英语新闻丨“中国造”体育用品出口火热 中国已成为全球最大体育用品出口国

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he exports of China's sporting goods and equipment surged 16.7 percent year-on-year in the first half of 2024, outpacing the overall export growth during the same period by a whopping 9.8 percentage points, according to data recently released by the General Administration of Customs (GAC).海关总署近日发布的数据显示,今年上半年,中国体育用品及设备出口同比增长16.7%,高出同期出口整体增速9.8个百分点。Data from the World Trade Organization showed that global trade in sporting goods has nearly tripled in almost 30 years, and China has become the world's top exporter of sporting goods.世界贸易组织发布的数据显示,全球范围内的体育用品贸易在过去近30年里增长了近3倍,而在这30年间,中国已成为全球最大的体育用品出口国。In Jinping county of southwest China's Guizhou Province, a global production hub for badminton shuttlecocks, more than 100,000 shuttlecocks are sold worldwide a day.在全球重要的羽毛球生产基地——贵州省锦屏县,每天超过10万只羽毛球从这里“飞”向全球。"We've calculated that about one in every 10 shuttlecocks in the world comes from Jinping," said Hu Bing, production manager of Guizhou RSL Sports Culture Development Co., Ltd.贵州亚狮龙体育文化产业发展有限公司生产经理胡兵说:“我们统计过,全球大约每10只羽毛球,就有1只产自锦屏。”Last year, the company produced over 4 million dozen shuttlecocks, generating a staggering output value of 340 million yuan ($47.73 million) and exporting nearly $9 million worth of shuttlecocks to over 60 countries and regions, Hu noted.胡兵说,公司去年产值3.4亿元,生产羽毛球超400多万打,出口总额近900万美元,产品销往60多个国家和地区。The first half of 2024 saw the company achieve even more remarkable growth, with the output value of shuttlecocks reaching 185 million yuan and exports skyrocketing by around 40 percent compared to the same period last year.今年上半年,该公司营业额进一步增长,产值达1.85亿元,出口比去年同期增长了40%左右。In the first quarter of 2024, China's exports of footballs, basketballs, and volleyballs saw a year-on-year increase of 33.57 percent in volume and 17.99 percent in value, while that of table tennis, badminton, and tennis equipment increased 0.93 percent from the same period last year to $204 million, according to GAC data.根据海关总署数据,2024年第一季度,中国足球、篮球、排球出口量同比增长33.57%,出口额同比增长17.99%;乒乓球、羽毛球、网球及相关用品累计出口额2.04亿美元,同比增长0.93%。In the first three months of this year, the country's exports of roller skates and skateboards surged 30.85 percent and 50.21 percent year-on-year, respectively. The inclusion of skateboarding as an Olympic sport has further fueled demand, particularly in countries like Russia and Japan.今年一季度,中国旱冰鞋和滑板出口量同比分别大幅增长30.85%和50.21%。随着滑板成为奥运项目,带动俄罗斯、日本等国消费,滑板出口额增长显著。In addition, treadmill exports jumped by 44.94 percent year-on-year in the first quarter, while artificial turf exports grew by 15.64 percent from the same period last year.此外,一季度跑步机和人造草同比也分别增长44.94%和15.64%。To boost the pace of "going global," Chinese sporting goods companies need to rely on greener sporting goods with higher technological content, said Bao Mingxiao, director of the China Sports Policy Research Institute at Beijing Sport University.北京体育大学中国体育政策研究院院长鲍明晓表示,企业出海的步伐要更加坚实有力,靠的是更具科技含量、更加绿色环保的“硬实力”。Dingqi Sports Goods (Huai'an) Co., Ltd. in Huai'an city, east China's Jiangsu Province specializes in the production of ball bladders, including those used in the production of footballs, volleyballs, basketballs and rugby balls. 70 percent of its products are exported overseas. For the Paris Olympics, the company exported products made from 70 percent bio-based materials.江苏淮安的顶碁运动用品(淮安)有限公司专门生产运动用足球、排球、篮球、橄榄球等球类产品内胆,产品70%出口海外。巴黎奥运会就使用了这家企业研发的含有70%生物基的产品。"This type of football is equipped with a chip capable of making 500 identifications per second to assist in determining a handball or offside instances," said Zhou Hongda, general manager of the company, adding that it produces ball bladders made from recycled and bio-based materials.顶碁运动用品(淮安)有限公司总经理周宏达表示:“这款足球植入了芯片,1秒内能做500次识别动作,通过实时数据辅助判断是否手球、越位等。” 他介绍,该公司的足球内胆用回收材料、生物基材料制成。Since the start of this year, the company has exported 4.07 million balls for training and games, including those used in the UEFA European Championship, Copa America, and the Paris Olympics.今年以来,这家公司已出口欧洲杯、美洲杯、奥运会等赛事用球及训练用球407万个。Zhou believes that the key to the popularity of "Made-in-China" sporting goods overseas lies in continuous innovation, higher technological content, and adapting to new market demand.周宏达认为,“中国制造”体育用品赢得海外市场的关键就在于不断创新,增加产品的科技含量,适应市场新需求。Wen Jia, deputy general secretary of the China Sporting Goods Federation, said fierce competition in the domestic market makes enterprises and merchants provide customized and personalized products and services by meeting customer demand and leveraging technologies.中国体育用品业联合会副秘书长温嘉表示,国内市场竞争激烈,倒逼企业和商家从客户需求出发,利用科技手段提供定制化、个性化的产品和服务。The booming sports event economy has attracted buyers across the world to purchase all kinds of sporting goods in Yiwu, known as the "World's Supermarket" in east China's Zhejiang Province. In the city, the improved efficiency of customs supervision provides a strong boost for Chinese companies to go global.赛事经济的带动下,世界各地的采购商抓住商机,来到“世界超市”浙江义乌采购各式各样的体育产品。在这里,海关监管效率的提升也为中国企业走出去提供了强大助力。Chinese enterprises are not just exporting sporting goods, but also technology, services, and brands.中国企业不仅出口体育产品,同时也出口技术、服务和品牌。"Many foreign clients recognize our manufacturing capabilities and hope to introduce Chinese production technology to their own countries. Our future may not solely involve product exports, but also technology, service, and brand exports," said Yang Lei, general manager of the foreign trade department at Hebei Jadeqi Sports Goods Co Ltd.河北杰帝奇体育用品有限公司外贸部总经理杨磊表示:“国外很多客商对我们的制造业水平很认可,他们也希望把中国的生产技术引进过去。我们以后可能不单纯地进行产品出口,也要进行技术、服务、品牌的出口。”"Our overseas strategy aligns with the Belt and Road Initiative. We not only produce products but also offer services and comprehensive solutions, facilitating integration with other industries and making our operations more convenient. Recently, we've been considering building a production base in Serbia, having just visited there, and found the environment and market conditions favorable," Yang added.杨磊说:“我们的出海思路其实就是跟着‘一带一路’走。因为我们不仅做产品,也做服务、做一体化的解决方式,这样可以更好地和其他行业进行整合,对我们来说也更便利。最近,我们正在研究去塞尔维亚建生产基地,刚去那里考察过,环境和市场都不错,很适合做市场。”