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Many men and women across China are marrying later in life, prompting provincial governments to adopt measures to reverse the trend, according to data released by civil affairs departments on Monday.2月13日,据民政部门发布的数据显示,中国各地结婚年龄推迟,省政府积极采取措施扭转这一趋势。In Jiangsu, a province with a population of over 85 million, a total of 412,286 couples were married in 2022, down 11.7 percent year-on-year. The figure has been declining for five consecutive years, according to the provincial civil affairs department.在人口超过8500万的江苏省,2022年共有412286对夫妻结婚,同比下降11.7%。江苏省民政厅表示,近5年江苏省结婚登记量呈现逐年下降趋势。Last year, the average age of people getting married in the province was 31.04 years, with the average ages for men and women 31.68 and 30.4, respectively.去年,江苏省结婚年龄平均为31.04岁,其中男性31.68岁、女性30.4岁。In Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, the average age of men registering their marriage was 31.7 in 2022, while for women it was 30.2022年,浙江省杭州市的男性平均结婚年龄为31.7岁,女性为30岁。Other cities that recorded late marriages among their residents last year include Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, and Sanmenxia, Henan province.去年出现晚婚现象的城市还包括广西壮族自治区的桂林市,以及河南省的三门峡市。According to the China Census Yearbook 2020, the average age of Chinese adults getting married for the first time rose to 28.67 that year. The average age of men getting married for the first time was 29.38 and for women 27.95. The figures were in stark contrast with 2010, when the average age for both men and women was 24.89.根据《中国人口普查年鉴-2020》,2020年,中国人平均初婚年龄提高到了28.67岁,其中,男性平均初婚年龄为29.38岁,女性为27.95岁。而在2010年,中国人平均初婚年龄为24.89岁。Late marriages have become a matter of concern amid China's declining fertility rate. In 2021, the average number of children women planned to have was 1.64, down from 1.76 in 2017, according to data from the third China Population and Development Forum held in Beijing recently.随着中国生育率的下降,晚婚已成为一个令人担忧的问题。近日在北京举行的第三届中国人口与发展论坛数据显示,2021年,中国女性平均计划生育子女数为1.64人,低于2017年的1.76人。The percentage of women who did not have children increased from 6.1 in 2015 to nearly 10 in 2020, according to the forum.根据该论坛数据显示,无子女的女性比例从2015年的6.1上升到2020年近10的水平。In 2010, the average age of men in China getting married for the first time was 25.75 and for women 24. 2010年,中国男性平均初婚年龄为25.75岁,女性平均初婚年龄为24岁。Yu Xiaoxin, director of the Jiangsu Civil Affairs Department's social affairs office, said that a range of factors — from better education to broader mindset and maturity — contributed to decisions to marry and have children late.江苏省民政厅社会事务办公室主任Yu Xiaoxin表示,从更好的教育,更广阔的思维到更加成熟的思想,一系列因素都导致了晚婚晚育。"China's population in the 25 to 30 age group is declining. That has also led to a decline in the number of marriages of young people being registered," she said.她还表示“中国25至30岁年龄段人口的减少也导致了年轻人结婚登记数量的下降。”Gender equality allows women to pursue the life they want, according to Yu. "Women today have higher expectations, and many of them are not willing to settle for anything (less than what they deserve). Conventional views, such as one must raise children so that one has someone during their old age, have changed."她还认为,性别平等可以让女性追求自己想要的生活。“如今的女性有更高的期望,许多人不愿意满足于当下。养儿防老的传统观念已经改变了。”All the above factors, together with the rising costs of marriage and childcare, have made it harder to increase the marriage rate, she said, adding that the department has rolled out measures to reverse the downward trend.她说,所有这些因素,加上婚姻和育儿成本的上升共同导致结婚率难以提高,她还补充说,该部门已推出措施来扭转下降趋势。In Jiangsu, more than 209,000 couples filed for divorce in the past 12 months, while over 116,000 couples completed the procedure and received their divorce certificates. The average age of people divorcing in Jiangsu is 38.4, with the average ages for men and women 39.28 and 37.52, respectively.在江苏,在过去的12个月里,有超过20.9万对夫妇申请离婚,超过11.6万对夫妇完成了离婚手续并领取了离婚证。江苏平均离婚年龄为38.4岁,其中男女平均离婚年龄分别为39.28岁和37.52岁。Wang Youqin, director of the marriage counseling office at the Jiangning district marriage registration service center in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu, said the center has been counseling couples in need.江苏省南京市江宁区婚姻登记服务中心婚姻咨询办公室主任Wang Youqin表示,该中心一直在为有需要的夫妇提供咨询。"We can help them with problems related to marriage, divorce, family conflicts and parent-child relationship. Our employees, social workers, lawyers and professional counselors offer these services," Wang said.Wang Youqin说:“我们可以帮助他们解决与婚姻、离婚、家庭冲突和亲子关系有关的问题。我们的员工、社工、律师和专业顾问都提供这些服务。”In Jiangsu, 40 percent of marriage registration centers provide online counseling. The service will be extended to people across the province by the end of this year, Yu said.在江苏,40%的婚姻登记中心提供在线咨询服务。Yu Xiaoxin说,到今年年底,这项服务将推广到全省各地。"About 30 percent people who had filed for divorce chose to give their marriage a second chance," she added.她补充说:“大约30%的离婚人士选择给他们的婚姻第二次机会。”Consecutive英 [kənˈsekjətɪv]   美  [kənˈsekjətɪv]adj. 连续的Conventional英 [kənˈvenʃən(ə)l]   美  [kənˈvenʃən(ə)l]adj. 依照惯例的