英语新闻 | 西班牙首相呼吁民众不打领带,竟是为了节约能源?

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英语新闻|西班牙首相呼吁民众不打领带,竟是为了节约能源?Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has called on workers in the public and private sector to stop wearing ties, as an energy saving measure in the heat.当地时间7月29日,西班牙首相桑切斯呼吁公共部门和私营部门的员工不要打领带,以在高温天气下节约能源。Over the past few weeks, Europe has experienced record-high temperatures, as well as increasing energy costs.近期,西班牙持续遭遇热浪侵袭,用电量大幅增加,与此同时,欧洲能源成本也居高不下。Mr Sanchez said his government will adopt "urgent" energy-saving measures on Monday as European countries strive to become less dependent on Russian gas in the wake of the war in Ukraine.俄乌冲突爆发后,欧洲国家都在极力减少对俄能源的依赖,西班牙政府表示,将从下周起实施一系列“紧急”节能措施。At a news conference in Madrid, Mr Sanchez pointed out that he wasn't wearing a tie - and said he wanted his ministers, public officials, and workers in the private sector to do the same. "This means that we can a‍ll save energy," he added.桑切斯在新闻发布会上指出,他本人并没有打领带,希望部长、公职人员和私营部门的员工也这样做,“这意味着我们都可以节约能源”。The prime minister said the move will ensure people stay cooler and therefore lower energy costs, because air conditioners will be used less often.桑切斯认为,此举有助于人们保持凉爽,从而减少使用空调,降低能源成本。Spain is not the first to take this move. In 2011, Japan introduced its "Super Cool Biz" campaign, which encouraged office workers to wear cooler clothes in summer, in an attempt to use less energy on air conditioning systems.西班牙并不是呼吁民众改“凉”夏日着装的开山始祖。早在2011年,日本就发起过“超级清凉商务着装”节电计划,鼓励员工穿轻便服装上班,同时将办公室的空调温度调高。And during sweltering temperatures in the UK recently, politicians were told they could ditch their suit jackets while in the House of Commons, while a year ago, an MP would not be allowed to speak until he/she was "properly dressed".无独有偶,面对屡创新高的气温,英国开始允许政客在下议院脱掉西装外套。而就在2021年,“着装不得体”的议员甚至没有发言权。Apart from dress code, European governments are also working on other energy-saving decrees. Shops in France will be ordered to close doors when using air conditioning and limit neon lighting, according to French Minister of Ecological Transition Agnes Pannier-Runacher.除着装以外,欧洲政府也在采取其他措施节约能源。法国能源转型部长阿涅丝·帕尼耶·吕纳谢日前透露,将要求商店在使用空调时关闭大门,并且限制霓虹灯照明。Germany is following suit, with one of its cities, Hanover, announcing that it would turn off the heating and switch to cold showers in public pools and sports centers.德国汉诺威市紧随其后,宣布将切断公共游池及体育馆的热水供应,转而提供冷水服务。Russia supplied the EU with 40% of its natural gas last year.  Many countries will be affected if Russia restricts supplies to Europe, as this causes global gas prices to rise.去年,欧盟40%的天然气进口于俄罗斯。如果俄罗斯减少能源供应,一方面会造成欧洲能源短缺,另一方面会导致能源价格上涨。sweltering英['sweltərɪŋ];美[ˈswɛltərɪŋ]adj. 闷热的; 热得没气力的v. 热得难受restrict英[rɪˈstrɪkt];美[rɪˈstrɪkt]vt. 限制,限定; 约束,束缚