英语新闻丨世界首款“微波包”问世 让你随时随地吃热食

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There’s nothing more comforting than a nice hot meal on a cold winter day, especially when you’re out and about. But what if you have no way of heating your lunch or ordering a hot meal? That’s where the world’s first microwave bag comes into place.寒冷的冬日里,没有什么比热乎乎的美食更能安慰人心,尤其是在外奔波的时候。但如果你没办法加热午餐或点热食外卖怎么办?这就是世界首款“微波包”诞生的意义。Made out of an innovative conductive fabric developed by Japanese company Sanki Consys Co. Ltd., the Willtex‘Willcook’ bag looks like your average laptop bag, but it can heat up whatever you have stored inside to a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius in just 5 minutes. The bag itself weighs just 160 grams, while the rechargeable battery pack powering it weighs an extra 120 grams.Willtex公司的这款名为Willcook的微波包采用日本企业Sanki Consys研发的新型导热面料制成,看上去和普通的电脑包没什么两样,但是却可以在短短5分钟时间内将包内的食物加热至80摄氏度。包包自重仅160克,给包包供电的可充电电池组重120克。The true innovation behind the Willcook microwave bag is the stretchable fabric that generates heat just by drawing power from a battery pack. The revolutionary fabric has the same flexibility and lightness as regular cloth, yet provides quick and uniform heating.这款Willcook微波包的真正创新之处在于它所采用的可伸缩面料只需通过电池供电就能产生热量。这种革命性面料和普通面料一样轻盈有弹性,还能快速且均匀地加热。The inside of a Willcook microwave bag reaches 80℃in 5 minutes after being powered on, but users can set the temperature between 40℃and 250℃via a smartphone app called Hotopia. The included battery pack lasts for 8 hours on a full charge and has a small, dedicated pocket on the side of the bag.通电之后,Willcook微波包的内部在5分钟内就能达到80摄氏度,但用户可以通过智能手机应用Hotopia在40摄氏度到250摄氏度的范围内调节。包内的电池组充满电后可以续航8小时,电池放在微波包侧面的一个专用小口袋里。The insulating properties of its innovative fabric also make the Willcook bag great for keeping drinks cool in the summer.Willcook微波包采用的这种新型面料的隔热性能让其也很适合在夏天存放冷饮。Regular clothn. 普通面料