英语新闻 |五一假期来临,民宿被订满了

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Demand on tourism bursts as the Minsu market's recovery speeds up with the upcoming the May Day holiday, ThePaper reported on Tuesday.4月18日,据澎湃新闻报道,随着五一假期的到来,民宿市场的复苏速度加快,旅游需求迸发。As of April 17, bookings of Minsu (a Chinese-style bed-and-breakfast establishment) surged twofold compared with same period of 2019, with average room price reaching 534 yuan ($77.64), according to data from online Minsu booking platform Tujia.根据在线民宿预订平台途家的数据,截至4月17日,民宿的预订量与2019年同期相比激增了两倍,平均房价达到534元(约合77.64美元)。During this past month, Zibo's barbecue in East China's Shandong province has gone viral and that has driven its Minsu market to boom with May Day holiday booking numbers jumping twelve-fold from 2019.在过去的一个月里,山东淄博烧烤走红推动了其民宿市场的繁荣,相较2019年,五一假期的淄博民俗预订人数猛增了12倍。According to the online booking platform, the booking number for Minsu increased threefold in Shandong province during the May Day holiday while its average room price of 522 yuan remains lower than national average level.据在线预订平台的数据,五一假期期间,山东的民宿预订数量增加了三倍,而其平均房价为522元,仍然低于全国平均水平。Moreover, other cities in Shandong province are also showing a auspicious performance on Minsu bookings, said Tujia platform.此外,途家平台表示,山东省其他城市的民宿预订情况也表现不俗。Among China's top 10 popular tourism destinations, Shandong has two cites with positions - Qingdao and Weihai - and Qingdao surpassed Chengdu and Chongqing for the first time to take the number one spot.在中国十大热门旅游目的地中,山东占两席——青岛和威海,而且青岛首次超过成都和重庆,占据了全国第一的位置。In addition, the booking numbers in Yantai, Jinan, Rizhao and Tai'an of Shandong province have also seen a good performance.此外,山东省的烟台、济南、日照和泰安的民俗预订量也表现良好。This year, seaside destinations are also seeing a spike in bookings.今年,海滨目的地的预订量也出现了激增。Ten cities' Minsu bookings surged fourfold in anticipation of the May Day holiday, with 8 cities located in the seaside, according to Tujia. Weihai takes the 1st spot with its booking number surging 14.6 times, followed by Rizhao, Fuzhou, Taizhou and Shantou.据途家报道,为了迎接五一假期,十个城市的民宿预订量激增四倍,其中八个城市位于海边。威海以其预订量激增14.6倍位居第一,其次是日照、福州、台州和汕头。The Minsu in rural areas are still popular, with the booking number accounting for nearly 40 percent of the total, said Tujia.途家表示,农村地区的民宿仍然很受欢迎,预订数量占总数的近40%。The top 10 cities with large booking numbers for Minsu in rural areas are Dali, Beijing, Xiamen, Lijiang, Suzhou, Qingdao, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Hangzhou and Beihai.农村地区民宿预订量较大的前十个城市是大理、北京、厦门、丽江、苏州、青岛、上海、福州、杭州和北海。Among customers booking the Minsu in rural areas, the "post-80s" and "post-90s" generations are still the mainstream, accounting for more than 60 percent. Lofts, inns and single-family villas are popular room types, as well as fruit and vegetable picking, diy and delicacies as the most popular experience activities.在农村地区预订民宿的客户中,"80后"和"90后"仍是主流,占比超过60%。公寓、客栈和独栋别墅是热门房型,果蔬采摘、diy和美食是最受欢迎的体验活动。Auspicious英/ɔːˈspɪʃəs/ 美/ɔːˈspɪʃəs/adj.有助于成功的,有利的Spike英/spaɪk/ 美/spaɪk/n.猛增