英语新闻|“逆向旅游”受年轻人青睐 前景看好

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英语新闻|“逆向旅游”受年轻人青睐 前景看好Going againstthe tide of flocking to well-known yet generally jam-packed touristdestinations on vacation, a growing number of holidaymakers in China tend tospend their leisure time at lesser-known resorts to seek unique, relaxed holidayexperiences.在中国,越来越多的度假者倾向于把闲暇时间花在不太知名的度假胜地,以寻求独特、轻松的度假体验,这与人们在度假时蜂拥前往知名但普遍拥挤的旅游目的地的潮流相反。"Reversetourism" has emerged as a new trend among young holidaymakers in China.“逆向旅游”已成为中国年轻度假者中流行的一种新趋势。"Man moves1 meter every 10 minutes on Huangshan Mountain" became a trending topic onsocial media during this year's National Day holiday in October, a time whenwell-known tourist attractions such as Huangshan generally operate at fullcapacity.在今年十一国庆假期,“黄山旅游者每10分钟移动1米”成为社交媒体上的热门话题,而在这段时间,黄山等知名旅游景点通常都是人满为患。The newsreminded some of a social media post in August about a comfortable stay in anupscale hotel in the lesser-known northeastern border city of Hegang at only318 yuan per night.这条新闻让一些人想起了今年8月社交媒体上的一篇帖子,内容是在不太知名的东北边境城市鹤岗的一家高档酒店舒适地住宿,每晚只需318元。During theweeklong public holiday, which ended on Oct 7, large numbers of vacationers,especially young professionals who long to escape hectic city life,shunned popular holiday destinations in order to get off the beaten track andenjoy some peace and quiet.在十一假期期间,大量度假者,尤其是渴望逃离繁忙城市生活的年轻职场人士,为了不走寻常路,享受一些闲适与宁静,而避开了热门度假目的地。According todata from online travel agency Qunar, as cited by Beijing Daily, the number ofrooms booked at hotels in less-traveled cities during the holiday was up 30percent year-on-year.《北京日报》报道称,据在线旅游机构去哪儿网的数据,十一假期期间,在游客较少的城市,酒店预订的房间数量同比增长了30%。Bookings forfour — and five-star hotels in less-traveled places including Linxia in Gansuprovince, Shizuishan in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, and Haibei inQinghai province all increased at least 10-fold compared with the same periodof 2021.在游客较少的地区,包括甘肃临夏、宁夏回族自治区石嘴山和青海海北,四星级和五星级酒店十一假期期间的预订量都比2021年同期增长了至少10倍。In Shandongprovince, for instance, some lesser-known scenic spots posted double-digitgrowth during the holiday. Baimaiquan Park in the provincial capital of Jinanreceived 52,100 visits in the seven days, up 15.78 percent year-over-year.例如,山东省一些不太知名的景点在假期期间游客数量出现了两位数的增长。省会济南的百脉泉公园在十一假期内接待了5.21万名游客,同比增长15.78%。Some youngprofessionals who normally have little time for themselves simply had astaycation in a hotel to make the much-awaited hiatus more relaxing.一些年轻的职场人士通常很少有自己的时间,他们干脆在酒店里宅度假,让这段期待已久的假期更放松。Besides crowds,some vacationers chose less-traveled places to save on the cost of trips topopular destinations, which often entail pricey tickets, mealsand hotel stays.除了拥挤的人群之外,一些度假者选择人迹罕至的地方,是为了节省前往热门目的地的旅行费用,因为前往热门目的地的机票、餐饮和酒店住宿往往都很昂贵。"Tourismused to be about sightseeing. Now it is about experiences," Dai Bin,president of the China Tourism Academy, told Beijing Daily.中国旅游研究院的院长戴斌告诉《北京日报》说:“旅游业过去是观光,现在是体验。”He said populartourist spots are always packed and often raise their prices during holidays.As people become more mature travelers, they are increasingly reluctant tofollow the herd. Some of them are simply looking to take a rest somewhere quietfor a couple of days, which is a good way to vacation, he noted.他说,热门旅游景点总是客满,而且经常在假期提价。随着人们成为更成熟的旅行者,他们越来越不愿意随大流。他指出,有些人只是想找个安静的地方休息几天,这是一个很好的度假方式。In addition,lesser-known attractions are not as "commercial" and "standardized"as developed ones and are able to offer more authentic experiences and naturalencounters, according to social media posts. And unlike popular destinations,some underexplored places with little online exposure can offer more surprises.此外,据社交媒体帖子称,不太知名的景点不像发达景点那样“商业化”和“标准化”,能够提供更真实的经历和自然体验。与热门目的地不同的是,一些未被开发、很少在网上曝光的地方可以带来更多惊喜。COVID-19 isanother key factor fueling reverse tourism. As precautionary measures continue,traveling has an unpredictable quality. A traveler has no way of knowing whatlies ahead before departure, be it a perfect holiday or one interrupted by asudden outbreak. Travelers have thus become more cautious and tend to chooselocal attractions or places with fewer tourists.新冠肺炎疫情是推动逆向旅游的另一个关键因素。随着预防措施的继续,旅行具有不可预测性。旅行者在出发前无法知道前方会发生什么,是完美的假期,还是会被突发疫情打断。因此,旅行者变得更加谨慎,倾向于选择当地景点或游客较少的地方。"The riseof reverse tourism is not a bad thing," said an opinion piece in ZhengzhouDaily. It means that vacationers now have more options, which brings morepossibilities to the tourism market, the article explains.“逆向旅游的兴起并不是一件坏事,”《郑州日报》的一篇评论文章写道。文章解释说,这意味着度假者现在有了更多的选择,给旅游市场带来了更多的可能性。Moreimportantly, it noted, the trend is set to force popular destinations toimprove themselves instead of resting on their laurels.报道指出,更重要的是,这一趋势将迫使热门旅游目的地改善自身,而不是躺在过去的光环上。Jiang Han, asenior researcher at the Beijing-based public policy think tank Pangoal, saidthat reverse tourism will become one of the future directions for the marketand is an opportunity for growth comparable to the camping economy.位于北京的公共政策研究机构盘古智库的高级研究员江瀚说,逆向旅游将成为未来旅游市场的趋势之一,其发展机会可以与露营经济相媲美。To give a realboost to the tourism market, Jiang suggested that more efforts be made to tapthe potential of underrated, lesser-known destinations.江瀚建议,为了真正促进旅游市场的发展,要更加努力地挖掘那些被低估、不太为人所知的旅游目的地的潜力。编辑:yaning来源:中国日报网hectic英[ˈhektɪk];美[ˈhektɪk]adj. 繁忙的pricey英[ˈpraɪsi];美[ˈpraɪsi]adj. 昂贵的laurel英[ˈlɒrəl];美[ˈlɔːrəl]n. (表示荣誉的)桂冠