英语新闻|江泽民骨灰撒入江海 扬州舰送别

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英语新闻|江泽民骨灰撒入江海扬州舰送别The ashes of Comrade Jiang Zemin, who passed away in Shanghai on Nov 30 at the age of 96, were scattered in the sea at the estuary of the Yangtze River on Sunday, in accordance with the wishes of Jiang and his family.11月30日,江泽民同志在上海逝世,享年96岁。遵照江泽民同志及其亲属的意愿,敬爱的江泽民同志的骨灰11日在长江入海口撒入大海。Jiang was an outstanding leader enjoying high prestige acknowledged by the whole Communist Party of China, the entire military and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. His remains were cremated on Dec 5 in Beijing, followed by a grand memorial meeting the next day to mourn and pay respect to him.江泽民是我党我军我国各族人民公认的享有崇高威望的卓越领导人。江泽民同志的遗体5日在北京火化,次日举行了盛大的追悼会,向他表示哀悼和敬意。Entrusted by the CPC Central Committee, Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and Jiang's widow, Wang Yeping, and other relatives escorted Jiang's ashes for the ashes-scattering ritual. 受党中央委托,中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记蔡奇等领导同志和江泽民同志的夫人王冶坪等亲属护送骨灰撒放。Earlier in the morning, Jiang's ashes were carried by a hearse from Zhongnanhai, the central headquarters of the CPC and the State Council, where Jiang had worked as a Party and State leader, to Xijiao Airport in Beijing. Jiang's ashes were later flown by a special plane to Shanghai's Hongqiao International Airport, where his ashes were transferred by a hearse to the military vessel CNS Yangzhou at a military port. Yangzhou, Jiang's hometown, is a city in Jiangsu province.上午,灵车缓缓驶出江泽民同志生前长期工作的中南海,缓缓驶入西郊机场。载护江泽民同志骨灰的专机抵达上海虹桥机场,随后,骨灰由灵车载护前往吴淞军港码头,将骨灰转移到扬州舰。江苏扬州,是江泽民同志的家乡。At 12:35 pm, Cai joined Jiang's widow and other family members in scattering Jiang's ashes in the waves, along with flower petals, from aboard the military vessel.中午12时35分,在军舰甲板上,蔡奇和江泽民同志的夫人王冶坪等亲属,将江泽民同志的骨灰和缤纷的花瓣一起缓缓撒向无垠的江海。Jiang was hailed as a great Marxist and a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist and diplomat.江泽民是伟大的马克思主义者,伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、外交家。He was the core of the third generation of the Party's central collective leadership and the principal founder of the Theory of Three Represents, which defines the role of the Party and stresses that the Party must always represent the requirements for developing China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of China's advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.江泽民是党的第三代中央领导集体的核心,“三个代表”重要思想的主要创立者。“三个代表”重要思想强调,中国共产党始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求、始终代表中国先进文化的前进方向、始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。Cremated英 [krəˈmeɪt]  美 [ˈkriːmeɪt]v.火化Hearse英 [hɜːs]  美 [hɜːrs]n. 灵车Proletarian英 [ˌprəʊləˈteəriən]  美 [ˌproʊləˈteriən]adj. 无产阶级的