英语新闻∣虚拟数字人进军时尚直播领域 前景广阔

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英语新闻∣虚拟数字人进军时尚直播领域前景广阔A group ofdigital models dressed in sports outfits strutted down the runway in an onlinevirtual fashion show during China Fashion Week in September. Led by Xijiajia,tech company Baidu Inc's virtual spokesperson, they presented the latestgarments by homegrown sportswear maker Anta Sports in different virtualscenarios — stadiums, snowfields, the GobiDesert and even outer space.今年9月,在中国国际时装周期间,一群穿着运动装的数字模特在一场在线虚拟时装秀上昂首阔步地走上T台。在百度公司旗下的虚拟代言人希加加的带领下,他们在不同的虚拟场景中——体育场、雪地、戈壁沙漠甚至外太空——展示了国产运动服装制造商安踏体育的最新服装。Virtualhumans and fashion shows, unbounded by time and space in the way a physicalevent would be, offer myriad benefits to the fashion industry, bringing toaudiences a fresh, immersive and interactive experience.虚拟人及虚拟时装秀不像实体活动那样受时间和空间的限制,为时尚产业带来了无数好处,给观众带来全新的沉浸式互动体验。Thanks to AIadvances, digital avatars bearing a close resemblance to real humans in appearance andbehavior have been put to service in not only fashion and livestreaming, butalso a wide range of other activities, industry experts said.行业专家表示,由于人工智能的进步,在外表和行为上与真人非常相似的数字人不仅在时尚和直播中得到了应用,还广泛应用于其他领域。Li Shiyan,head of Baidu's digital human and robotics section, said that by leveraging thereal-time calculation and animation rendering technologies offered by Xiling — the company's digital avatar platform — the production cost of virtualclothing has been reduced dramatically, and production periods shortened frommore than one month to just a week.百度数字人与机器人业务负责人李士岩表示,通过利用该公司的数字云平台”曦灵”的实时计算和动画渲染技术,虚拟服装的制作成本大幅降低,生产周期从一个多月缩短至短短一周。Li noted thatan increasing number of brands are looking to use virtual beings inlivestreaming and other marketing campaigns, which is expected to helpenterprises reduce at least 50 percent of operational costs by cutting spendingon brick-and-mortarlivestreaming locations, hardware andhiring real human anchors.李士岩指出,越来越多的品牌正在寻求在直播和其他营销活动中使用虚拟人,这有望帮助企业通过削减实体直播场所、硬件和雇佣真人主播的支出,减少至少50%的运营成本。"Thevirtual human industry is still in an early stage, and there are somechallenges, such as how to produce low-cost digital assets and digital content,and how to make digital humans interact with real people more naturally,"Li said.李士岩说:“虚拟人产业仍处于早期阶段,还存在一些挑战,比如如何生产低成本的数字资产和数字内容,以及如何让数字人与真人更自然地互动。”Resolvingthese issues relies on iteration oftechnologies such as natural language processing and computer vision, Li said,adding that the company will continue to pour capital and manpower into thedigital human industry.李士岩说,解决这些问题依赖于自然语言处理和计算机视觉等技术的迭代。他补充说,公司将继续向数字人产业投入资金和人力。The size of China'svirtual human market is forecast to reach 270 billion yuan by 2030, accordingto an industry report released by Qbit-AI, an industry services platformfocusing on AI and other cutting-edge technology.根据专注于人工智能和其他前沿技术的行业服务平台Qbit-AI发布的一份行业报告,到2030年,中国虚拟人市场规模预计将达到2700亿元。According toexperts, the fashion landscape is rapidly expanding its virtual horizon toprepare for a future populated by digital avatars, and the most accessible wayfor fashion brands to engage with virtual replicas is by dressing them in theirlatest collections.据专家称,时尚界正在迅速扩大其虚拟视野,为数字人的未来做准备,而数字人在时尚品牌中得以应用的最便捷方式是让他们穿上最新系列的品牌服装。"Theapplication of virtual humans in the fashion field has distinctive advantages.Holding virtual fashion shows doesn't just mean moving real-world shows online;more importantly, we can utilize digital space to expand our interpretation offashion and imagination for what is possible," said Chen Duan, director ofthe Digital Economy Integration Innovation Development Center at the CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics.中央财经大学数字经济融合创新发展中心主任陈端说:“虚拟人在时尚领域的应用具有独特的优势。举办虚拟时装秀不仅仅意味着把现实世界的时装秀搬到网上,更重要的是,我们可以利用数字空间扩展我们对时尚的解读,以及对可能性的想象。”Chen said,for example, people can make use of textures that do not exist in the physicalworld, and digital humans are able to go beyond the physiological limits ofreal humans and present new fashion styles in new ways.陈端说,例如,人们可以利用真实世界中不存在的布料,数字人也能够超越真实人类的生理极限,以新的方式呈现新的时尚风格。Digitalhumans are increasingly being used in brand promotion, advertisement,livestreaming, gaming and entertainment, said Zhu Xiaowen, an analyst atLead-Leo Research Institute. However, she added that a new set of problems havealso emerged, such as personal privacy protection and data security. Expertssaid unregulated use of digital humans might open a way for fraud, given that digital humans can bedifficult to distinguish from real people.Lead-Leo研究所的分析师朱晓文(音)表示,数字人正越来越多地用于品牌推广、广告、直播、游戏和娱乐。但她补充说,这也导致了一系列的新问题,比如个人隐私保护和数据安全。专家表示,不受监管地使用数字人可能会导致欺诈,因为数字人可能很难与真人区分开来。China's firstvirtual influencer Ayayi, who debuted on social media platform Xiaohongshu inMay 2021 and garnered over 20,000followers overnight, has attracted the attention of well-renowned fashionbrands such as Louis Vuitton and Guerlain.中国首位虚拟网红Ayayi于2021年5月在社交媒体平台小红书上亮相,一夜之间吸引了两万多粉丝,引起了路易威登和娇兰等知名时尚品牌的关注。Pan Helin,co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center atZhejiang University's International Business School, said he is optimisticabout the business prospects of virtual humans in fashion and livestreaming,and called for more efforts to improve 3D modeling, rendering and motioncapture technologies to bolster the development of the country's digital humansector.浙江大学国际联合商学院数字经济与金融创新研究中心联席主任盘和林表示,他对虚拟人在时尚和直播领域的商业前景感到乐观,并呼吁付出更多努力改进3D建模、渲染和动作捕捉技术,以支持我国数字人领域的发展。resemblance英[rɪˈzembləns] 美[rɪˈzembləns]n.相似,形似avatar英[ˈævətɑ:(r)] 美['ævətɑr]n.化身iteration英[ˌɪtəˈreɪʃn] 美[ˌɪtəˈreʃən]n.反复;重述fraud英[frɔːd] 美[frɔːd]n.欺诈;骗子garner英[ˈɡɑːnə(r)] 美[ˈɡɑːrnər]vt.获得;贮藏,积累