英语新闻|中国顶级战斗机亮相长春航空展 引万人瞩目

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Breathtaking displays expected to draw 700,000 visitors to 5-day aviation show为期五天的航空展预计将吸引70万名参观者Stunning maneuvers by a fleet of People's Liberation Army Air Force aircraft at the 2023 Air Force Open-House Activity and Changchun Air Show left tens of thousands of visitors enthralled on Wednesday in Changchun, capital of Jilin province.7月26日,在吉林省省会长春举行的2023年空军开放日活动暨长春航展上,中国人民解放军空军机群的精彩表演令数万名游客目不暇接。Several J-20 stealth fighters, J-16 multirole strike planes and YY-20A aerial refueling aircraft carried out solo and group displays on Wednesday, the first day of the air show, which ends on Sunday. They performed a host of challenging, sophisticated maneuvers in the presence of at least 100,000 spectators, including local residents and aviation fans who have poured into the northeastern city for the event. Entry to the event is free, but advance registration is required.7月26日是航展的第一天,几架歼-20隐形战斗机、歼-16多用途打击飞机和运油-20进行了单独和集体展示,航展将于30日结束。他们在10万名观众面前表演了一系列高难度的复杂动作,其中包括长春当地居民和航空迷。活动免费入场,但需要提前登记。Each time the planes conducted a breathtaking maneuver, the crowd cheered and applauded, the din competing with the sound of camera shutters clicking furiously. The event is being held at the PLA Air Force Aviation University in Changchun.每当飞机做出令人叹为观止的机动动作时,人群中都会响起欢呼声和掌声,喧闹声与相机快门的咔嚓声交织在一起。此次活动在位于长春的中国人民解放军空军航空大学举行。This is the first time that the J-20, J-16 and YY-20A, all top hardware in the Air Force, are appearing for flight performances at the same time.这是歼-20、歼-16和运-20A等顶级战机首次同时亮相进行飞行表演。It is also the first time that four J-20 jets are taking part in flight maneuvers simultaneously in an air show. Previously, four J-20s have flown together during another major air show in China, but while two carried out maneuvers, the other two only did a flyover.这也是四架歼-20战斗机首次在航展中同时参加飞行表演。在此之前,四架歼-20曾在中国的另一场大型航展上一起飞行,但其中两架完成了高难度机动动作,另外两架只完成了飞越。Another major attraction on the first day of the air show was the aerial combat maneuvers by the J-10S and J-11S twin-seat fighter jets. Spectators braved the scorching sun for hours to witness the pilots' dogfight performance.航展首日的另一大看点是歼-10S和歼-11S双座战斗机的模拟空战。观众们顶着烈日,连续数小时目睹了航空兵的模拟空战。The Air Force has sent its aerobatic teams to perform stunts during the event. Also on Wednesday, its paratroopers showed off their skills to visitors.空军派出八一飞行表演队在开放活动期间进行表演。同日,“八一”跳伞队队员也向游客展示了跳伞表演。Wang Longyu, a primary school student from Beijing who was attending the air show with his parents, said the J-20 stealth fighters impressed him the most.与父母一起观看航展的北京小学生王龙宇说,歼-20隐身战斗机给他留下了最深刻的印象。"The J-20s have China's most advanced aircraft engine and missiles. This aircraft is making our motherland stronger.“歼-20战机拥有中国最先进的航空发动机和导弹。它增强了我国的军事实力。”"I had seen the J-20 in movies and on television, but I had never seen the real thing till today. Seeing it makes me more interested in becoming an aircraft designer or pilot," he said.他说道:“我曾在电影和电视上看到过歼-20,但直到今天我才看到实物。看到它让我更有兴趣成为一名飞机设计师或飞行员。”His mother, who wished to be identified by her surname Xie, said she and her husband brought their son to Changchun to help him experience the power of China's advanced aircraft fleet and the latest achievements of the Air Force firsthand.他的母亲谢女士表示,她和丈夫带儿子来长春,是为了让他亲身体会中国先进机队的威力和空军的最新成就。"Thanks to our son we have now become aviation fans. He loves reading about aircraft and weapons. This is the first time we have brought him to an air show. I hope this tour will help to enhance his patriotic sentiment, because this will enable him to personally see the accomplishment of our Air Force and the aviation industry," Xie said.“多亏了儿子,我们现在成了航空迷。他喜欢阅读有关飞机和武器的书籍。这是我们第一次带他参加航展。我希望这次参观能增强他的爱国情怀,因为这能让他亲眼目睹我国空军和航空工业的成就。”Chen Shuaiyu, another primary school student from Beijing, said he too was attending an air show for the first time. "Our Air Force aviators gave outstanding performances and also showed us how capable the planes are. The J-20 is much stronger than other fighter jets," he said. "I will show my teachers and classmates the videos I have recorded when I return to school."另一位来自北京的小学生小陈说,他也是第一次参加航展。他说:“我们的空军飞行员表演得很出色,也向我们展示了飞机的能力。歼-20比其他战斗机要强大得多。”他说,“回到学校后,我将向老师和同学们展示我录制的视频。”A mother in Changchun who wanted to be identified by her surname of Zhang said she took her daughter, a primary school student, to the event to help her know more about the Air Force. "My girl told me she is very proud of the country and the Air Force after seeing the air show," she said.长春一位不愿透露姓氏的母亲说,她带着上小学的女儿参加这次活动,是为了让她更多地了解空军。她说:“我女儿告诉我,看完飞行表演后,她为国家和空军感到非常自豪。”This is the third time that the Air Force is hosting the air show in Changchun. The first was held in October 2019 and the second in August 2022.这是空军第三次在长春举办航展。第一届于2019年10月举行,第二届于2022年8月举行。During the five-day event, the first massive air show in China this year, at least 700,000 visitors are expected to show up, according to Ma Yanfeng, executive vice-mayor of Changchun. Ma said his city is well prepared to welcome guests to the event and has arranged a number of aviation-related activities for residents and tourists.长春市常务副市长马延峰表示,为期五天的航展是今年中国首次举办的大规模航展,预计将有至少70万名游客前来观展。马延峰表示,长春市已做好充分准备,迎接各方来宾,并为市民和游客安排了一系列与航空相关的活动。Aviation英/ˌeɪviˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/n.航空,飞行(术)Aircraft英/ˈeəkrɑːft/ 美/ˈerkræft/n.飞机,航空器