英语新闻 | 佩洛西如赴台将致严重后果

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英语新闻 | 佩洛西如赴台将致严重后果China warned on Monday that its military will "not sit idly by" should United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan.8月1日,中方正告美方称,美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西如赴台,中国人民解放军绝不会坐视不管。"The Chinese side is fully prepared for any eventuality," Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular news conference on Monday. "China will definitely take strong and resolute measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity."中国外交部发言人赵立坚在8月1日的例行记者会上表示:“中方正严阵以待,必将采取坚决应对和有力反制措施,捍卫自身主权和领土完整。”When asked what measures China will take if Pelosi visits Taiwan, Zhao said: "If she dares to go, then let's wait and see."当被问及如果佩洛西赴台,中国军方会做出什么样的反应时,赵立坚说:“如果她敢去,那就让我们拭目以待。”The warning came as Pelosi arrived on Monday in Singapore, the first stop of her Asian trip, which will also take her to Malaysia, the Republic of Korea and Japan. Although Taiwan is not on her itinerary, international media such as CNN quoted unidentified Taiwan and US officials as saying that she might visit the island.我国外交部上述发言是在8月1日佩洛西抵达新加坡时发出的,新加坡是佩洛西亚洲之行的第一站,她还将前往马来西亚、韩国和日本。虽然台湾不在她的行程中,但美国有线电视新闻网等国际媒体援引一些台湾和美国官员的话报道称,佩洛西可能会赴台。China has expressed its strong opposition to the US to a potential visit by Pelosi to Taiwan.中方已多次向美方表明坚决反对佩洛西访台。During a phone conversation with US President Joe Biden last week, President Xi Jinping said that it is the firm will of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to resolutely safeguard China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity.7月28日,国家主席习近平在同美国总统拜登通电话时表示,坚决维护中国国家主权和领土完整是14亿多中国人民的坚定意志。The will of the people cannot be defied and those who play with fire will perish by it, Xi said.习近平强调,民意不可违,玩火必自焚。Zhao said that "it is believed the US must have been fully aware of the strong and clear message sent out by the Chinese side".外交部发言人赵立坚表示,“相信美方已经充分了解中方传递的强烈、清晰信息。”If Pelosi, who is second in the line of succession to the US presidency, visits Taiwan, it would be a gross interference in China's internal affairs, severely undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and trample on the one-China principle, Zhao said.赵立坚指出,作为美国政府第三号人物的佩洛西若访台,就是对中国内政的粗暴干涉,严重损害中国主权和领土完整,肆意践踏一个中国原则。The spokesman added that such a visit would severely threaten cross-Straits peace and stability and undermine China-US relations, thus leading to a very serious situation and consequences.赵立坚强调,如果佩洛西议长访问台湾,将严重威胁台海和平稳定,严重破坏中美关系,必将导致非常严重的事态和后果。China urged the US side to honor the commitment made by Biden of not supporting "Taiwan independence" and not to arrange for Pelosi to visit Taiwan, he said.中方再次正告美方,兑现拜登总统不支持“台独”的承诺,不得安排佩洛西众议长访台。Zhao also criticized the irresponsible remarks made by US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, who said at the White House on Friday that there's no reason for China and the US "to come to blows" should Pelosi visit Taiwan.赵立坚还对美国白宫国安会战略沟通协调员约翰·柯比的言论作出回应,柯比于7月29日在白宫表示,无论佩洛西是否访台,美中没有理由走到动手或加剧世纪紧张局势的地步。"Since the US has recently started to stress the need to uphold a country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, we hope the US will first honor its words on the Taiwan question and stop applying any double standard," Zhao said.赵立坚回应道:“由于美国最近开始强调要维护每一个国家的主权和领土完整,我们希望美方首先在台湾问题上言行一致,不要搞双重标准。”The People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theater Command posted a video on its social media platform on Monday, saying that the Chinese military is fully prepared for any eventuality, and will act upon the order to fight and bury all invaders. The military will fight to the end for victory, it said.8月1日,中国人民解放军东部战区发布视频称,中国人民解放军严阵以待,听令而战,埋葬一切来犯之敌,向着联战胜战前进。Also on Monday, China's Qinglan Maritime Safety Administration in Hainan province issued a statement saying that military training exercises would take place in designated waters of the South China Sea from Tuesday to Saturday and the passage of any vessel that is not associated with these activities will be prohibited.8月1日,中国海南清澜海事局发布航行警告称,8月2日0时至8月6日24时,南海部分海域将进行军事训练,任何与这些活动无关的船只禁止驶入。When meeting with Pelosi on Monday, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong highlighted the importance of stable US-China relations for regional peace and security.8月1日,新加坡总理李显龙向正在访问新加坡的美国国会众议院议长佩洛西强调了中美关系的稳定对于区域和平与安全的重要性。Andrew Korybko, a Moscow-based analyst of US politics, said that there's no legitimate reason for any US representative, let alone one as prominent as Pelosi, to visit the Taiwan region.美国驻莫斯科的政治分析家安德鲁·科里布科表示,美国没有任何合法理由访问台湾,更不用说像佩洛西这样的知名人士访台了。"The vast majority of the international community, including the US, recognizes the island as an integral part of China. To continue talking about traveling to Taiwan is therefore extremely disrespectful to this major country and goes against basic diplomatic decorum," he said in an opinion piece published on the website of the China Global Television Network.他在一份发表在中国国际电视台的评论文章表示,“包括美国在内的绝大多数国际社会都承认台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。因此,继续谈论到台湾访问是对这个大国极为不尊重的行为,也有悖于基本的外交礼仪”。eventuality英[ɪˌventʃuˈæləti];美[ɪˌvɛntʃuˈælɪti]n. 可能出现的结果sovereignty英[ˈsɒvrənti];美[ˈsɑːvrənti]n. 国家的主权; 君权,最高统治权; 独立自主; 主权国家territorial integrity英[ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl inˈteɡriti];美[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti][法]领土的完整wait and see英[weit ænd si:];美[wet ənd si]等着看(情况的发展); 拭目以待; 观望; 走着瞧perish英[ˈperɪʃ];美[ˈperɪʃ]vi. 死亡,丧生; 毁灭; 腐烂,枯萎; 老化vt. 使麻木; 使毁坏trample英[ˈtræmpl];美[ˈtræmpl]vt. 践踏; 蹂躏; 无视,蔑视; 侵犯,伤害vi. 践踏,重重地踩; 脚步沉重地走invader英[ɪnˈveɪdə(r)];美[ɪnˈveɪdər]n. 侵略者; 侵入者; 侵犯者; 侵入物prominent英[ˈprɒmɪnənt];美[ˈprɑːmɪnənt]adj. 突出的,杰出的; 突起的; 著名的