英语新闻︱全国各地加强防控举措 抗击疫情

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英语新闻︱全国各地加强防控举措抗击疫情Multiple cities across the country are experiencing new COVID-19 outbreaks, forcing local authorities to roll out measures to curb transmissions, such as confining residents at home and delaying students' return to school.近期国内多地出现疫情,为了有效控制住疫情的传播,多地政府部门推出居家令、暂缓中小学返校等措施。Chengdu, capital city in Sichuan province, required residents to stay home and unnecessary businesses to suspend from 6 pm on Thursday, according to local authorities.成都市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控指挥部发布通告,自9月1日18时起,全体成都居民原则居家。除保障市民基本需要的企业外,其他营业场所、门店暂停营业。Households can send one family member to go out once a day to buy daily supplies with a negative nucleic acid result from within 24 hours, said Zhang Jinquan, head of the Chengdu city bureau of commerce, adding that the supermarkets and farm produce markets will be open on Friday to guarantee the supply of fresh vegetables and meat.成都市商务局局长张金泉表示,每户居民每天可安排1人凭24小时内核酸阴性证明外出1次就近采买生活物资。9月2日,全市商超、农贸市场会正常营业,以保证新鲜蔬菜和肉类的供应。Since the report of the first case of infection linked to people outside the city on Aug 12, Chengdu has reported more than 900 local infections, involving more than 20 infection chains. The pressure on epidemic prevention and control is very high, said Fan Shuangfeng, from the Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention.成都市疾控中心应急办主任范双凤表示,自8月12日成都市报告首例外省输入病例以来,已有超过20条传入链条,累计报告病例超过900例,因此成都市面临极为严峻的疫情防控形势。Starting on Thursday, Chengdu will carry out mass testing over four consecutive days.9月1日起,成都市将连续4天开展全员核酸检测。Apart from Sichuan, the Chinese mainland reported another 175 local confirmed cases on Wednesday, of which 53 were in the Tibet autonomous region, the National Health Commission said on Thursday. The rest of the cases were scattered across 15 provincial-level regions.据国家卫健委消息,8月31日0-24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增本土确诊病例307例,其中四川132例,西藏53例。Altogether, 1,596 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified on Wednesday, including 621 in Tibet, 212 in Qinghai province and 130 in Heilongjiang province, it said.8月31日0-24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增无症状感染者1689例,其中西藏621例,青海212例,黑龙江130例。Affected by the outbreaks, many cities have postponed the start of the new semester, which usually starts on Sept 1, including Harbin, Tianjin and Dalian. Most of the schools will temporarily provide online classes for students before the schools open.受疫情影响,哈尔滨、天津、大连多地推迟开学。大部分学校将暂时实施线上教学。"After the long summer vacation, I'm really missing my teachers and classmates, and now we still can't get together," said Liu Yingjin, a 9-year-old pupil from Qunli Experimental Primary School in Harbin, Heilongjiang province.黑龙江省哈尔滨市群力实验小学的9岁学生刘英金(音译)说:“漫长的暑假之后,我真的很想念老师和同学们,但是我们现在还不能在线下见面。”Yingjin participated in a flag-raising ceremony online on Thursday.9月1日,刘英金参加了线上升国旗仪式。A dance training center in Futian district of Shenzhen, Guangdong province, is under legal investigation for its possible involvement in a cluster of COVID-19 infections, local authorities said.目前,广东省深圳市正在对福田区华星舞蹈艺术中心进行立案调查,该中心发生聚集性疫情,导致疫情爆发式扩散传播。The Huaxing Dance Art Center has reported 28 positive cases as of 6 pm on Wednesday, according to the district's headquarters for epidemic prevention and control.福田区疫情防控指挥部发布消息称,截至8月31日18时,华星舞蹈艺术中心群组已报告病例28例。Shenzhen reported 62 positive cases on Wednesday, with 26 of them connected with the dance center, the city's health authorities said.深圳市卫健委通报,8月31日0-24时,深圳新增62例阳性病例,其中26例病例与华星舞蹈艺术中心相关联。Tibet's seven prefecture-level cities have basically realized zero COVID-19 status at the community level, authorities said at a news conference on Thursday afternoon.9月1日,有关部门在新闻发布会上表示,西藏自治区七市地均实现或基本实现社会面清零。"The region has been making solid progress in its battle against the latest COVID-19 outbreak," Chodar, deputy secretary-general of the regional government, said at the conference.西藏自治区政府副秘书长曲达在新闻发布会上指出:“西藏疫情防控工作取得阶段性成效。”记者:张余黄志凌周慧颖、华旦尼玛对本文亦有贡献scatter英[ˈskætə(r)];美[ˈskætər]v.撒播;散开;(使)分散n.散落;零零星星cluster英[ˈklʌstə(r)];美[ˈklʌstər]v. 聚集n.团,群,簇;〈语音〉辅音从prefecture英[ˈpri:fektʃə(r)];美[ˈpriːfektʃər]n.地方官的任期,辖区