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英语新闻∣出席中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会代表全部选出A total of 2,296 delegates have been elected to the upcoming 20thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China, according to an officialstatement released on Sunday. 9月25日,全国各选举单位分别召开党代表大会或党代表会议,选举产生了2296名出席党的二十大代表。      The delegates, representing 38electoral units and the nation's over 96.7 million Party members, areoutstanding CPC members who are highly qualified ideologically and politically, have good work styles and high moral standards, arecompetent in discussing State affairs, and have maderemarkable achievements in their work, the statement said. 二十大代表由38个选举单位产生,代表全国9670多万党员,具有较高的思想政治素质、良好的作风品行、较强的议事能力和较高的道德修养,在各自岗位上做出了明显成绩,是共产党员中的优秀分子。      Among the delegates are Partymembers in leadership positions and those from the grassroots, a considerablenumber of female Party members and those from ethnicminority groups.他们中既有党员领导干部,又有生产和工作第一线的党员,有一定数量的女党员、少数民族党员。      They also come from all walks oflife, such as the economy, science, national defense, law enforcement,education, health, sports and culture. 代表结构和分布比较合理,有经济、科技、国防、政法、教育、卫生、体育和文化等各个领域的代表。      The eligibility of these delegates will be verified by a special review committeebefore they attend the upcoming Congress. 二十大召开之前,特别审查委员会将对这些代表的资格进行审查。      A meeting of the Political Bureau ofthe CPC Central Committee in August adopted a decision to propose the conveningof the 20th National Congress of the CPC in Beijing on Oct 16. 8月召开的中共中央政治局会议通过《决定》,提出10月16日在北京召开中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会。      The proposal will be presented tothe Seventh Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, which is to beconvened on Oct 9 in Beijing.     10月9日,该提案将提交给在北京召开的中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第七次全体会议。The Congress, held every fiveyears, is expected to map out the country's development for the followingyears.中国共产党全国代表大会每五年召开一次,规划未来几年的国家发展。ideologically英[ˌaɪdɪə'lɒdʒɪklɪ] 美[ˌaɪdɪr'lɒdʒɪklɪ]adv.思想体系上,意识形态上ethnic minority英[ˈeθnik maiˈnɔriti] 美[ˈɛθnɪk məˈnɔrɪti]n.[法]少数民族eligibility英[ˌelɪdʒə'bɪlətɪ] 美[ˌelɪdʒə'bɪlətɪ]n.资格;合格verify英[ˈverɪfaɪ] 美[ˈverɪfaɪ] vt. 核实; 证明; 判定