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As China actively responds to climate change by following the green and low-carbon development path depicted by President Xi Jinping, curbing coal consumption in a phased manner will serve national interests and guarantee the country's long-term energy security, experts said.专家们说,在中国积极应对气候变化,走国家主席习近平描绘的绿色低碳发展之路之际,分阶段严格控制煤炭消费增长符合国家利益,保障国家的长期能源安全。They also emphasized that China will unswervingly honor its commitment to restraining coal consumption.他们还强调,中国将坚定不移地履行控制煤炭消费增长的承诺。While addressing the Leaders Summit on Climate via video link from Beijing in April 2021, the president said China will limit the increase of coal consumption over the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25) and phase down coal consumption during the 15th Five-Year Plan period.2021年4月,习近平主席以视频方式出席领导人气候峰会并发表重要讲话时表示,中国将严控煤电项目,“十四五”时期严控煤炭消费增长、“十五五”时期逐步减少。Tackling climate change is one of China's major concerns. During a two-day national conference on ecological and environmental protection that concluded on Tuesday, President Xi noted that to promote the green and low-carbon transition in the country's approach to economic growth is the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental issues.应对气候变化是中国的主要关切之一。在7月17日至18日召开的全国生态环境保护大会上,国家主席习近平指出,要加快推动发展方式绿色低碳转型,坚持把绿色低碳发展作为解决生态环境问题的治本之策。China will strive to build a clean, low-carbon, secure and efficient energy system, and accelerate the construction of a new electricity system, he said.他表示,中国将努力构建清洁低碳安全高效的能源体系,加快构建新型电力系统。Xi also presided over a meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform on July 11, which saw the adoption of a policy document to promote the gradual transition from dual control over the amount and intensity of energy consumption to dual control over the amount and intensity of carbon emissions.习近平还在7月11日下午主持召开中央全面深化改革委员会第二次会议,会议审议通过了一份政策文件,旨在推动能耗双控逐步转向碳排放双控。It was noted at the meeting that persistent efforts must be made to create the conditions for this transition and to strike a balance between economic development and carbon emissions reduction in accordance with the actual situation.在会议上指出,应加强碳排放双控基础能力建设,健全碳排放双控各项配套制度,为建立和实施碳排放双控制度积极创造条件。The experts' remarks coincided with the four-day visit to China by John Kerry, the United States' special presidential envoy for climate. Kerry's visit, which was scheduled to end on Wednesday, came after China suspended climate talks with the US last year following the controversial visit by Nancy Pelosi, then speaker of the US House of Representatives, to China's Taiwan region in August.专家们的发言正值美国总统气候问题特使约翰·克里对中国进行为期四天的访问。克里的访问原定于7月19日结束。去年8月,时任美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西不顾中方强烈反对执意“窜台”,中方随后暂停中美双边气候变化商谈。Coal consumption is a common concern of China and the US. In a 2021 joint declaration on enhancing climate change actions in the 2020s, they said, "Both countries also recall their respective commitments regarding the elimination of support for unabated international thermal coal power generation."煤炭消费是中美两国的共同关注点。在2021年的《中美关于在21世纪20年代强化气候行动的格拉斯哥联合宣言》中,双方回顾各自关于终止对未加装减排设施的国际煤电支持的承诺。China announced in 2021 that it would no longer build new coal-fired power projects abroad.习近平主席在2021年9月宣布中国将不再在海外建设新的燃煤发电项目。Recently, some foreign media questioned China's resolution to curb coal consumption because of what they alleged were increases in the country's coal consumption, as well as newly approved coal-fired power generation capacity.最近,一些外国媒体对中国控制煤炭消费的决议提出质疑,因为他们称中国的煤炭消费量以及新批准的燃煤发电能力都有所增加。Wang Zhongying, head of the Energy Research Institute at the Academy of Macroeconomic Research, said that these reports had no solid data support and failed to recognize the long-term trend of coal consumption in China.中国宏观经济研究院能源研究所王仲颖表示,这些报道没有实质性的数据支持,并未认识到中国煤炭消费的长期趋势。China will have to make arduous efforts to realize its climate targets of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060, he said. The COVID-19 epidemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and volatility in the international landscape have posed more challenges as the country strives to reach the goals.他表示,中国要力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前实现碳中和的目标。在中国努力实现这些目标的过程中,新型冠状病毒疫情、俄乌冲突和国际形势的动荡带来了更多挑战。Against such a backdrop, "fluctuations in coal consumption (in China) are something normal", Wang said. "I hope everyone will look at the trend, rather than just focusing on a certain year or the past one to two years."在这种背景下,王仲颖表示,“中国的煤炭消费波动是正常的现象”。他希望大家能够看到整体趋势,而不仅仅关注某一年或过去一两年的情况。With the robust development of solar and wind energy in China, the annual operation hours of China's coal-fired power plants have been declining, Wang said.他表示,随着中国太阳能和风能的强劲发展,中国的燃煤电厂年运行小时数逐渐下降。China has been leading the world in both speed and scale regarding solar and wind energy development. "On average, the newly developed annual generation capacities for solar and wind energy in China almost cover one-third of the total annual global new capacity. Sometimes, even half," he said.中国在太阳能和风能发展方面一直引领世界,速度和规模都居于领先地位。他表示:“平均来说,中国每年新建的太阳能和风能发电容量几乎占据全球新建总容量的三分之一。有时甚至达到一半。”Meanwhile, the average annual operation hours of China's coal-fired power plants have decreased from the roughly 7,000 hours in the early period of China's reform and opening-up policy, which was launched in 1978,to about 4,000 hours now, he said.“同时,中国燃煤电厂的平均年运行小时数从1978年改革开放初期的大约7000小时,下降到现在的约4000小时。”"As the capacities for solar and wind power generation continue to grow, I expect to see the average annual operation hours continue to decline," he said.他表示:“随着太阳能和风能发电容量不断增加,我预计平均年运行小时数会继续下降。”Wang also said that to reduce coal consumption doesn't necessarily mean that China must reduce the installed capacity of coal-fired power plants, which are still needed as "peaker" plants that operate during times of high demand, to help stabilize power system operation.王仲颖还表示,减少煤炭消费并不意味着中国必须减少燃煤电厂的装机容量,这些电厂仍然是“调峰电厂”,在需求高峰时运行,有助于稳定电力系统运行。The annual average operation hours of coal-fired power plants in Yunnan province, for instance, have been reduced to about 1,000. But these plants play a significant role in ensuring the stability and reliability of local power systems, he said.他表示,比如,云南省的燃煤电厂年平均运行时间已经降低到约1000小时。但是这些电厂在确保当地电力系统的稳定性和可靠性方面发挥着重要作用。"I suggest that media reporters wait until the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period or the beginning of the 15th Five-Year Plan period to see the actual progress China has made in (curbing coal consumption). There are only two-and-a-half years to go," Wang said.他说道:“我建议媒体记者等待到第十四个五年计划期末或第十五个五年计划期初,来看中国在(控制煤炭消费)方面取得的实际进展。还有两年半的时间。”Quoting a 2021 study by Princeton University, Li Zheng, dean of the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University, stressed the importance of coal-fired power plants for the stability of China's power grid.清华大学气候变化与可持续发展研究院院长李政引用了普林斯顿大学2021年的一项研究,强调了燃煤电厂对中国电网稳定性的重要性。The study, which analyzes five pathways for the US to get to net-zero emissions by 2050, said, "To ensure reliability, all cases maintain 500-1,000 GW (gigawatts) of firm generating capacity through all years."该研究分析了美国实现2050年净零排放的五种途径,并指出:“为确保可靠性,所有情景在所有年份都保持500-1,000吉瓦的稳定发电能力。”Li said, "Countries across the world all need a stable power source to guarantee the security (of their power systems). For the US, such a power source is electricity generated from natural gas. For China, it is coal-fired power."他表示:“全世界的国家都需要稳定的电力来源来保障电力系统的安全。对于美国来说,这种电力来源是天然气发电。而对于中国来说,是燃煤发电。”Liu Yanhua, honorary director of China's national committee of experts on climate change, said that phasing down coal consumption serves China's own interests.中国国家气候变化专家委员会名誉主任刘燕华表示,减少燃煤消费符合中国的利益。Currently, coal accounts for about 56 percent of China's energy consumption mix, Liu said.刘燕华表示,目前煤炭在中国能源消费结构中约占56%。The nation also depends on imports for 71 percent of its crude oil and 40 percent of its natural gas, he added.他还补充说,中国目前对原油的进口依赖率达71%,天然气进口依赖率为40%。The country boasts almost 207.9 billion metric tons of coal reserves, about 171 billion tons of which are usable. The workable reserve is only enough to be exploited for 40 years, he said.他表示,中国拥有近2079亿公吨的煤炭储量,其中约有1710亿吨可开采。可开采的储量仅足够开采40年。"China's natural energy reserve condition determines that it must take the path of developing green energy. We urgently need to change," he emphasized, indicating the urgency for China to address its heavy reliance on coal.他强调,“中国的自然能源储备状况决定了我们必须走发展绿色能源的道路。我们迫切需要改变这一点。”显示了中国解决对煤炭的严重依赖的紧迫性。Energy英/ˈenədʒi/ 美/ˈenərdʒi/n.能,能量Consumption英/kənˈsʌmpʃ(ə)n/ 美/kənˈsʌmpʃ(ə)n/n.消费,消耗