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The Labour Party, headed by Keir Starmer, has won an outright majority in the lower house of the British parliament, according to a tally of seats by broadcaster Sky News.根据广播公司天空电视台的席位统计,由基尔·斯塔默领导的工党在英国议会下议院赢得了绝对多数。With 467 of parliament's 650 seats declared, the Labour has won 326, Sky News said early Friday.7月5日早些时候,天空电视台称,在议会650个席位中已宣布467个席位中,工党赢得了326个席位。British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak conceded defeat in the general election minutes before any media outlet declared that the threshold of 326 seats was reached.在媒体宣布达到半数议席,即326个席位,的前几分钟,英国首相希·苏纳克承认败选。The exit poll commissioned by three broadcasters — the BBC, ITV, and Sky News -- forecast hours earlier that the Labour would achieve a landslide win of 410 seats, while the number of seats for the Conservatives would be reduced to 131.几个小时前,三家广播公司——英国广播公司、独立电视台和天空电视台——委托进行的出口民调预测,工党将获得410个席位的压倒性胜利,而保守党的席位将减少到131个。"The Labour Party has won this general election, and I've called Sir Keir Starmer to congratulate him on his victory," Sunak said.苏纳克说:“工党赢得了这次大选,我已经给基尔·斯塔默爵士打电话祝贺他的胜利。”"The British people have delivered a sobering verdict tonight, there is much to learn... and I take responsibility for the loss," he said.他说:“今晚,英国人民做出了一个令人警醒的裁决,有很多需要学习的……我对这次失败负有责任。”Sunak is expected to announce his resignation soon to pave the way for Starmer to take over as Britain's new prime minister after meeting Britain's King Charles III.预计苏纳克将很快宣布辞职,为斯塔默在会见英国查尔斯三世后接任英国新首相铺平道路。"We did it. You campaigned for it, you fought for it — and now it has arrived," Starmer addressed crowds in central London after the Labour majority was confirmed. "Change begins now."“我们做到了。你们为此付出了努力,你们为此奋斗——现在它已经到来,”在确认工党获得多数席位后,斯塔默在伦敦市中心对人群说,“改变从现在开始。”The British people "had to look us in the eye and see that we can serve their interests — and that doesn't stop now," he said.他说,英国人民“必须看着我们的眼睛,看到我们可以为他们的利益服务——这一点现在不会停止”。"I don't promise you it will be easy," he added. "But even when the going gets tough — and it will — remember tonight and always what this is all about."“我不能向你保证这很容易,”他补充道。“但即使事情变得艰难——它将会变得艰难——也要记住今晚和永远这一切都是为了什么。”Labour Party工党outright majority绝对多数landslide win压倒性胜利