英语新闻 | 智能机器人成为大运会焦点

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With a mechanical arm tossing a ping-pong ball upward and the other arm swinging the racket, an intelligent robot skillfully hit the ball to the opponent on the other side.一只机械臂将乒乓球向上抛起,另一只机械臂挥动球拍,智能机器人熟练地将球打向另一侧的对手。This scene took place in the table tennis venue of the High-tech Zone Sports Center Gymnasium in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province.这一幕发生在四川省会成都市高新区体育中心体育馆的乒乓球场馆内。The 31st International University Sports Federation Summer World University Games will kick off in the inland city in 10 days, and the gymnasium will host table tennis competitions.第31届世界大学生夏季运动会将于10天后在这座内陆城市拉开帷幕,成都高新体育中心将承担乒乓球比赛项目。Ahead of the FISU Summer Universiade, the "training partner robot" has attracted much attention.在第31届世界大学生夏季运动会之前,作为“陪练员”的乒乓球机器人,成为比赛场馆的一大看点。The robot measures about 1 meter in height and is designed specifically for serving practice. It features a pair of "mechanical hands," with one equipped with a round "palm "and the other one with a racket. It can perform precise actions like topspin, backspin, sidespin and push shots during serves.这款乒乓球机器人“身高”约1米,专门用于发球。它身上有一双“机械手”,其中一只有状若圆盘的“手掌”,另一只上面安装着球拍,发球时可以做出十分精准的拉、削、搓、推等动作。"Compared with human beings, the robot has more precise control over the speed and spin during serving," said Li Pengfei, a trainer from a table tennis association in Chengdu, who played with the robot.成都市乒乓球协会青少年部工作人员李鹏飞与乒乓球机器人“交手”之后说:“和真人相比,乒乓球机器人发球的速度、旋转、落点更加精确。”"The robot can help players improve their observation and anticipation skills for the opponent's serving actions. They can repeatedly practice a specific type of serve, making their training more targeted and effective," Li added.“机器人可以帮助运动员提高对对手发球动作的观察和预判能力。接球者可以对某一个发球方式反复训练,让训练更有针对性。”In addition, the robot offers diverse training modes, ranging from entertaining levels suitable for amateurs to professional levels for athletes. The entertainment level allows casual players to enjoy a relaxed match with the robot, making the training experience enjoyable and accessible.同时,乒乓球机器人可以设置“专业”“挑战”“娱乐”等不同模式,其中,“娱乐”模式的难度相对较低,让普通乒乓球爱好者也可以和它“过招”,使训练体验变得轻松愉快。Apart from training robots, a medical robot model has been put into use in many venues as well. "Rongbao," as the robot is named, can deliver emergency kits, defibrillators and other medical emergency tools.除了训练机器人,医疗机器人模型也在很多场所投入使用。这款名为“蓉宝”的机器人可以运送急救包、除颤器等医疗急救工具。After receiving an emergency call, Rongbao will immediately rush to the location, automatically open its first aid kit and display an instructional video for using the defibrillator. It can also establish remote video connections with medical experts for professional guidance.接到急救电话后,“蓉宝”会立即赶往现场,自动打开急救箱,并播放除颤仪的使用说明视频。它还能与医疗专家建立远程视频连接,提供专业指导。Beyond emergency services, Rongbao can also provide intelligent services such as guiding, broadcasting information, providing language translation, launching remote calls and engaging in consultations.除了急救服务,“蓉宝”还能提供导诊、信息播报、语言翻译、远程呼叫、咨询等智能服务。At the welcoming center of the Universiade Village, a group of adorable bipedal humanoid robots will perform welcoming dances for foreign guests.在大运村的迎宾中心,一群可爱的双足仿人形机器人将为外宾表演迎宾舞蹈。"As the Universiade approaches, more intelligent robots will show up. I believe that the innovative high-tech applications at the Universiade will leave a lasting impression on the attendees," said Guo Ji, a member of the executive committee of the Chengdu Universiade.成都大运会执委会城市工作服务部专职副部长郭骥说:“随着大运会的临近,其他功能的智能机器人也会进入大家的视野。相信本届大运会的高科技应用,一定会给大家留下深刻印象。”Intelligent英/ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ 美/ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/adj.智能的High-tech英/ˌhaɪ ˈtek/ 美/ˌhaɪ ˈtek/adj.高科技的