英语视频丨外国人穿汉服是什么体验? 美国小姐姐:感觉自己是个仙女了!

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Hello大家好and welcome to another episode of Potside Chats.欢迎收看本期《围炉漫话》And this week we are going to explore the elegant这周我们要来聊聊优雅又新潮的and evolving style of Chinese hanfu.中国传统服饰——汉服Yes.没错And to help us,为了能更全面地讨论这个话题we've invited China fashion aficionado,我们请到了中国时尚爱好者sinologist,汉学学者editorial consultant of the Beijing Review,《北京周报》编辑顾问Elsbeth, to explore hanfu.和我们一同来谈谈汉服Welcome to the show!欢迎做客我们的节目We're so glad you're here有你在真是太好了because we have a general understanding of hanfu因为我们虽然通过影像和照片through film and photos.对汉服略知一二But we are not the experts here.但我们毕竟不是这个领域的行家So we are wondering if you can enlighten us on所以我们想请教你how this has gone from a niche fashion trend汉服是如何从小众流行趋势more into the mainstream.进入主流视线的All right.没问题I'll try to add to your enlightenment.我尽力给你们介绍一下Hanfu came to the public stage汉服最早开始进入公众视野as I would like to call it汉服最早开始进入公众视野in 2018.是在2018年At that point,那时候it was seen as the embodiment of rising汉服的出现被视为中国Z世代cultural confidence, entrepreneurial acumen日益崛起的文化自信敏锐的商业头脑and social media hype amongst China's Gen Zs.以及社交媒体推广的体现The Chinese government中国政府也开始在全国范围内started investing more and more中国政府也开始在全国范围内in the preservation of tangible and intangible加大资金投入力度来保护物质和非物质文化遗产cultural heritage nationwide加大资金投入力度来保护物质和非物质文化遗产by building museums,比如设立博物馆hosting more events, you name it.举办更多相关活动等等Now this then led to the emergence of guochao,这些举措推动了国潮的出现which basically means national trend.国潮就是指全国范围内出现的趋势For me, when I was considered这让我联想起part of the younger generation,我还很年轻的时候I think about Brit-pop music英国流行音乐文化浪潮的涌现and how proud we were of British cultural heritage让我们感觉特别为本民族的文化遗产感到骄傲that we came from,感到骄傲like the Beatles and so forth.比如像披头士乐队等It inspired you to be这激发了英国人so proud of our great musical heritage.对本土杰出音乐遗产的自豪感Is that akin to this sort of rising national pride我们在中国目睹的日益浓厚的民族自豪感that we're seeing here?是否和这个有些相似呢Yeah.没错It is a form of rising national cultural pride.这是一种油然而生的民族文化自豪感We're only doing the politics of fashion.我们只是讨论时尚问题It's cultural pride.这是一种文化自豪感It is that.确实如此But it's also just a very exploration of your own而且这也是对本土文化遗产的cultural heritage.一种探索Just enjoying tapping into that, exploring it,人们很享受这个关注探索getting deeper, engaged with it,更深入地与文化互动的过程and just indeed exploring the individual.也是探索个体的过程So, in addition to that,除此之外you have the rise of social media,社交媒体的崛起也发挥了作用you have Douyin比如抖音which has, I imagine,我想这大概也是汉服能够通过一种独特的方式Launched hanfu into the public eye我想这大概也是汉服能够通过一种独特的方式in a very different way.进入大众视野的原因吧It has definitely taken hanfu不过中国的社交媒体确实助推汉服from a Gen Z niche hobby从Z世代的小众爱好to a passionate consumer-driven market.演变成了人人都想参与的蓬勃市场And responsible for that are网红博主们在这个过程中the key opinion leaders, KOLs, influencers,也发挥了很大的作用but also "Hanfluencers."这当中出现了一批汉服博主I see what you did there.这个说法很妙啊I know.我也觉得There there.谢谢捧场So of course, at Potside Chats,当然啦在《围炉漫话》中we want to give you a full picture of我们想要尽可能地全面探索our topic of conversation.每一期的主题Always.一直如此Always.从未改变So I went out and met a friend of mine, JongMay.所以我去见了一位朋友她叫中美She's a KOL, a hanfu enthusiast她就是一位网红博主in the wonderful world of hanfu.也是一位汉服控Interesting!听起来很有趣