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The Fujian High People's Court on Tuesday upheld the death sentence handed down to Wu Xieyu, a former Peking University student who killed his mother, after it heard the appealing case.5月30日,福建省高级人民法院二审原北大学生吴谢宇弑母案,维持死刑原判。The 28-year-old Wu was given the death penalty by the Intermediate People's Court in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian, in August 2021 for the crimes of intentional homicide, fraud and the illegal purchasing of identity cards. He was also fined 103,000 yuan ($14,639).2021年8月,福州市中级人民法院对28岁的吴谢宇以故意杀人罪、诈骗罪、买卖身份证件罪数罪并罚,决定执行死刑,并处罚金人民币十万三千元(约合14639美元)。Wu later appealed the sentence to the high court, and the appealing case was heard on May 19. According to the original ruling, Wu thought the life of his 48-year-old mother, Xie Tianqin, was meaningless after his father died of an illness. On July 10, 2015, when Xie went back home, Wu hit her repeatedly in the head and face with a dumbbell, resulting in her death.宣判后,吴谢宇提出上诉,上诉案件于2023年5月19日开庭审理。根据原判,在吴谢宇父亲病故后,吴谢宇认为48岁的母亲谢某某生活已失去意义。2015年7月10日,吴谢宇趁谢某某回家之际,持哑铃杠连续猛击谢某某头面部数下致其死亡。To cover up the killing, Wu "borrowed" 1.44 million yuan ($203,602) from his relatives and friends by telling them his mother would accompany him while he traveled overseas to study. In reality, Wu squandered the money. To hide his identity and avoid arrest, Wu also purchased more than 10 ID cards.为掩藏杀人罪行,吴谢宇编造谢某某陪同其出国交流学习的事实,共骗取亲友人民币144万元(约合203602美元)用于个人挥霍。为隐匿身份、逃避侦查,吴谢宇还购买了十余张身份证件。Xie's body was found on Feb 14, 2016 in her apartment, a faculty dormitory of a middle school, after the family became suspicious when she failed to contact them for an extended period of time.2016年2月14日,谢某某的尸体在她的公寓内被发现,这间公寓是一所中学的教职工宿舍,此前,谢某某的家人因谢某某长时间没有联系他们而产生怀疑。Wu was named as a suspect by local police and was captured in Chongqing in April 2019 after being on the run for more than three years.在逃三年多后,吴谢宇被当地警方列为嫌疑人,2019年4月,吴谢宇在重庆被捕。The intermediate court said in the original ruling that Wu's behavior has constituted the crimes of intentional killing, as he had premeditated killing his mother for a long time. Although Wu confessed to the crimes, the court decided not to leniently punish him because his offenses were extremely calculated.福建省福州市中级人民法院一审认定,吴谢宇蓄意杀害其母亲已久,其行为已构成故意杀人罪。虽然吴谢宇对犯罪事实供认不讳,但鉴于吴谢宇犯罪行为经预谋策划,法院决定对其不予从轻处罚。On Tuesday, the high court said that it upheld the original ruling, as it was made based on sufficient evidence, with correct application of the law and appropriate sentencing. Its litigation process was also in line with the law.5月30日,由于证据确实、充分,定罪准确,量刑适当,福建省高级人民法院维持原判。审判程序合法。Sentence英/ˈsentəns/ 美/ˈsentəns/n.判决,判刑Ruling英/ˈruːlɪŋ/ 美/ˈruːlɪŋ/n.(尤指法庭的)裁决,裁定