shows people's strong desire for family reunions. However, there may still be an imbalance as some people are still very cautious about traveling," said Guo Lechun, deputy director of Qunar's big data research academy.去哪儿大数据研究院副院长郭乐春说:“航班预订量的增加表明人们对家庭团聚的强烈渴望。但是,由于一些人对旅行仍然非常谨慎,因此可能仍然存在不平衡。”"The Spring Festival is recognized as the most important festival to many Chinese people. The pandemic has blocked people from getting home due to travel restrictions in the past three years, and the Spring Festival in 2023 will be a fresh start for people to get back to a normal life," he added.“春节被许多中国人认为是最重要的节日。过去三年,由于旅行限制,人们无法回家,而2023年的春节将是人们开始正常生活的新起点,”他补充道。Portal 英[ˈpɔːtl];美[ˈpɔːrtl]n. 门户网站;入口站点Imbalance 英[ɪmˈbæləns];美[ɪmˈbæləns]n. 失衡;不平衡;不公平Optimization英[ˌɒptɪmaɪˈzeɪʃən];美[ˌɑːptɪməˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]n. 最佳化,最优化